1974/03/07# of Acct. RECREATIONAL SERVICE BUDGET STATEMENT Period Ending -- February 28, 1974 Name of Account ............ Budget .......... 1973-74 1901 Director of Recreational Service $ 8,700. 1903 Secretary 1904 Playground 420. 10,444. 1905 Wages, Jr. Programs 9,500. 1906 Wages, Adult Programs 3,900. 1907 Wages, Custodians 4,000. 1908 P-T Secretary 2,600. 1909 Office Supplies 932. 1911 Pool, Wages 14,500. 1912 Pool, Supplies 1,000. 1913 Lion's Pool, Wages 6,000. 1914 Little League Umpires 1,700. 1915 Police Protection 200. 1921 Jr. Program, Supplies 3,500. 1922 Adult Program, Supplies 2,200. 1923 Arts & Crafts 2,000. 1924 Halloween 500. 1927 Bus Drivers 1,500. C-1929 C-1930 C-3502 Transfers +95. -95. Community Grounds Building (L.~ 2,000. Movie Projector 600. Playground Equipment 500. Last Month Balance $ 4,350.00 $3,625. 210.00 175. 3.00 3. 4,187.00 3,567. 2,632.00 2,525. 3,704.00 3,704. 1,370.00 1,195. 506.00 438. 2,731.00 2,731. 666.00 666. 1,010.00 1,010. 874.00 874. 149.00 149. 2,436.00 2,436. 1,412.00 1,359. 420.00 381. 75.00 75. 470.00 430. 2,000.00 444.00 2,000. 444. MA~nutes of the Park & Recreation Ma~ch 7, 1974 Meeting. Those present were }.ir. Lubin, ?.r. ~e~stro.;., Mr. Paradis, Mr. Mierzcjews?:i, '.',ir. Klotz, ~,~r. kau~e, )'ir. :oe, ir, r. Gr~;h~m, i.(r. H_nsen i..: flr. Hruhiec. ~l(r. Lu0in acted as Ch~-.ir:~an. (i) Concession Contract. ~r. ~oe re~d the cna-mge~. Charge ~ore rent when j~ni~or is hired. F, est will.go up, as of July Ist. He mu,~ s.~bmit a __ist o~ what will be serv~ He is ncr ~iv~n the opzion to renew. He to $I25.00 excap~ April & Nov. will ~e change~ again after jar:itor is hired. He must pay in advance by ~:aii. Attorney Jac~away will look over the contract ~in. (2) Golf Course renort. Mr. Gr~ repor If weather ke~.ps up will have to o3en the~se. Uou!d li~e to cut gte ~ns first. Mr. Grahams. attendee a meeting oi' gre~nskeei~ers~ he stated th~ t Tinte~iin was ~he ~op .~oney m~er in the state last ye~. A ladies ad a~cth~r-pu~ing green are in~I974-I~Ta bucget as capital i mpr ore ~ ent s. Mr., . }!~:nsen st~:ted Zh t Zhe se~:so~ tickets _,~.'r~.t o£ town _,~'eop=~ have been - c-.3t~. wi i be sold on ~(arch 20, I974. limited~..~ ~o aO. A iett~r was cent out. Ti ~ ~: r~ s~rve, n town se~so~: tic ':.,:ere not. liiuited. Mr. ::at.s.-~n ,,:ou_.d ii,~e to elir~in~.t~- t~:e b',::g ~,~g' ~cedure z'or the reasons, addea ex?~nse, iitt=r '~lem ~nd ~:f~-~;zocauure does not work ...... '' ' ' ~ ~'~ r · H risen suggest to the Roard of }in z-zce to d!oco~lnR~ th~ procedure. '3) ~o.t. lic Grounds ~eport. ~,~r. tlruhic~'-~,~d. S~riug sea~-~on coming up. Do.lng ~hing~w= con~zruction cz zn~. ~ddition ~c. t~e .~ scnoo!. Mr. ':ihn.~y :~:'~ Mr. Hru~i.