1981/01/08Par~ ~c R~..,cr-aation Commiszion ~,iinutes. ±nose preaent were Chairman LuPin, Haule, Johnson, ~ud~.et hearings. Golr Course, FeLruary p, 1981~ ~i:30 P.I'.'i. Par~ A Rccre~.tion d~ Youth Council, Pebru~.~ry >, 1981, 8:50 P.N. (A) Golf Course. Normal winter maintenance Leim! 0. one. Clubhouse he~t turned down ~.-d everyt~ic~:'~o shut sown. A water pii~:e t, ro~.:e in the pro sho:~. Toiict fkciliti~ installed in barn. Pour i~ositi on'~ teen r~c~iv~d. ~.~' ..... ~ ...... ~..er ~nc .'c ~tarter joL po~ition is ~.1.~o :v.:ilr:lle. The ~' thc Pin?:~cc ])iractor tn~t the ps'~;, ~c le ,or thc st~:rtcr po~,ition will remain as is u,.~til th~ :.~nior sta-:rter leaves. Than the p~y ~'cs. le will Le r~.vi~w~_d. :.r. Silver ~ua, oa° ,.o. sted that steps, or level~: t,a e~talliahcd ~vric ~ committee oi' two d'o to the ],~.z~,o el biz'toter ud try to settio the i_;ro [ i t',:r:. ~,u~:lim::~.n Lu'k, in ,,,,ill tai,{ to Clio ~rlo'mcl Director coiieorrii~e" the ~Aove /' ) i',.~:..lic C-rounds ]tis},, .,itn snow rc~.:ovao±. Also cle::,ninC pones' 2or s~tinc. Doink general nx~intei~znc:c world. ~eriches ~:re L ein~!l cortstruc- l, ci~ain on a. fence in moLil~ in:~ve occur,~d in Itc .,r r:: also. "ite Luildin{i in loc:is heve been TimLerlin P:ir~,2 ill Lc clo~:ed at > P.I';,. Police protection for the p~-~r[z l'N:.s ~caoN cut from thc police Cud{let. (C) ?ecrc~ation Sarvicc. Cro,%s .... ut .... ~, , ~iic~: .ill ~e i:c. rn:ii:te.d ,.,~. [i:::i.~.rl±n Par~. Chaira~m l,.u¥in reciuested that an article r ppear in the now,:~.._:per on z::L, ove mntter, also :_%ate th,~:t no ~.now:~:o~ilind -~,e i',:r. Md!~ir h~s o.t:,inc~ ~ va:i from -the Co~,:n. All winter programs coinG' well. A formed, ii, eli pasin~., a i116.00 fee ~,,~liich ',:;ill pay for tr~e ~.~_sc of l, he ~:.chool. The lcaeuc will pl~y 16 games. ['lie Commii:.zion ha.s a.p~.rovcd ~oiie ~ew a&iamcr aid>lic:.:tiorls i,,hich !ir. ~ r .,~:;[_ received ~rom ~;z' P.~cQu{:cn planners of ti'le ]-,ol"ciz;,al l:oot ~n tile lctt~.r ~iol'i;L Oi %'n, '~ L:ilotll~ [.C co::io 'k,o corr~..ct 't,:':c pool. Ch:irrt"n I, ul:in r~_.,uc~tcd~ ':.hi~ 1'~'~ 2hairn'm.n LuLin stated 't;!i~:t ti'.c r,x c~_itive l oard na~, aug[[cc~:ttd -Chat Tile ,~ommisaion uou. ta~ !i.:.c to h ye ~ouc%hin{_ in '.;tt:i~in(_ l;', .... ~-~" ., ~. ~z.e ~oard, tut the nommi: sion feels th~'t ¥,ork . :hould. pro- i.:r. ~'[c!i~ ir i,lc: ~.ntcc,~ 'to tbs Commiz. sioii inci'{;~&.ec r~_v~nue .~.icl t~ic; llx~.c~tive lei. rd ~ d .?in~nc,~ i o;~rd h; d i"~.q ~a-bed thc 'f,.l"~c~'_'-, .... ..... 1~_.', no~, ror _::roi'it- ion Discussed aiiC taLlec werb. the following. Rateb for tlie use of t:!e Co:nmu~iit2 C~nter, Liilhts ~t Sage ,'~ HuLbarC !~ields, Tennis Courts, and ~uses. Mr. Silver su~]gested that ~us tra~n~port~tio~a ~e loo~ed i?_~to -~e~Zore ~prin~. ![e proi~o~ed that Lua pic.<up he set,tea. l.;.r. Nc~_{air ia wor~zing on ±_rogra4~ rates which ~,.ill Le ~i~r{::~,ented &,t a i'uture m~etiI~6. ['i~e Green's-_ Committee i;re~_entea to t~{~ Commission ~:~ green'; fee rate increase i'or TimLerlin CozZ Course. The increases were aiscusseu and the i'ollowing changea~ v~.ere R-ST n~w r~te Ye [/20~.00 not 22b0.O0, ]~F-ST he [~162.00 not SR-ST be ~780.00 not ~1~0.00. On a ~otio~ mace t~ Mr. Jo~a~on an~ seco~adca ~ Mr. [qa~_,~oli that the r~t~s i~cludin~ thc ?.~:enaeu o~s ~,e ~ccept~d ~;~,~' the cutol'f d~.~te i'or ~euson tic~{ets kc Oct. }lst., a~-!a tn&~t tho ~c~-so~'~ ti{xot ~-atea a~er Oct. 31st ~e aecided at a later o. ate. '."lotion carried. The t~e ±'ollowing bills were approved for payment. L., Luddy #1903 840.00, Ce~tor Paint & Hardwr.~.re #1909 S21.}2~ Ad,~ins //1909 ~,,~i}~rsal ?itness Products //1922 ~-'56.80, A. S. Sales: //2708 850. ~' ~ ~SpO.~<O, T~'~e Career's. Shop #1924 ',~4.60, Haw~ins Assoc. ~'t921 $6~.00, Herald //1909 $62.40, #1909 ~}12.76, I.C. Audio ~isuals #1921 ?~60.00, Sonitroi Securit2 Systen;s of Ne~.~ Britain //3110 $44.95, Tanner Ford //3~15 S22.17, l{ihm Church Cameru. #3}21 {.;25.60, Plaza ~!orist //39t2 8~6.98, Ro-Br'_r':d Products //3512 i;14~.66, Nutmeg Farms #3512 $?2.00, McCallum Motor Service #3515 $7.~60, Eihm Church Camera #3521 $9.55, Deephouse Equipment #3515 $41.~, a~z-~ng Buckley Inc. //3512 S37.44, McCa~lum Motor Service #3~1~ $28,37~ BobLer Bearings //3515 $41.1~, ~eh~gh Gas #1962 $144.08, Hardware ~ity Fuel #1962 898.23, Hansen Ender2rises //1965 $72.00, Huntres~ Electric of Ct. //1965 ~50.00, Ma~lovern #1966 S150}.00, Audi & Sons Inc. #1967 $150.00, Ke:~sington Hardware Inc. //1967 $14.2~, Center Paint & Hardware //1967 ~59.6P, Cai~itol Light & Supply Co. //1967 $250.69~ }%ensington Fire Dept. #1968 {},30.20, #1968 S;12.60, Sping & tSuc~{ley #1968 S47.76 //1965 8i7.28, So~itrol Systems of hey.' Britain #1968 $~4.14. Meeting adjour~ed at 9:t~.M. ]~:rs a~d Recreation Meetin{5 February p, 1981 Secretary Lucil!e Luddy Received For Filing