1970/04/16:;~'~::::~: ;5t'.i'?y,. .:?,.ula }?..rett::, Ja.::icc:.~ ,.o¢,~ocxi, ;;a:' cy Pas,:,.:':, Shot1 5' lq ...... O ]_ 1 e, ;i'}to c':~;~tu, ct.~.or Scott Poe_, has ~,,:c,.. :,i(yned" 'u~,'~ ' 3 ~" for '~: ~ : " ,~ *',r. i,i~i:io:e read a list o£ im.provcmc :~ts th:.:t should be done a,t 'oho ;,oo1_. k:O0~ ~CCOU:I% ii l'Oi:1%1i0 i ~i.LQi~:~ uommi~;ioz,. t:,;y O:~c~cawa.y stated ti;at thc tows'l does not reouire a softball ] ..... ;q;~' to ,,~o commisszos'; has a.~?;recd %o pay the umpire, s and purchase a dozen 'bails rot each of the sdi'toai_, teams. Rt. kaule will submit a roster for the softball leaf[ue arid has requested thr~t the HuLbard School Pie±d Se made ready for 'practice. fir. Graham made ~" r~.oru-.... ~ on she ~soli" course. Sci~cdutes will be .~n:i,,,:it-t,( rot u,e l.i'htle L,3aaue, Jr. Zea~:ue and l,ittle Le:,gue ±"arm, tea~s. " - Discussed was the Grand Opetti,g eve;'~t at the ~,o1~' course. i',ir. ;.lcGloae asked permission to purchase l;iayground ecui.;me:tt ;~ra',~.t od. ' * , · Permission A motion was made and voted u ,on to c]:~ango the pool sa.vi:?:s accouP_t to a pool cl':ec~(ing account. Vove 5 yes no O. Motion carried. Nr. NcGlo,:~e wi;1 order the . ~ ~'au~,~ig suits for the pool personnel. Neeting adjourned at 9:30 Pan{ a::d Recreat{ --,-: Meeting iVla-;,, 7, 1970. I,uciiic Luddy Secret~ary