1965/03/17Berlin Board of Finance Marc~ 16, 1965 M~nutes of Meeting A meeting of the Board of Finance was called to order at 7:3~ P.M. on Tuesday, Karch 16, lg65, at the Town Hall. Members Present: Chm. F.D. Doran, end Messrs. Vd. S. ~ro~m, T. W. Ward, S.J. Pietr~s, S. J. Sargis and M.D. Cue. New Business: 1. #l& Town Planning- Mr. Aldo Ggstiglioni~ Chairman appeared to discus~ the 1965-66 Budget. 2. #123a- Towr~ Conservation Commission- Chairman Albert R. Bengston, Edwin Murray, Appraiser and C. D. W. Parker appeared to discuss the 1965-66 Budget. The Board devoted the rest of the meetin~ to work on the 1965-66 budget. The meetin~ adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Pro Tom Berlin Board of Finance March 17, 1965 Minutes of meeting ~ meeting'of the Berlin Board of Finance w~s called to order ~t 7:30 P.M. on Wednesdzy, March 17, 1965, at the Town Hall. Members Present: Cbm. P.D~ Doran end Messrs. W. S. Brown, T. W. Ward, M.D. Cue, S.J. Pietras and S. J. Ssr~s. Communications Received: 1. Received from Chief Assessor Joseph Scheyd sample forms for contracB' for revaluation. 2. Received a letter from Town Clerk Harold Bomba, (undated) (received 1..~arch 17, 1965) forwarding copies of the resolutions passe* at the Town Meeting, March 16, 1965, relative tc Conservation Commission application for State Aid for land acquisition. 3. Received minutes of the Board'of Selectmen's meetings, dated February~,°° 1965 and March 1, 1965. Received red, crt of South Kensington Fire Department- July l, 1963 through Jun~ 30, New Bus~ ness: 1. Mr. Bruno Romegta]li, Chief of E.B.F.D., apFe~red before the Board to d~scuss the budget No. 22a. 2.Mr. Edward Baber~ Chief of the B.F.D., appeared before the Board tc discuss his budget No. 22c. Charles Scheer, Chief of tko S.K.F.D. and Edward Reynolds ~nd Robert Dornfried appeered before the Board to discuss their budget No. 22e, In response %c the request of Chief Scheer, the Board agreed te sendl a letter to Chief Scheer stating: "While we believe that the ~-whee] drive tank truck you h~re proposed in your 1965-66 Budget would undoubtly be piece of ecuipment, we regret tc advise that we feel we must forego recommending the requested appropriation of ~12,000 because of the extra-ordinary demands~which have tc be met for education, police protect~cn~ sanitation, bridge repair an~ the very likely need to appropriate funds for our extremely important open s~ece prcorgm. Chief Sch~er will use th~s letter to substantiate his application tc th~- Moore trust for the funds. The meeting adjourned at 10:~0 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Pro Tem -~