1975/09/04Minutes of the September 4, I97D Pnrk & Recre:tion Commission. Those present were Chair:san Dr. Xiniry, :'l[r. Klotz, Mr. ~,Tierzejtws.'.:i, · . ~.ru ~lec, Mr. Maule, Mr. Lubin. br. ~a%¢s, I~.~r w ;~' I'.]r. Graham, )~r. Roe ~v Mr. Hansen. (I) Golf Course The carpet in tke CluLhou[-e, both 3. p &'do~..:nstairs should %.~. repl:ced because of damaccd tile. I'.ir. Hanse:-: has 'loo~;~.d i~:to the m;tter so~?.e s:-:..plas o'." cari, eting at the a ,.~.e~',nt with the ~oa.rd of ~inance at which ti~e for the ne:.; car_~et will ke mace. (2) [,lr. Hru'ciac st:.te.a that h~ has lost 6 su:tt..:er help. The £~,agpole has to be er~ctea at the East ~,erlin Pool and the cenzer isle must he curbed. There is~_t a._-.y r.:cncy l~:i'Z for l::.ndscaping. It was suggested that a letter be s...nZ to the .Service C!uL for donations for shrU~s. Pr. Hrukiec st. tea that scow re..oval ge:ms out .for Lid. Cr~w h:'s be~.n ~.:cr~i:'~ on %k~ fcctbail fi~.ld at !,.'_cG~e 'n~. also Lucy sh~:~in~ u- grounas at the Tov;n~.---~' ~] L~fore zhe medication. A request to re~uir stairs goina up to %h~ pavilion in the picnic area at Ti.::her_in. A request fro;~ thc Sev.= C_ub on Sept I4, i97P co; a sm.; rti~'_g ti._;e from IO ~...m. to I2 ....as tur.'.ad ov. r to i'..r. Ha:.a~n. He will contacZ %hem bec~.._use of the pri~_~e ti:;.= request. On a motion made by ?.(r. LuPin & seconaed by ?(r. Klotz the f.~e was waivea for %ne A,.e:~ ..... Lecion ~icnic being helm Se5t 7, I975 Mr. Roe stated that he h.:~.d received many phone calls complimenting the summer program this ye r. Has to cut do~.~n fall progra~.s b~.~use of tn~ buad'et cutzi:.g. Loo~ing into the ioo:~siLility of chargi~-~j f~es for so.~:e Frograms. Havi~g s- proble:~ of v[ndaiism at Clark's Grove. S::_go~sted th,~t the Luil~.ing Le torn down. Mr. Roe is chec~ing into a co~lclaint of off the Coa~::isaion st~tea that boys we:'e in the Last ~eriin pco= are: on bicycios a~'tcr closing whe:~ mai~:ten~,;ce ktcyle were the~e. ]~r. Roe will loo~ into zh~ ~..~tt~r. [.~r Graham stated that the ',"".~' _ · ,.~,~ s Ciub will ta~e over ~..ha whole ~rojec~ o;'~l,_c~,_o'- ~ '~- m:rkers o~ the gol£ course & he is i,~., agreement o the _zro~ '. Afte'r a cis_u~-on', o~ coneernin.a' ~h~ suspension of a player from the ~olf course by ~,: r ..... ~er, [ir. Hansen &tht Co:~:i~sion was in full a.;_:r~c .... that t~:c rangier have some ~uzhority. The Little Leac~e fieles are coming along £ine. The Town Hall o2en house will be Sept. 28, I975. The Co:~mission will be inivited & should ~ ~ The following bills were approved for payment. Lucille Luddy Eddy Awning Ke.~sing-ton Hardware A Tomaaso ,, l~ensington Fire De_st Saval Bleach Co Agway Bobker Bearing The Tool S-hsd{ SNE Tele ,! ,! ~9 Papa' s Dodg~ Inc New britain Herald Tow~:e Food Eenter Plimpt ons New Londo.. Tape Suburban Elec 35.OO 17.50 14.16 14.85 38.68 21.40 518.4o 512.90 95.OO 4.36 71.59 16.35 13.62 13.5~ 9.95 5834 .OO 19.38 103.52 14.81 44.64 32.00 # 3512 99 ~9 3513 3514 3515 3516 3510 3511 ,! Rev Sh~.ring ,9 1921 1909 9! 1922 ' oc~v,'~ii i~vcrnati~ns(1 Cc,/t,or Paint g: ?{:,rdware ' ~c,,'.y~ '?"inn S~ri~:g ~ Buckley C~ - ~ ~. ~re,,t Inc ~: .pp .1,~::i o Church INC olde oi.,ff PaperCo Ouida Seibcrt Dair~ Raa['i~id Co Berlin P:;.b_~ic Schools ~ ~ ~ OC' ~ I ~ Arts & Crafts [~r. Tro~iy & Co Plag;;ouse Service ElecSa.~p=~*' Co T 7 rwir~ Turf i:rcducta Ccrp Ace Adv.~ce ! ..... r Co Kensington Haraware ~ Sanit~.~tioh Co~:trol Inc ~ ~,. ~lOna! Ch~~ S C Sanity%ion Control Center Paint H:.rdware ~E & B Auto Pa_ts Inc II I1 Son Sec Sys off New Britain C~ Dolge Co H o b ar t Codweli & Jones C Johnson (-c Sons 13.48 103.00 10.24 i2.9i 67.30 3.77 241.94 182.25 23.16 7. 12.12 103.50 i8 .90 14.40 64.00 73.94 3~ .oo 34~.46 64.26 ~i. 20 !P .00 37.3P 120.41 163.76 379.05 ii6~ .71 108 2. O0 29.08 3o. 30 45.04 8p0.96 25~; .00 4~0.96 5.05 83.44 i5.2i iii.47 i 26.74 37.10 91.15 37.40 46.82 37 .i5 1625.00 258'00 · 00 i,~etting a~jcurued at 9:30 F.N. aria Recreation Neeting October 2, 1975 1q22 2c-19 1921 i92i 1921 1929 1922 i92! 1921 Il I! 1912 II 1921 i923 i9i2 1922 1921 i922 i985 I! 1985 1983 1983 1986 1986 1986 1984 Luci'=le Luddy Secretary