1975/11/06Minutes o~ the Par~ & R~ecreation liov~mber 6, I975 Meeting. Those presser were Chairman Dr. 2iniry, Nm. Para2is, Nm. Mr. Paris, Mr. l{ierzejcws~i, Rm. !erghtrom, [.ir. LuLin, ~Tr. Klotz, F.r ~. v . rates, Mr. Roe & i.ir .accaro. Riddler Football. Dr Xiniry st~tea that he heard that the Conr~issicn was s:2onsering .... . l~.~ ~r~es, the program. Dr. ~.~n~ry ~s ao~i~:st midget .oo~all, a~r: id c~ ' ..... ~ & volunteer people are not qualiZ'ied. Youngsters don't get everyzhin~ . ,~.r. Roe & ,...r. camo out of ~'~ad football exceot backing d: tac~lin['~. ~' v Eec would li~e to run the program. Equipment would be obtained fmom ~.he High School. A flyer was ~iatributed at ~he McGee School. Res~onses were submitted a~ mee~.~g. A demand Zor program. P!ay~rs yours have to pay the insurance, i~rcgr~-m woula not be run wholly by vo!uate~rs. , Rr. Paris woula l~e to verity the count o. the +'"~'~ On a 2~otion m,.ae ,'.~ Rt.. L~Lin & seconded '£y ,ur Zaris ~nut Nr. ~ ' ~c [,ir. -acc[to come in ~o new month's meetin~ wi~h a be~cr or~Taniza~ion and ~ackin~ ~he~ have of ~he pro,'ram & ~he Commission will have a month. ~o ~hinK aLou% i~. Mr. Zoil%s was present ~o submi~ a repor~ from ~he Little Le~,/ue ~nanK 5he Commission for all 'the ~urror~ ~. ~,on~ ~iven ~he organization in the past, es~eci~l%y %ne two new z'i~lds at Griawotd School ~ ~ ~ if Sage ? rK could 2e developed & ii' the backstop at Perciva.1 School could oe raised & cageC in. ~n~r~ statea that the Little League ~eo~le should be at the budget he?~riAgs to support zhe Commission when asking flor money to develope Sa~e Fark. SO~ =.'~ ~ ~ ~,, 1 lm ~_~re ~::.r~;. S~ 6uar~nzee ~he rie!d "' ' iR playin6 coxaizion by April i, 1976. Dr. xlnlry instructaa Nr. Roe to ~,~.~e a letter ate.ting the fie!C has to Le fixea ~.y she Commission's derinizicn of playins: conditions. A letter was turned over to the Eand Acau. isiclo.z Committee zrom the Green's .Co}::miztae in which was a rc:[uest ~o oh. ts. in !smd which is sale aajacent to the doit course. The Com.::ission is in complete a6rae:nent. Community'Ccnter at X.G.S. The Cez~t~z- will have an caen house Nov. 7, I975. Hr. Roe will ask th~ Pinance Eoard ior 09~000.00 for !undo to open the Censer. ir. Roe would li~e an advisory .com2iztcc~ formed to help run & supervise the Center. Dr. 3{iniry sug;Cestea that a person from ~6tte Commission, szuder'.ts, person~ from a service club & civic minaed persons m~e up the com:::iztee. Mr. Roe s%a.ted tha~ ~ ~-~:e fooZb~-..il h'~d a fair turnout considering ~he rain. Girl's sport programs well attended, more f'a!i programs w._r~ run. The fa=z ~.~ winter prosrams are in zhe pzsnnzng sta. ges now. The rea'uls~r La~ettc.=l 2~.n. lea6ue may be bela at X.G.S. this winter. Dr. }(iniry stated that he m"-- obtain IO0 tickets -'or a UCo:'m ~: ~ o bas~etbali game to be held az the Civic Center. The following bills were approved for payment. Chevron Oil ~Turf Prod Bobkcr Bearing Co Berlin Auto T Irwin Center Paint & Hardw~re T I twin ,, Old Fox Chemical Johnsox's Gurd~n Service Sh~re Cor~ Albreada Refuse Inc Jimmy V cuum Service Ace Advance S i~ Z Tale $ 215.82 # 1980 5.62 1983 26.64 " 2.~ 80 " 60.50 " 1.44 1985 6.90 " 36.00 " 180 · 20 " 495.0~, " 171 · 59 " 120 .OO " 17.79 1986 94-90 1986 51.64 " S -~ E Tele4 Co S & C S.~ni ~ontrol Set Mo: gvern Son.Ccc ~us o£ ~ew Brit'_in I! ~[ensi::gton Hardware L Luddy Scott Hadc~er ~ad~e Co $iderowf Paper Co Pl~house inc Town. Yood Center b~r. Troy. by & Co P1 i ~:2~t o ~: s Hadfield Cc S Z E Tele Vaill & Meyer ~o Inc Zihm Church Inc The Camera Shoi; of i{ew Britain Hadfield Co Capitol Candy Co New Britain Candy McDonalds New Brit~in Candy Kihm Church inc Inter Church Audio Visu..ls Center Paint & Hardware Turner Co Tollis Equipment Industrial Co Berlin ~h~.rmacy Inc Rauizzo Share Corp 'National Chemsearch Engeniers Tool Co Corn fenn Co Northeastern Furl Co National Chemsearch Magovern Labieniec Timberland ~'~achi~:es ' C x'* Scott & Sons S N E Tele Suburban Elec Cadwell & James ~limj~ons Cadwel/ ~'~ Fenne Co. C M Scott & Sons 43.57 1986 160.00 19~5 32.67 1983 42.50 i9['6 ~4.96 486.29 1986 2.27 " 429.53 19~l 29.13 35.00 !7967.00 820.46 1924 14.65 1922 17.67 1921 8.30 1921 24.7~ " 32.43 1909 22.00 1922 89.30 1909 24.2~ ;2705 14.75 1922 67.90 " 15.00 " 872.10 22.00 1921 85.60 1924 90.75 1924 33. O0 " !~9.35 " 18.64 1922 75.00 1924 775.11 ~512 289.44 3515 57. O0 " ~O.00 " 4.50 3521 170.00 631.O9 353.50 22.00 108.47 142.50 141.40' 12.51 2460.00 2.90 lO .O5 90,,).0O 3512 3514 3512 3515 Rev Sharing 3512 3515 ll. 62 3511 163.62 -93 9.95 2.27 208.12 5.61 36.10 1493.00 1625.00 8.92 61. 32 37~i0. OO 8.38 I1 It I! Il It 3520 & 3513 3514 3521 3521 3>14 3512 Me~ti:~g adjcurned at 9:30 ~" Park ~ ~ .... ~ ~nc Recreati~m r~eetmno December 4, 1975 Secretary 'Lucille Luddy.