1970/08/06 Aug!~st 6, 1970 Minutes of thePark sad Recreation Commission Meetin~. · Those prese~t were Chairman Dr. riniry_ , , Hr. Paradis, !..r. }flotz, ?,ir. ~o+eo~ ,o, blr. Ber,ystrom, Hr. Graham, Hr. Ha,.:sen, Hr. McGlone and Fr. Kau!e. Mr. Bates gave a re ,crt o~,: the Gr~e:',_'$ Committee for tha ~'~-' course The Green's Committee is worki~',g on "Membership". How muci~ and etc. The committee is wor~i',_~ on a survey After a surve.v is made the committee will 'bring to the commission a recomme','~dation. The Gree;:'s Committee i~as also sug/<ested that Timberlir Golf be a member oY o,o',~ or,~re.,ization On a motion made ~,y ?,~r. Bergstrom a ~d seconded you letters 'be sent to alt co~tri,~utors for o-ocR 6ay e.t the ~'o] ~' cm .... se. Also tic,ets mace u:~. and i0 to 20 sent to the contributors ac, t si-.,~ frie~ds can [:~r.y free of c~:arge at the golf course. Notion carried. Chairman Dr. ;(i.-.,iry r~;a5 to, those [:.re;~'ent ali cortes .earle-ace r~ceiv,~[ :> the commisa~io ~.. Fir. Graham will atte .d t~ e iuiiidin? Cma issio:~ meeti::r: to see ~,~ ou% the seedin¢~ n~c , !a,,tin,r? around t ~e club hou,ce. Dr. i~i:~iry a.:d ..r. hcGlo e wi-J; at%e 5 a Youth Cou,.~e~] Mr, NcGio e v~ii ~ct i-n touch with all ot:.~r oeo~"~e i snack ~:~,~v' ~,nd wi L meet wi%~ them Au~m,~st 10, 1970. ~r. <~.. ~r Rt. MoGlo o will ma.e a recom;:~e~d~ %io:~ to tho commissio~ s'.~ack Discussed at i:;e meet' ,~. ~,_~, was t],e .ros~om which arose progr~>m. Mr. B. We iwich was hired as a starter at the ~oz Mr. :(ocbunrs who e, ou_i~, not ac~:e % the ~esi'[:i,m A 1/2 ton due i;r~ck i~r'.~-~ ,..ee,'~ ,urcna:-:.ed. N.-,~. lqeGiones:~?',,icst,,. ....... ,.. :. sur,:lns fiio~,oy '[e 1}$_. tQ n~rr p~,c,~ a oioku truc.~. Mr. MoG].o~:(~ wou~d ,:i ,~. to ~iire a thirF ms.: iN t:,~:~'~,ll ~"or th~ qrk de:artme~t. fir. . iLoGLo e will '"' ov-'.r' t..c -,.turk e'~u}' -.m~.:,.~o list. ,"r. NcGto e olo;; ~,ec~ ' that t,e par',{ de :,-rtment ,,as run out of !il~e to ta,e over r~, ],-:' ~ at the town Dr. KinirY suggoai:~.d ti,~e-[ Mr.i.icG-in e ,,~.ri~e to the La.rd Commission co:qeer~ni ~,~--la~$ wi+,}~, N:~'!d[ .,~-' on it. 1 !,l NILS r',:{l~]c'~-:' ('! t}'~?~ ~s:o Q" i:~,(: .<:'o] ':' cO~.,' ',: ~ ,';'" '. field al.F,5' Or, 80 ,e,,'/,Z~,~ r 10, aq7a StaT'ti ,,~ ~'~- ......... :,:~,~ q:O(~ A[,'~. '~'i~.., v'~n~~,-, they use th(; 'pC(D; ~e at Cbc sr~ac~{ b: r. . S75."1/) ::r ::: i,,.'en sot s thc re % o2 ti, hal: ,%t 3!;,': e!_tlt hou,t:c. reor~ {'.,[:13i r ,", .~ · Twenty families i:~ E~oto.,~,, ~,.erlln ~,uoue~:sed~ that see coP, missio~ luil. d mi~l flr. '~.r'Adis t~at tee comm,ssio~ is a~ainst huildi ~g a mini bike tr~cx Cq a m sion m~,de i,? Rt. ~,~rstrom e~d S~.CO dod' 'UF }ir. ~aradis that Mr. NcGlone oLtai, sor~x} qnotc~$ from co ,cerns %o cut down trees at Cla~'~{'s Grove A slt{~'.'c;s~ioN w~ a ilnd(: ~o c!o .... Sec, chi l,,a%'L, or D~ y weekend. .,,, l,,cOlo :e~.,,~a~sce t;;ere will be no money in the bud?et %o open %ho ';>ool Nex% year. i?ili .go beCore the Piarnce }card i, cfo._c Rex% sea. soil. m> COiii.liSk;iO. wi - ~dt on now ;~oo-l_ rules ilox3 yoor. The fcllowi~" ~i is ¥;,~,r~ "x': r',vo~ or .: 9 P · 'JO -'_0. O0 S.2P 6.59 2d. 4-0 16.50 ._ 6.6S a~: .60 ~' .00 . ~ 1i. 6.-2 }. O0 !0. "~' 16.0~ ~ 14.7 lz~-2 ..... i8:' .7 : . 4.0 p ', 1927 -c2l iq20 , . q 2n ' lq06 /s i}q20 -- Lc 2r 1920 -:) 7 -02'