1985/06/13PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -- JUNE 1985 The June 13, 1985 meeting of the Park and Recreation commission was called to order at 7:10 p.M. by chairman George wiecek. Those in attendance were A1 Hawkins, Steve Kelly, Tom Heavren, and Phil Maule. The minutes of the March 14 and April ll meetings were reviewed and the minutes of the May 9 meeting were read. Ail minutes were accepted. CREATIONAL SERVICES --~VE ~ 109 registered under 10 RE _4 .~ Derby had ~'. Kelly reportea ~ ~ ~ and 65 registered in the over 10 category. The Conn. All-Star game has been cancelled. Registration for all summer programs is underway. staffing for the playgrounds is all set. Mr. Kelly announced that, for the first time, attendance would be taken at each of the parks each day. He also reported that staffing at the pools is adequate but that he had to cancel private lessons due to a shortage of qualified instructors' Pools will open June 24. in ommissioner that an article be put It ~as suggest~d~by ~ C e that Berlin was not the newspaper informing townspeopl accepted for the DEP grant but that~our applications would be kept on file. Mr. }~elly will take care of this. CENTER -- JIM PETERSEN COMMUNIT~ . ~,~--~absence, reported the activities ce at the community Center for the past month. and attendan ..... m ~n sundays because of low attendance. · ' S nOW ~~ ~ The Center m_ ~- Meet will take place on J~ne 22. The yOuth The Hershey Trac~ . Council will close their season with a camping trip to Hammonassett Park the end of June. GOL~ COURSE -- AL HAWKINS . The the gol~TIMBERLIN is doing vesy well ~-~.'~n-~-~e~ course men's and women's toilet facilities at the 6th hole are nearing completion. He still needs three more people to fill openings on his summer staff. Mr. Hawkins also reported that a vending machine had been installed at the clubhouse and vandalized after one day. He reminded the Commissioners that the contract for the Bradley barn must be signed by 'July 1. PUBLIC GROUNDS -- TED HRUBIEC }_~.~_~r~.-krubiec has been working on bids for various improvements at Clark's Grove. These will go the the Executive Board for approval. East Berlin is ready to open. and Percival Pool will be painted and ready to open on June 24. Mr. Hrubiec is trying to get a replacement for one of his full timers who is out on disability. Mr. Wiecek. announced that.the children's playground at Ledge School will be ~.edicated on July 6. Mr. Wiecek adjourned the meeting at 8:25 P.~'i. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Secretary