1980/10/02 }'ark & Recreation Commission /~{inutes. Oct. 2, 1980 Those present were Chairman I'v!r. Lubin, Klotz, Miller, Hansen, Hawkins, ~/'~.~T,-~ Silver, , fwd o~Zioers from ~he Nidge~ Poot~all League were presen~ ~o as~ per- mission to usc Ea~c P'ar~ :or Sunday ...... - .... ,, g~,,,ues a~za Hmbb~ra ~cnool Yield for :,r:an, ni~'ht ~'ames. Also ~,~:- · at Sage 2ar~. . .... ea i~ermiss~on to use the concession stand 0n a motion maae by Mr. Wiece~ ~x: seconaed by Mr. Silver that the re:iuests fro.z the i',:iagzt PootLal2 League allowing the League to use Sage Park Sunaay A.M. and Hubbard Pield Friday p.[,~ and the conce .... ' Sage Park be grantee. Motion carries. ' ~o~on stand at Nr. Coone3 s~.ted ~i'iat ti'lc League nas 77 boys ,,~ -,- · " ~rtzc~P~-t:nc. No aamission but will pass t~e hat. ill Le canvassing to:,,..n rot money Oct. 11, 1980. LcagL~e naa ins~,~ran, cc. Also re.,iuested that x # of S he put into next years buaget Will let Police Dept. ~now when games are being played. The iiensind:ton Amhul,.mce will Lc at Sage Park ~t' Hubbard Field when cam~s are beinE:, played. OctoUer 12, 1980 will be the opening E:;ame. A game will be played at 9:~0, 10:50 12:~0 Ail Commissioners are invited. ~. schedule will Le pre ~ .... ' oen oe~ to tflc Commission. ,, i'.ir. Silver auggeted ~' - ,, ~nat ~ne lea{:_;ue approach the High School Nedia Center with the possibility~ of %}lc gla~es being troadcasted. , 1~o contact the school authorities to ',~ork out cfetails concerning the concession stand. Nr. Cooilcy complimented the gentlemen present rot what they have do}~e for the league. Golf Co~rse Report. Mr. Hansen reported tht-~t he attc, nd~;a a (' ~ ittee meeting. -~,,--~ .,~0.00 short or last years revenue as or oct. 2, 1980. Play droppea off this last week. Course great. The custodian at Tim~erlin is rctirind. A letter or appreciation will be sent to Mr. L. Lewis. Chairman Lubin has not receives ~y communication concerning the special ~'und Zor Timberlin Gol~' Course. The 1dp raise in golf Zees ~'or next year has been agreed upon by the Commission. Mr. Hawkins r~ported that the golf course neeas rain. Crew working on greens and acing thc top aressing. Also wor~ing on the 12th tee. Crew sown to three man. Starting to wor~ on water line for the barn. Trees have been plamted. Nr. Hruoiec has aonaZed trees also. The road has been paved on ~10. i'(r. H~.w~ins expressem appreciation Zor all the work other dcpts, have O. one for his sept. Mr. Miller states that the course is in the best shape he has ever. seen it. Public Grounas Report. Mr. H~-wkins state~ that there has t~een vandalism again at the Little League Lase~all fiela at Griswold School. The new concession stand has been completed. The gate has been removed and will contact the Police Dept. so they can drive up around t~e ~'ield. The press 6ox ~:t Sage Parx aln:ost finishes, h~ill water Sage Park i2 no rain. Recrcational Service Report. Rt. ~' , _ l~cNa~r rcportea Soccer and Flag !"oct- ball Laa~}ues successful. On a motio:'~ maaz by Rt. '.iece~ sma ~,econaea by.: f.,.r. Miller tPie Commission will give the Lion's Club. permission to name ti~e Press ~,ox after C. H. Goaing, buy not t~:6 i'c. ot~all l'ie=a or }a.r~. Notion c: rried. ~h ~ e pardi must be names after the Sage family who aonated the IanO. The press ~,,ox z. ill be dedicated on Nov. 22, 1980, the may cz' Home Coming Day. The Mayor asked the Commies. ion to aonate a bronze plaque for the l i- Centennial Par~. Ne.~uest denied. Commission has no jurisdiction over the par~. Conservation committee involved in par~. loth Scott 6: 'izzo Pool Co. have been down to loo~t over. tr!e Percival fool Scott Pool ,Co. ',~,ill auLntit a co;?lete rei'ur'Lia~hir~g list. ' The !bard of Ea. has O'Ked the use of Willard School for a voileyLall proLram. Chairman Lu-~in has instructed ['~r. Hru~biec to sub,mit a bill each week to the T o~ra of ?,o~. i'or his crew's vor~ in ti~e foothill field at Sa{:e Park. 2~r. McNair nas t~en care of the lights that were out in Deming park. The pa~ scale of the 6olf course crew and the public grounds was sis- cussed. The personnel Director is working on the matter of equalizing the salary range. A letter will be sent to the Executive board & the personnel Director recommending that 'because the crew's are interchangeable the pay scale should be equable, all except the lead men. The policy bi' the golf course free play is that A. HawKins, L. Hansen and T. Hrubiec are the only gun%lumen who can play free. Mr. WieceK presented to the Commission an Zquipment & Facility Require- ments Five Year Forecast. The plan was discussed. [~%r. wiecek questioned ~26 New Community Center and enclosure of Percival Pool. 1983-84. ~9,OOO,OOO. [~r. Wiecek suggestea that ~26 be presented on %he forecest sheet divided into a three year period. First year $1,7OO,O00., second year ~1,7OO,0OO-, third year ,~.1,600,OO . e changes are made on the five year forecast, Chairman Lubin will When t~ .~ ~ +~ m ecutive toard and the Z. oard of Finance. are available for solar heating for pools, ~'.~r. Mcl~air stated that grants and town buildings could be sold for revenue ~Ir. Mcl~air will present to the Commission at the next meeting fees for the parks. Greens Committee will present the golf rates for the coming ~ear. ]~udgets will also be discussed. The meetings for the winter months will be6in at 7:00 P.M. The following bills were ai~'Proved for i~a~;ment- Hardee?re City Fuel ~!962 [:~310.41, C~P ~1963 S7Q~.98, ~,ia~overn ~t965 ~394.O5, $48.23, T. Irwin ~1966 ~104.50, Old Fox Chemical ~1966 $220.O8, Sl14.48, T. Ir~in ~1967 830 51, [:4'5 6~, Tilcom Tomasso ~1967 $l12.Oz, TPC ~i967 ~229.80, NCR ~1968 $229.17, A. S. LaLieniec ~3512 S2.70, P- Allegnetti :~3520 $96.00, Kens. · ' - Deephouse Eq. ~35i5 welding ~3512 $42.Ot~, Savol Bleach Co. ~3513 $735.00, Hadfields ~1921 $140.OO, L. ~Luddy ~1903 $40.00, g~42.32, T?C ~3512 $364.00, ~ · Camera Shoi7e ~1921 ~.!5.23, Hadfieids ~1921 ~179.40, $141 60, Herman's ~1922 $86.86, Varnado $1922 ~31.72, Herb's sport Shop #1933 $44.00, Herald ~1927 $4.32, S & S Arts & Crafts ~/1923 $262.56, New Games Found- ation ~1961 $55.05. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. 1980 at 7:00 P.M. Zark and Recreation Meeting November 6, Secretary ~own