1973/08/02Minutes 0£ the Aug-mst 2, I973 Park & Rea'raation Com~ission me.~ting. Those present were Chair:.an Dr. Xiniry, Mr. Maule, Mr. K_otz, Mr. Bates, Mr. Paris, Mr. Bergstrom, Mr. Roe, Mr. Grah~..m, Mr. Hrubiec and Mr. H:~sen. East Berlin Pool Building Committee Program. The Chairman of the ~uilding Committee w_s present. Chairman Dr. Xiniry read a letter received from the co~mittee. The committe~ would ii~e to ch~nge materials being used for the bath-hoUse, would like ~o use cinder blocks which would be more durable. The building cost should not exceed $40,000.00. The ~uilding Committee would like to see the contract and also huve a representative from the Loomis Co. present at a meeting. The prime objective o£ the Building Committee is the security of the pool and the people using it. The Zuilding Committee wou±d like to see the Lids go out s~p~'.rate. One ~or the pool, one ~or the building, and one £'or the i nd-a~aping. Concerning the pool contractor, in the contract it should state contractor h~s built gunite pools or in the business x number of years. $21,200.00 has been appropriated for the project. A letter had been received from the Design Y~eview Committee giving some suggestions concerning the East Berlin Co:~.piex. The com~_.i~ee wou~d like to meet with the Park ~ ~ec., Zuiiding Com.uittee and the Loomis Co. Mr. Roe ?nd Mr. Hrubiec have met with them ~nd have answered some questions. The Youth S~rvice Council proposeu a new ordi~ance. Dr. Kiniry read some correspondence concerning the above. The First Se!ectm~n will c'±! a meeting of all concerned and will wait until Fall to m~e a d~ciaion. Mr. Hruhiec stated that his forem~n has left. H~ does need someone. The summer help are going to stay on longer. Dr. Xiniry stated ~hat at some point Mr. Graham or ~]r. Hru~iec come to a meeting and recommend this person for the following reason ( concerning a job). ~]r. Grs~am went to the Fin~nce ~o:rd concer'ning ~hc lighvning pro'~!em. They suggested that the money he ts~en out om' the regular budget. If ~roLiems come up in the spring, go to the board i~or more money. Mr. Graham has a bis from the iro~,m Co. and will o~tain two more bias. Mr. Hansen stated tha~ ~5000.00 a week is being taken in , this does not include season ~ic~et ho_ders. ?lay is holding up well. ~,Yr. Graham was instructed ~o look into vhe cleanliness of the concessionaire. Mr. Y~oe and Mr. Hruhiec have not made a decision o~: the pic ~ic fee. Dr. Kiniry stated that a person should be there to scout %he area. The fee should 'se comparable to the pay of the person that is there. A fee should be set and there would be the right to waive th.~ fee. Concerning the mini park on Main ~ ~cn~ngton, a motion w~s made by Mr. Paris sand seconded by ~qr. Lergstrom that a letter be sent to the Land Acquisition Committee suggesting that they purchase the property. Mr. Ace has. asKed if the fee's for the outside groups ~ou!d be raised. The commission suggested that the groups take the respo.~sibility of SI00.O0 deductible ~d write up an agreement. Mr. Roe stated that movie projector'a~ c~n be purchased for ~IO0.O0 eauh from the School Board. $400.00 is left for joining the film library. Mr. ?-.oe asked ii the name of the commission cou_c be cha~ged to Public Ground's and P. ecreation Services. The ordinance states now Park & Recreation Commission. Dr. Kiniry would like a letter written to the Little Le~.gue asking why the buildings at the fields h~ve not been painted. A youth week-end is being pl~ned,a dance wi_l be held, tennis will be played and a picnic will be held. The foitowi~:g bill were approved for payment. ~ Luddy New Britain Hearld S I'~ E Tele Co Inter C. hurch Audio Visuals Inc I ~.M Ocean Pool A B Dick Co Kensir:gton Pharmacey Hadfields Co S N S Crafts Guida S,,ibert Dairy Plimptons Co~_n Rec & P rk Assoc Hadfields Co Mickey Fi_un Stores Ocean Pool S N E Tele Co C L&P Labieniec A Greco J M Battolio~'~ Co Magovern Chevron Oil Co CL&P Siderowf Co CL&P S K E Tele Co D R Magie Co Ir_,dia~ Valley Dis Franklin Oil Cadweil & T Irwin SoR_,itroi Sec Sys of New Britain Inc :~e::~,a, ton Hardware Inc Turf Prod Corp Albreads Refuse I~c Torch Prod Corp Flow Controls C A Hjerpe Co Homelite Alfco Rokeby Co Inc E Padelli Forestville Lumber Co Irrigatior~ & Eq Supply Co ~t 0 M Scott & Sons Co Magovern * 35.oo # 15.5O 1922 36.07 1909 25.75 1921 19.29 1909 443 · 90 191'2 26.20 1909 8.08 i912 9 .O0 1921 1519. 65 1923 62.63 1921 l1.00 1909 5.00 211 62.40 1921 10.50 3513 239.80 3513 26.98 3510 1.90 " 103.36 " 24.00 3512 2.80 " 24 · O0 " 337-92 3~i3 118.60 3512 87.42 95.85 1983 73- 52 1980 6.12 1981 526.77 " 31.80 1985 174.13 1981 18.37 " 66-53 " 202.00 .!~86 1625.00 i984 21 .O0 1980 1390.87 1984 1282 -75 " 686.85 1985 35 .O0 1986 58.61 1985 5.30 1983 40.00 1986 49.14 " 81.86 1985 18 · 90 " 20.85 " (9.2o) 1984 876 .O0 " 360 · O0 " 128.59 '1985 383.50 " 6D7.32 '" 1031.86 " 36.00 '" 585.00 " 503.75" llO .O0 " 14.11 " 1255.80 201.15 !983 1600.00 962.55 1984 465.00 " Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P~$. Park and Recreation Meeting September 6, 1973 Secretar~ Lucille Luddy