1973/12/06RECREATIONAL SERVICE Period Ending BUDGET STATEMENT __ Decemb er 31, # of Acct. 1901 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1921 1922 1923 1924 1927 C-1929 C-1930 C-3502 Name of Account Director of Recreational Secretary Playground Wages, Jr. Programs Wages, Adult Programs Wages, Custodians P-T Secretary Office Supplies Pool, Wages Pool, Supplies Lion's Pool, Wages Little League Umpires Police Protection Jr. Program, Supplies Adult Program, Supplies Arts & Crafts Halloween Bus Drivers Service Community Grounds Building (L.~. Movie Projector Playground Equipment Budget 1973-74 $ 8,700. 420. '10,444. 9,500. 3,900. 4,O00. 2,600. 932. 14,500. 1,000. 6,000. 1,700. 200. 3,500. 2,200. 2,000. 500. 1,500. 2,000. 600. 500. Transfers 1973 ast Month Balance $ 5,075.00 245.00 3.00 5,307.40 3,252.50 3,704.00 1~590.00 562.78 2,731.37 666.45 1,010.25 874.75 149.12 2,436.70 1,440.60 420.35 75.66 551.25 2,000.00 460.00 PARK AND RECRZATION COk;MiSSiON MSETiNG ~ERLZR TOWN HA~L~ 7:30 PM. Thursday / 12/6/73 2 Bid Opening E.B. Pool Complex Bid Opening E.B. Pool Building Budget Golf Course Dept. Public Grounds Dept. Recreational Services Dept. Sage Park Development SHORT Golf Course Reoort - L. Graham - L. Hansen Public Grounds Report - T. Hrebiec Recreational Service Report - B. Roe Minutes of the Park & Recreation Conzmission mceting('gecemL, er 6, 197 Those present were Chairmr. m Dr. !<iniry, Mr. F, ierzejewski, ~'ir. K!otz, ~ · ~ ~'- ~ Mr. Bergstrom, Mr. Pars, dis, Mr. Paris, ~,r. Lutin, ~,;r. zates, Mr. ,,.aule, ~66,240.00 ~ fes~o~i ~ros. S64,2~6.00. ~Ae~ ~re as foi,ows- ~ru~ali ?ool $2~8,975.00, ~izzo Pooi 8245,919.00 Mr. !~ates ~ugg:s~ed that a joint meeting be held with the ~o~:rd of Finance, Building Commission a~'~d the Mayor to iron out all proC_ems. It was aisc suggested th~.t Mr. Gr~:m and Mr. Roe go over the specs agar. in t6-see if anything c~ be cut down. Copies of the Oolff Course Dapt., Public Grounds Dept. and l{ecreational Service Dept. I974-I975 budgets were districuted. Each item was discussed ~d some minor changes were made. =e~ by the Drug Action Committee Dr. Kiniry & Mr. Eoe slPttnc~d a meeting cai~ ~ · Eepresentatives f'rom nine difffferent groups attended to s~a i= the diz'zerent groups were overlapping in a:~y ~rea. Discussed was obtaining the old poli~e statio~: Zor m~ offiice and a half'way house. A letter was received from Eobert Fish conffirming the CIAC tournament. Mr. Eoe has not done ~ything about the Lions property for a field as 0~ ye~. Mr. Mierzejewski has tazked to the Little League concerning the painting ~d cleaning up off the ffields. The snac~ bar concessionaire will have to pay for the soei~:.i room iff he has a New Year's Party. Mr. Hansen brought up the subject of seasons tickets. Affter a discussion it was agreed that the present price would stay the sams this year. Mr. Paris asked Mr. Hanaen Zo oring in figures to the next meeting and the subject will be discussed and actea upon. The following bills were approved ~or p~yment. L. luddy Bess Eaton Douut's SNE T~le Co MeGraw Hill ~roch SilE Teie Co CL&P Occhi Eq A SLabie~,iec Center ?ai~,t & Hzrdware i, row~ .i~?~t~',i [~ Co Eed Star Exprcs._ irrig lion & Ez Supply Co Kensington Hardware Magson Uni£or~s Il :,iagov~. Sonitro'_ Sec Sup of ~ B S, Z Tele C A Tomasso $ 35.00 67.50 19 24 7.62 36.79 108.. 21 1909 20.06 3521 6.82 351'L 7 .$6 3510 176.57 :' 5.00 3512 8.40 3514 53.99 3516 35.12 49Di 32p0.OO 2985 LO '~'~' .... . ~ ~0 5P.95 !95~ 112.22 i981 160.00 19~ 53.25 " 96.00 3522 36.00 " 674.00 19~5 61.65 19E3 3~.o~ ~o 33. ~4 26.40 192l 3ooo .oo 35~