1986/02/13PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -- FEBRUARY 1986 The February 13, 1986 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Chairman, George Wiecek. Those in attendance were Phil Maule, Len Zielinski, John Klotz, Lois Szczepanik, Bill Baccaro, Bob Silver, Steve Kelly, and Jim Petersen. The minutes of the January 9 1986 meeting were read and accepted. ' Mr. Wiecek called an Executive Session for the purpose of electing new officers. Mr. Wiecek welcomed the two new Commissioners, Mr. Baccaro and Mr. Silver, and asked for nomi- nations. Mr. Silver and Mr. Baccaro were nominated as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively. They each gave a brief back- ground and were elected unanimously, mt this point, Mr. Silver took over chairing the meeting. Donald Bates was present to request approval of th.n high school golf schedule for the coming season. ~here are four home dates on the schedule which, according to Mr. Wiecek, pose no conflict with the Timberlin men's or women's clubs. A motion was passed to approve the schedule with the necessary practice times to be worked out with Mr. Hansen and with the same procedures as regards to greens fees. Mr. Wiecek commented that Mr. Bates had been honored last year as Golf Coach of the Year, for this he was congratulated by the Commissioners. John Peterson, representing Timberlin Men's Club, presented their 1986 schedule and expressed the club's appreciation for the Commission's past consideration to block off dates for its use. The 1986 schedule includes two additional dates, September 28 and October 12, which had not been on previous years' schedules. Mr. Wiecek asked whether th~ club would consider starting some tournaments later in the morning, rather than at 7:00 A.M. to give others prime time chance. Mr. Peterson stated that he would present the idea to the Board. ~Ir. Silver commented that this would create good public relations on the part of the Men's Club. Mr. Baccaro asked if the club limits the n~mber of participants in a tournament. Mr. Peterson said they try to limit it to 110-120 except the president's tournament which usually has about 140 participating. Mr. Baccaro also asked if the club has any stipulations ~egarding members being townspeople. [~r. Peters©n replied no and that 65% are Berlin residents. A motion was unanimously passed to accept the Timberlin Men's Club 1986 schedule. Mr. Wiecek presented the Women's Club schedule which was reviewed. Mr. Silver recommended deferring approval of the Women's Club schedule until a representative of the club met with the Commission to clarify some dates as listed on the schedule. A motion was passed to table the Timberlin Women's Club 1986 schedule until times and dates are clarified. Mr. Zielinski asked if the Commission would be seeing other schedules for weekend play. Mr. Wiecek replied that it would for various other tournaments which haven't.been booked yet. Mr. Zielinski suggested a notice be posted in the newspaper a few days ahead to let the public know when the course will be closed for these tournaments. Mr. Silver felt this was a good idea but it should be done by each organization. L~r. Bates suggested that a monthly schedule be posted at Timberlin for planned maintenance work. Mr. Silver will discuss this with Mr. Hawkins. Mr. Wiecek submitted the proposed greens fees. He explained that an increase in wages was asked for part-time summer help at the course and the new greens fees should help defray these costs and remain competitive. Mr. Silver asked the difference between restricted and unrestricted play. Mr. Wiecek explained that restricted means a golfer can play anytime during the week PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -- FEBRUARY 1986 Page 2 but only after 3:00 P.M. on weekends. Unrestricted play involves allowed play anytime during week and weekends. Mr. Silver requested that the golf course budget be sent to each new Commissioner and that the greens fees be tabled until next meeting. Mr. Kelly passed out copies of the high school spring athletic schedules. He said there will be some additions but since they have priority on the fields there will be no conflicts. Mr. Baccaro noted that some girls softball games are scheduled at night and suggested that the Men's Softball League should be notified before they set up their schedule. Mr. Kelly also passed out copies of a letter to the Executive Board requesting a full-time custodian for the Community Center, which would be funded through the building maintenance department, and a letter for additional funding for recreation services. Mr. Silver asked Mr. Kelly to check on the status of these requests and report to the Commission next month. Mr. Kelly reported that he had received a request from Mooreland Hill School for use of two tennis courts from April 1 through May 23. They would need the courts Monday to Thursday from 2:15 to 3:30 for practice and 2:15 to 5:00 on game days. The Commissioners discussed whether the town can provide courts free of charge to a private school when most students are not Berlin residents. It was agreed that it was something to look into and it was suggested that possibly Mooreland Hill might have a couple of fields the town could use in exchange for use of the courts. Mr. Kelly will check on this possibility. Mr. Kelly and Mr. Petersen have plans to meet with Jim McNair to begin working on a study for a new Community Center. They will report on this next month. Mr. Kelly reported that he is planning some type of recognition dinner for part-timers at the end of the summer. Clai~ Larson has expressed interest .in the possibility of the Chamber of Commerce sponsoring some- thing of this type. Mr. Kelly will check with other organiza- tions to see if they might also be interested in sponsoring a dinner. Mr. Klotz asked hOW scheduling is going for fields. >Ir. Kelly said he is still waiting for several schedules but should have everything for next meeting. Mr. Petersen reported on the January attendance at the Community Center and said spring programs will be reported on next month. Mr. Zielinski asked what happened during the discussion with the Board of Education on the middle school dances. Mr. Petersen explained that the Board of Education got word that three older students were admitted to the last dance and that beer cans were found at the school after the dance. Mr. Kelly and Mr. Petersen were asked by the Board of Ed. to report on these incidences. Mr. Fetersen said that three older students did get into the dance but were caught and immediately asked to leave with no problems occurring. ~oth Mr. Kelly and Mr. Petersen were unaware of any drinking going on as the Board of Education had reported. Mr. Silver asked the policies for those attending dances which Mr. Petersen reviewed. The Commission discussed I.D.'S. Mr. Klotz inquired as to who evaluates staff members. Mr. Kelly said he thought the mayor did evaluations and the personnel director reviewed the evaluations with staff members. Mr. Baccaro commented on the many parcels of land which are owned by the town that most people are unaware of. He said that some of these parcels have streams and could be used for recreational activities. He suggested that someone try to get a town map outlined with these parcels for the Commissien to look over. Mr. Kelly will look into this. Mr. Wiecek understands that the Babe Ruth League has obtained permission from someone for advertising signs at Percival Field, after the Park and Recreation Commission denied approval. Mr. Silver will check on this with the mayor. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -- FEBRUARY 1986 Page 3 Mr. Wiecek proposed changing the Commission meetings from the second Thursday to the first ThursdaY of each month. This will be discussed at next month's meeting. The new procedure for bill approval was discussed and Mr. Silver stated that, even though bills may have been approved already, the Commission should still see copies of all bills. Mr. Wiecek explained that at the suggestion of the mayor that a land acquisition committee be formed, he had submitted a letter with names for this to Mayor Ward. He has not received a response and would like the matter pursued. Mr. Silver requested that Mr. Wiecek contact the mayor and report his findings at the next meeting. Mr. Wiecek pointed out that Clark's Grove improvement project was started by this Commission and he's afraid, that it has become a political issue. Mr. Silver recommended that a. meeting be held with the Executive Board to clarify where the Commission stands on this matter. Mr. Zielinski brought up the subject of insurance coverage for Ted Swanson's basketball team. It was briefly discussed but nothing new has been presented to the Commission by Mr. Swanson. The next meeting is scheduled for March 13 at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Silver adjourned the meeting at 9:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Secretary Received for Town Clerk ef B~ll'llrl