1986/03/27PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION - SPECIAL MEETING - March 27, 1986 The meeting started at 7:03PM. Ail members'were in attendance with the exception of George Wiecek, and Philip Maule. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the following: 1) The menu and prices at the Golf Course Concession. 2) The golf package Plan to be presented by Lindsey Hansen. (1) There was a concern expressed, by some commission members, about the price of beer and ice cream. Soups would be priced at 75¢ for a cup and $1.00 for a bowl Specials - such as light dinners to be served from 5:00PM and Sunday Brunches, along with certain disignated sandwiches, will be presented to the Commission, before they are actually put into operation. Mondays will be Senior Citizens Day, when a 10% discount will be offered. We hope that people will not be waiting too long to be served. Supervision of the facility and size of workforce was discussed. Despite some objections as listed above,the menu, as presented, was accepted. (2) The "Package Plan" was presented by, Mr. Hansen. After much discussion and concern a motion was made by Mr. Magnoli that - the golf pro NOT BE ALLOWED to schedule "package plans" at a price set at $43.00 per person, (which includes 18 holes of golf, use of a golf cart, prizes from the pro shop, and a buffet luncheon). The motion was seconded by Mr. Baccaro. More discussion ensued and when the vote, on the motion took place, it was defeated 4 to 3. Since this meant that the"package plan" was accepted a motion was made by Mr. Zielenski and seconded by Mrs. Szczepanik, that this "package plan" NOT BE IMPLEMENTED until after September 1, 1986. The motion was passed with no opposition. The meeting adjourned at 9:iOPM. **** NOte -- the next meeting will be scheduled for ~pril 17, 1986, due to conflict problems with board members. ~RS:mn S~bmitted by: Robert Silver, Chairman