1970/04/02Minutes of the April 2 1970 Park a~.d Recrcazio~.~ Meezing. Those present were Chair'msn Dr. Kiniry, Mr. ~iotz, Mr. i~azes, Mr. Paris, Mr. bergstrom, Mr. ~ar~dis, Mr. Manic, Mr. Mierzejews.~i, I,ir. Graham and Chairman Dr. Kiniry stated that a five year co~'~tract for the ]:;radley barn has been signed. The New ]~;ritaia Water Department purposed that the tow:~ of Berlin pay a blanket' rate flor the water that woui~ be used at the golf course· The water would be used only in case oi' an em~6'ency. Chairman Dr. Kiairy stated that the commission has agreed to h~re Mr. L. Haasen as pro at the golf course, subject to a Town Meeting. The co,qtract is in the process of being goi~e over so it will be agreeable to eveyone. Mr. McGlo~e and i~ir. ]~entley spent some time at th& Nazi~nai Cash Register Co. They explained to a representative what we would like the cash register to do for us at the golf course. In turn the representative will set ul~ a system ~'or the commission. On a motion made by Mr. Paris a:~d seconded by Mr. Bergstrom to recommend to the ~oard of Finance to purchase the cash register. Motion carried. A flyer for the "Name'the Park Contest" was presented to the commission. Mr.-McGlone has looked into Able Assoc. His findings were not to acceptable· Two more applicants for ,the snackbar are Mrs. Maier aqd Mr. Timko. Mr. ~icGlone has the new contract for the swimming pool from Scott but has not sent it back. Mr. l;~cGloae has sent out for. quotes for the chemicals for the swimming pool Sav~l i~,leach has the best prices so far. ' Mr. ~ entley a~d the Town Auditor has suggested .that we cLa,~ge ffrom a bank account to a chec~i;~g account for the swimming pool. The 3oard Of Finance is ~i lli~,g to furchase a small cash register for the :~ooi. Each mor~th Mr. McGio::e will write a chec~ to t~e Town Treasurer so the money can be returned to the town. Mr. McGio:~e met with the Co~servation Commission the following sug~festi~ns were made. Thahtne Park and Recr~ation Commission taxe over a :d construct recreational faci.:ities at Hungerford Park, ask oermission to use the baseball diamond at Moorelm.~d School, ask permi~sion to u~e thenewly acquired YMCA land of£ Percival Ave. The Conservation Commission is dic~ering to obtain land_in East Berlin. ~ Ail groups i~ter~sted in baseball will contact Mr. McGlo.~e so a schedule can be arranged. Mr.the baseballMCGi°:~e will teams.C°"atact the.Town~ Counsel concerning i:',surance for summerIt wes. suggested tha~t a ba~ebail cii~ic be held at each playground this Mr. McGlo~e stoat-ed that ne is desifr::,,ing a booklet to be distributed in the school this comi:~g ~'ail oertaini~..~z, to all the Par.~ and Recreations programs. ~ ~. Mr. McGlo~;e sug~:est~:-d a car~ be sold for arts a~,d craf. taa d it would be punc.,.,ed ai'ter each purchase Dr. :(i:~iry ~ -~ · s~..te~ merchandise could be given out free if discression would be used. seaso:~sDiScusedtic,,~ets.at ie~.gi;t w~:s' t:~e to,ic, off chargipg= . childrei~, for thepool and I','ieeti~,.~ adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ~ Park and Recreations, Meeting A_~ril i6, a~,nd April 30 1970. buci]le Luddy '' '~ m.'i ~.- n .... ~,f.£hs a..:::rcvud :. S:.arp - -~ - _. ' crli., o2ice l<. DoN i e i.l. S: o!_o:..e a J. -o..iusAOsiEy A. : o. a!o D. C'3rie:t C Or:P_ .'~i.i-L,i_Ciii ~; i aC~,..",'e CO. i. O(~dU.S !~,er~.i 2or,'l 8er i e. 2 .: i m .... R. Del Cizc:.:icai Cot,,. ~. Ca ::odioe J. A cai'plo - }12.67. }7. v: ~ o. OC, - r'. pO .Lc. DO 2'~ . O0 '~o.o ~0. }O - S. 7:0 -SO.oO '. 00 }. z_O _ 0 "' .alp -- 2_oOp .. - 3.1.d .: iqO~ -: -POp .- ~.67 t:c 21.0'? ._: a2n & // 1q22 _oc.Z..2 '- i 1L.36 4 lq2'- &C.l).} =- loi2 ~ · ? C p' 3 · OP ~,n ,',] 1022 .,~. <10 ;r 1906 671 07 ~,.._ 68.00 -<;1905 cc. O0 .,'7 i_qop S: S - 'o The ~oliowing are Play~round D. Robinson r~ruseoK W. ALrahs~ason F. Tarca !,. LaVorgaa R. ]! .alewajek P. Sargis C. Pesenti L. Puzito S. Nasseile B. Pletc,~er ~{. HermanowsKi J. Adorno S. Herzy R. ~ ap ?i D. WroLel G. Anastasian M. O' Drien M. M adieu rga~ K. ~(lipp M. Rascoe S. Axderson B. Busnarda M. Dennehy P. Bates S. Xiniry P. Baretta J. Lagocki N. Pagan applicants for summer Pool A. Dodson K. Hartnett K. Lerystrom L. C±~rlOK ~ Collins L. DeRose D. Holmes ~(. Carlson D. Lu~ins S. Kinir~, G. ~qarzinchec~ M. Pa~::iano W. Luben D. ,Carlini T. McCarthey M. Scerra R. White J. Accarpio W. Abrahamson P Sargis W. I ac.~aro R. Cri~iti J. Sears J. Ba~gish T. l:re:mer }. Reed G. ~(aiser D. Robinson D. Melonows~i ~'.,.!iai~es D. Roberts ,', ~ ~rdin C. C,~ii ins White D. Silver ,~,. i',icC arthey V Dai ~ . g~e J. Baggish help. Park Dept Golf Course Richard Cariso,q Ra~mo~d i.[asii~ows;~ i D. O'Brien W. Farreii D~ Nierze jewsxi H. t erg~'en E. Recxert T. Wojack Nosher H. NcGurogn M. Greco R. Philli T. Wiliametz L. Riranti J. Cummings G. Nappi N. Pepe J. Baccaro G. Wells S. Robichaud H. H. ~etrofsky i'.[. Tercya~ J. Guite F. Tarca O r. R. Pulito R. RruLiec R. , leman G ~ Simeone T. Simeo :e P. ] erge~:holtz A. A!Lerti 8. i, rochetti P; %'uily N~. Bugeiia W. }accaro