1981/06/04 Park & Necreation Commission Minutes. June 4, 1981 Those present were Chairman LuLin, l, lr. [(lotz, Nierxejews~i, ?!.'~,~le, Johnson, Wiece~{, Silver, i(iller, Hansen, H~-~wkins, Hruhiec, '~ · · Magnoli Golf Course Report. Nr. Hawkins reported that his crew doind~ routine worx on golff course, spraying rot g~z:sy moths in recreational are~:s throughout t~e town, also airafying green's.. Planted trees: that have been monated. A Lamie~ Tournament was helm recently. flr. Hcw[{ins as,.{ea for riv~ iron,rets. All ]~t on{~ ':.,a& ~u'~nte{. The one Conic{ ?y.:-~; rot raonoy to roi;air %he oc sh ref~ister in t}i$ pro shop. Tho caslt re6. ister is on ~:~ onore:c~ bas:s uccc~tea thz.t the ~.~ ,.',- ..... ~ lct~r submitted in ne:.:t year's budFiet ,.~,~s a capital item. l',lr. Hanson reportec~ that revenue is up rrom also stated that the cash rc~"ister should Leti~e lass fiscal 5' ~r. ask ' ~ completely overhaulea or mcr a replacement. Laaies TournamePt very s~cc ..... ~ '. ~,z~l. 120 per:~ons played. Course in celtent conaition, i.lr. Hansgn hears only good complemen[;s concerning the COUrSe. A new custoaian l~as h. een hirea i'or the clu0house. (}oncer~-,iu tcction, the~/ will trz.. %o },'~ ~-, ' ..... a police rfc- . ~,_ '- ~ ~-~rol ~nc p~r~,:s. ,~r. Lubin stat~,d that p~cnic ~,a~,tes h~ve ~a:~ movec.. Pive f~olf carts have arrived nd the attr~c%ion to the Nr'. i'.rie,~o{s~u 'rs,q%~d J.~l %~1.~_, 21'o 'hop i~- closed aad .i-' oxlc are si;ill out on Lod::' is in qo ell ti~e eiuipx~ent is returnca to the i:ro ~-' ~hog. ~z i]r. -'iece~ s~.cl l(r. L~:'_:~sen will meet and d'~ ...... i~c~los the ovc ma{tot. Ch.airman Lubin as~tcd if the 0recn'c Committee will recommend wiint action Le t;-~{en in this matter. Mr. Silver ~-~lso question~0 the cloa. in~2 tix:e of thc sm.,~X L~r. Chairman LuLin will contact the concessionaire Plr Johnson ~=, ' ' ~ua4~sted that the contract L~ looxea into to sge if a specific closing is stated. Public Grounds Report. i{r. l~ru-biec stated that his crew have to t~ze vacations before July !, 1981. Only proLtem is a shortad;e of e,,~,lo?e,. Ewo coiie{,le, one hi~.h school student will be employ6a soon. Priday has become a busy da~' cetting evez'ything re~dy for the weekgnds. Salesmen have been leavin{ demonstration e-~ Dept. to use. ,~umpment for the Public Grounds Recreational Service Report. Nr. McNair presented to members present the preliminary plans for She Percival Pool. Ail plans will be completed by June 11, 1981. Mayor Ragazz~ would li~e the bids sent out. Schedule a Town meeting for ~une 11, 1981. Have money available before bids come bac~ for selection. Work on the Percival Pool shbuld be completed by the end of July. The East Berlin Pooi will open as scheduled. The Adult Council for Youth & Recreational Service Dept. will co-sponsor a benefit concert June 19th in the name of Todd Malizia. The going rot leukemia ,~rch. roses · proceeds Summer program, ms in pro&ress ~ .... ~+ .... a.~o~ration is being held for the ball program ~ ....... ,~_ ......... ~:,re hein~- as_de for a t~nnis o Nr. P]cl,]cir stated tn~:t tiie Commmni%~, Center neeus repairs %o put into efreota "Girt Cat~,log". · would 2ilze "Gift Catalog ia ',.,h~,t xlon~y is solicited 2'or ixiprovcment .: ~a equipment. iir. ~.,'iec~,z and ~,~r. Johrison st~:~,ted that the ~: Love should k~: looked into %horou,Lhly cna shoulc ho well orLaiiized. An excellent idea. z .... tructca the Little l~,~:,'~;e sub-committee to meet. not been fir. i'.IcNair stated that the ll~,h~ ~-t the tenn~ ~ourts have turned on as of yet, w:-.iting ~o install a token system, f~ charge ~2.OO ~i!l 'be chargea ~;hen lights are put on. Nr. Rru0iec stated that when lights are on, vandalism does not occur. If Percival Pool does not open, the pool personnel will wor~ in the Public Grounds Dept. or playground. The applicants were infformea when tl~e~ applied. 2~ecause off the drinking of beer at the Softball League, Nr. McNair was instructed to write a letter and have league o~ficers at a meeting. Chairman Lubin stated because of the above matter the le~gues and tourn- aments will be in jeopardy. .... red for pa~-ment. Habb's Sport Shop ~1921 - win~ bills were a?p~o ,,~o ,~ o~ ocean & Pool Co. ~19~2 ?m ~ito ~ g aint & Haraware ~~?~ ~no2 ~.40. Jokari/Us ~o. ~ 7.21, w. ~. ~" ~ s I c.~ ~1922 $4~3.9~, Hadfield's Sport Shop ~1921 $17.~p, ~ ~ ~ 22.18 Kens. L. buddy ~1903 $40.00, Xihm Church Camer~xch~ge ~21 $ , .OO Ma overn ~35t5 $529.16, Sonitrol ~ 'n & Trailer Co. ~3521,~ ,~n ~ Savol Bleach Co. ~3~!3 T~O ~3512 $30.95, Dee! ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ w~auklin Oil Co., ~1952 $228.90, C~P ~.re City Fuel_Co._~W°n *~*~'~+~ ~1q68 ~60.O0, I & E Farms ~19~0 ,S~lu.uv, ~ ..... 66 Nagover~'~ ~196t S138.O'~, ~1966 ?~1i8.90, Hart Seed Co. ' " , 81080.00, OL~ ~1967 :$938.87, ~416.01, TrC i~96~ :~S75.00 S &C. Co. #1967 #1967 ~9.48, 2ensington Fire District ~1968 $27.60, Meeting adjourned at 7:3~ P.N.- Park and Recreation Commission July 2, 1981 Re For Filing Town Clerk Secretary Lucille Luddy