~c toured Z'or possible Mr. nruhic~ . tt~naed a a. eminar ~,~,~ss grawing. Uhe grcu as ~re¥~ ~:r~ cle~ming 2ehstd~ar~. ~irepz:_ces have to be rebuilt. A set of ' ~ '~ ~Grounds p._~_,~ ~or th~ n~.. Public bui~.ing. 800 s:. ~'~et with our roll up acorn. C ina~r biock con.~' fuc~i n. ['he well t Tim'berlin will be done as soon ~.s it~vea. Also would like to improv~ the spring. D~:~.ad;e h~:.s b ecu c c at ~i r~'s Gro v~~l, 'rd wi id ~.r. ,!otz s._~d :~bcu the to ~he ~,'~'~'~ Co~:mi=.si~n in from ohe~. Perc.w:i ~oo! i in goc~ c'~:nai%i~,%?~, lthou.__L n.w ~xp. n~..ion ~ ir. ts ,ho/id ie pu in, n t~e pc:~.l ~:. st~~.na ~! sted. M ~ r~Vgiav wou2.a ll~e to build I~ y I:~ ~ y roo:r, th t aL.uld r. Lu,,in sz ye. -~naz in th :future ?,mn Lui!~.~n.: ?..'%hin2; i (4) Re re ti.cnaz Service Report.. Mr. koe s~at. a th t ,.h~ _.,a~t E, er~in pool is. coming a=.ong fine. At debating on the Tennis Courts. Mr. Roe asked all to attend the 'Town Meeting on March I4, I974. A copy oZ' the DirecZors of thc Sum:,:~r Program:ms rep.rts will be given to " will ar in the n~wspsper S;.;rmer job S.pplication~ .... ~ b±e An article appe concernino the above. Any per,on will b~ given ~n app!ic~tion. au~L~ th~ season? Mr. ~.ergstrom ~.s.~ iS oxy or the help i~roved - ~'~"~ Zr. Roe s~'.id he sa.w i:,proveL:ent. Mercury lights will Le installed at Hubbard Field. A letter was received concerning the United Way Tourn~ent. The High school bas~etbal! program will be held '~t the High school ..~u~ .... ~ s. ~ .......... ~ v ~ ~ write to the Board of The commissi°n apprOved the ~e~ ~ ~~ o Fin~ce asking them for the a a a car. The f~llowing bills were approved for payment. Luai!le ~ ~U(~y SNE Tel~ z MCorp The O 14 Scott & Sons Co Uti.ity Con~ractors F & M TrucKing R A Berlandy Ken~ ~to-~ H~-rdw~r ~ Magson Un'~form Co Inc Dalena Auto Parts & Co Brainard Fora Truc~ Sa~s Chervron Oik Co Len~gn Gas CL&P National Auto Parts & Supplies ~ ' } I Inc 14&gore rn -' Deephouse Equipment. Co. RoBr~d Proo. uct s A Tomasso Inc America Fire E.%ui,=ment Kensington Hardware Vaill & ~ ' ,,=~ :. r Co Modern Electric ~ - · ~- of l~ew Britain Kensi~gt n jir~ District C~P ~E Teia National Ch,rsearch B&B Auto -arts inc Naaion~~ )ecr~ %io~*~ & P;r~s Assec Lulton Of lice Pi A~h ouae G Pi2char 35.OO 15.73 1986 211 .OO 3514 1740 .OO " 50.00 3517 10~ .00 " 175.00 " 24.22 3512 192.00 3522 96 · O0 " 398.85 3515 176.85 " 31.65 " 84.58 1980 '165.47 1981 42.70 1981 1.94 " 3.88 " 3.88 " ~. 36 1983 63.58 " 31.24 " 6.40 " 24.00 1983 243.17 1985 42-93 " 69.15 " 9- 57 " 4.04 " 12.50 1986 35.o0 ,, 40 · OO " 16~ .70 3511 l~ .00 " !.94 3~19 12.18 80.O$ 3512 6.57 351~ 44.05 " 7.50 35/1 5S.6~ i9'39 5--.77 15.86 _909 6.20 91.20 Z. 21 l~rlin 3,3ol Secretary Luciiie Luddy