1965/03/02Members present: Al~o ~astlg£1onl~ Nunzlo no.~v· ,.v] ~3 .... · --"-- ----i ~ ~ . Also Morgan SeelYe, DiP of Public Works, A1 CuTnow, EnETg. DepT.,an~ m. ~OODy. 2. Agenda ITem #1 - Kazersky property - preliminary discussion, see Feb. 16 Minutes· ITem 7. M~. Kaze~sky and his engineer appeared and presented the followin~ map which contains $ lots, 1 at The end of The cul-de-sac, and Two each on both sides of the stTeeT. This short, de~d-end road Puns off Spruce Brook Rd. "P~eliminaTy Sketch - subdivision of pTopePTy, John J. KazePsky, Berlin,Conn., F ~eb. 1965, 1"=~0' G.S. Jarmolinski, L.S." It was recommended That The map be left with out ens~neering department fop review To determine whether the two lots on the east side of the road conform To zoning regulations. 3. Agenda ITem ~2 - P~eliminary Discussion - Valencia Gardens, Section II,Newton STreet. MT. Crespo and his engineer, J.D. Williams appeaTed and presented The followin~ plan. MessTs. Johnson, developers of ad~oinlns GraY, view were also pmesent foT the discussion. "Revised P~eliminaPy Plan Section 2 Valencia Gardens, BeTlin,Conn., February 1965, 1"=~0', J.D. Williams, C.E." The map as submitted shows a cul-de-sac at both ends of the Toad as it abuts the brook. The biggest problem has been to Peach an agreement between the Two developers relative to connecting Newton Street in Valencia Gardens with Newton ST. in GTandvlew cTosses The brook. AT This meeting both pa~ties a~reed to sharing, equally, the cost fop a culvert over the brook. This map shows the green belt to be wider than on previous plans. Turn-around at lot #75 may eliminated. Area will be sewePed. The map was left with the Engrg.De~ t. ~. Agenda Stem #3 - Timko Property - FarminEton Avenue - Johnson Enterprises Developers. A sketch plan was discussed - "HunEePfoPdHei~hts· Johnson EnteTprise~ Inc., February 26, 1965." No decisions were Peached and the map was returned to The developers. East boundary line conflicts with west boundary line of Valencia GaTdens. 5. Agenda ITem #g - Final approval - Section I - Woodcl~ff. Messrs. Johnson Developers, presented the following map "Map of Woodcliffe,ChambePlain Highway, West Lane, and High Road - property of Johnson & Johnson Enterprises, Inc., BeTlin, Conn., showinE layout of streets and lots, JanuaTy 15,196~, 1"=~0', H.F. Kendrick,C.E. Rev. The a~ea will be sewe~ed, will contain WaTner Road,with 16 lots, and ending in a cul-de-sac. Theme is a r-o-w into land west of the Cometary which is reserved fop recreational purposes. Sidewalks will be Tequlred. Map as submitted meets enEineering requirements. Mr. Rosso made a motion, seconded by Mm.BennePup, to give final approval sub, eot to posting of bond. So voted. 6. On motion of R. Byrne, seconded by N. Rosso· the Minutes of the Feb. 1~ Public HearinE were approved. 7. The Minutes of the RegulaT Meeting of February 16 were approved on motion of R. ByTne, seconded by N. Rosso. 8. Item ~ - Public Hea~ing - Meadow Brook - Mr. Rosso made a motion, seconded by Mr. By, ne, to grant final approval and sign map as Health ~iPector has now approved the map with a notation ~e~amding Lot #93. So voted. 9. Voted to pay C.F.P.Z.A. dues of $$0.00 on motion of R. By, ne, seconded by R. BennePup. 10. Voted to ppy Miss Gooby's bill for $51.38 on motion of R. BenneTup,seconded by R. Byrne. 11. Request from Land Acquisition CommisSion PegaPdin8 a Tesolution by This Commission reEa~dlng land designated in the Town Plan of Development for space." This request came as the result of a new law relative to the Lahd WateT Conservation Fund Act of 1965 - intended To give Federal Aid for developmen of open space. On motion of Roy Byrne, seconded by Nunzio Rosso, it was voted to adopt the following resolution with PefeTence to the fact that all the land described in the resolution does not f~ll within the area described for PecPeatio~ purposes in the Town Plan of development. It is the feeling of This Commission that in view of The Open Space Concept, which was not foreseen at the time of th( adoption of the Town Plan, it is now advisable to increase the area shown recTeatlonal purposes in the Town Plan of Development. WHEREAS, the PlanninE Commission of the Town of Berlin has adopted a Plan of Development fop the community~ and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed acquisition of certain areas foT open space puTposes, a description of which is hereto attached and ma~ked Exhibit "F" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING..~ COMMISSION ~. That The above described area is in accordance with The ?pen space provisions of the Plan of Develppment adopted by this planning commission. 2. That the SecTetary of the planning commission is hereby authoTized to submit a ceTtified copy of This resolution along with that poTtion of the minutes of the meeting pertaining to the acquisition of said a~ea fPP open space which may include recommendations pertinent thereto. 156 .2. A letter ~as received from the Zoning Commission regarding five petitions to be heard on March 2~. a) Map showing property on Farmington Avenue to be re-zoned from General Commercial to Retail Business, dated Feb. 3, 1965, Squillaciote,L"=10O0'= This area is east of Porters' Pass. Mr. Byrne made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bennerup, that we recommend this zone change as shown on the map. So voted. b) Request of Geo. Perakos for change from R-15 to Retail Business on a parcel of land located at #9 High Road. This is adjacent to New Britain land which is in Retail Business. Voted to recommend on motion of R.Benneru seconded by R. Byrne. c) Request of Zoning Dommission, Town of Berlin - change of zone from R~3 to R21 of certain land situated on the east side of Kensington Rd. immediately south of Norton Road. Voted to recommend on motion of R.Bennerup, seconded by R. Byrne. d) Proposed Amendments to Zoning Regulations Town of Berlin, Conn. - copies to be made and distributed to all members for review before taking action. e) Map of property owned by Harry Edelson - Wilbur Cross Highway Meadow Lane, Berlin, Conn., 12-29-6~, 1"=~0', Rev. 1-$0-65.H.F. Kendrick,C.E." Zone change fro R-g3 to General Cornmerlcal on a parcel of land located on the south side of Meadow Lane approx. 190' west of the Wilbur Cross Highway - Yoted to recommend zone change on motion of R. Bennerup, seconded by R. By, ne. lB. Copy of letter from Board of Selectmen to Leonard Deuson relative to a meeting between Messrs. Castiglioni and Rosso of the Planning Commission, Jackaway,Tow~ Counsel, and Curnow of the Engineering Dept., and outlining thinking of all partle~ regarding the Deuson's illegal subdivision. lg. Copy of letter from H. Jackaway, Town Counsel, to Board of Selectmen regarding )rocedure for abandonment of roads which have not been used for several years. ~5. Letter from E. T. Ringrose, dated February 2B, 1965, regarding improving of Birch Lane (so called). 16. Feb. 16 Minutes - Item 6 - Final approval Section IV Meadow Brook. Mr. Seelye reported that the Engineering Depr has the right to order underdralns when necessary. Map will be signed at next meeting. 17. Tentative date of March 9 set for meeting with Mr. Forsley on up-dating Town Plan of Development. 18. Next meeting March 16. 19. Meeting adjourned at 11 P.M. Respectfully submitted Berlin Board of Finance March 2, 1965 Minutes of Meeting A meeting of the Board of Finance was called to order at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, March 2, 1965, at the Town Hall. Members Present: Chm. P.D. Doran and Messrs. W. S. Brown, T. W. Ward, Jr., S. J. Sargis and M.D. Coe. R~inutes: of February 2, 1965~ February 9, 1965, February 16, 1965 and February 17, 1965 were approved. Communications Received: 1. A copy of a letter dated February 26, 1965 to the Board of Selectmen from Chm. E. D. Heffernan, Board of Tax Review, advising that said Board completed their work on the Tax List of 196& and as a result of their deliberations the Net Taxable Crand List was determined to be ~52,277~310. for submission to the Board of Finance. Expenditures for the current year for Board of Tax Review are $322.29. 2. A copy of a letter dated March l, 1965 from First Selectman A. Powers to Chm. J. Dennehy, Park and Recreation Commission, in regard to Park and Rec. Comm. meeting with Public Building Commission to discuss preliminary and final plans end cost estimates etc. with respect to the construction of a new swimming pool. 3. A copy of a letter dated March 2, 1965 from First Selectman A. Powers to Town Counsel H.N. Jackaway re abandonment of Birch Iane and possible court action as a result of such abandonment. TRANSFERS: ]. In reference tc New Bus, ness ~'~, it was voted to transfer the sum of 1350. from ~52, Public Health Nursing Service, sub-account "Supervisor-Director" to #52, P.H.N.S., sub-account "Consultation Service", at the request of ~rs. ~arshall. 2. In reference to New Business #6, it was voted to transfer fro~ Snow and Ice Removal-Truck Rental, the sum of 1300. and from ~'30c, Snow and Ice Removal-Overtime, the sum of $17OO., placing the total of t2,0OC. ~nto #3Oa, Snow and Ice Removel-Materiats. This is expected to leave the following balances as of today in these accounts: #3Os, Snow & Ice Removal---Materials. 1300. I '30b, Snow & Ice Removal-Truck Rent. ~500. :'30c, Snow & Ice Removal---Overtime. 2800. New Business: 1. Chm. A. Bengston, Conservation Co,~nission, appeered briefly to discuss an application £or State Funds to help in the proposed purchaser land in Kensington for recreational purposes. ^ public hearing on the proposed land purchase will be held on March 15, 1965. Mr. Bengston advised he was asking, on behalf of his Commission, the support and verbal approval of the Finance Board re application for funds from State. Chm. Dorsn advised that this Board is on record as approving of this. However, he said, if there is any question about the resolution having Shy connotation involving a financial commitment at this time then he personal[y could not approve oi' it. 2. Chm. E. Heffernan of the Board of Tax Review was present at this Board's invitation to discuss his budget request for 1965-66. 3. ~olice Commissioners W. ;4cKeon, [. Caccavale and S. Valenti were present at this Board's invit~tien to d~scuss the Po]ice budget recuest for 1965-66. ~. Yrs. C. ~,larshal] an~ ? is8 S. Johnson of thc Berlin Public ~;ealth ~,~ursfn? £erv~ce ,,~.,ere or~,sent at th~s ~o~rd's ~nvit~t~c~ tr ~scuss the ]9~5-66 budget request of the B.P H.I~.S. Dr. Chotkowski, Health Director, w~s present at the invitation of this Board for e hearing on his 1965-66 budget reeuest. Town Engineer and Cir. of rublic Works Morgan Seelye was present at this Board's invitation to discuss the Engineering Budget. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted,