1969/09/25Mi,n. utes of the September 25, 1969 Park a,qd Recreation Meeting. Those present were Dr. Kiniry, Mr. Bates, Mr. Bergstrom, Mr. Klotz, Mr. Mierzejews~i, Mr. Mute, Mr. DiPie%ro, Mr. McGlone, Mr Graham, m~d Mr. Zikorus. · The following bills were approved for payment. Lu¢itle Luddy Kensington Fire District Herbs S~ort Shop Center Paint & Hardware II I1 II t, It Il fl II ~rierleys National Chemsearch Art Incorp Berlin Public School's Scott Pool's Conn. Park and Recre~-~tion Assoc. S N E Tele Corm L~ght Power $ 35.00 #1903~ 12.5o #1920 51.90 #~~ 7.93 3.96 #1920~~ 1.~5 # ~920~ .60 //1920~- 3.60 - ~1920~ 3.75 #1920'- 120.O0 ~1920~ 72.00 //1920~ 14.7b .~1921~ 126.00 ~1927.~ v .oo oo oo '52.91 Represe~tativos from the berlin Jaycee's were present. The ].erlin Jaycee's will sponser a "ifame the Park Contest". The reoresentatives outlined the contest. The contest wi].] run 'for a month after the .%'irst of the year and orizes will be given. The Jaycee's will_ .meet with the commi~sio:~ again in the near future concen~ing the contest. Recreational Director Nr. mcGlone s~;ateo t~at h,t has lo~-,ked over the pool contract a~d wi_l], ma~e some n~:w recomme.;d~,ti .ns concernin~ the pool. Ne also stated that he would lJ:ie a:-~y oJd files th, t are availa[,le on old buogets br~a~ioowns a~a etc. He has also rc~eived ca, is on a s~{i o}ub cos~;o;~.e ~ and Par~{ a~d Necre~tion and a ~oy Scout conservation pro The fflas ~'oot~-.r~ll ,~ro ram ~-:~: ,~:e~; ~lr. Gib,~ey or t}~e :ti;'hceho ,-, r~a~ ~'-,f~ro~'~ied hr. NoG]one "o;.~ the i~ossibility or the Nccrt_.~-tiou Department urc,,asinf~- met::,.: nets for t]~e tet~nis courts. f'IcGlone will loo~{ i~tvo vne Mr. McGlot:e ha~- su~' tst~ t~t all the m:,teria~: ~tooded 2or t~,e Holloween loro, rama be .mrcha: ~d ~y him a,~d di tr:i[uted. Cot~cerni~t~.' t~urcha, se or,u rs, hr /q~:(]io ~e road a lct0cr coacerni~;~f purchas, oFoers w]lio}l will '~;e se,-~t to a,l] orP[:tnisati Ns r::,d otc. may urcna~;e isems, mr. ],]c,~.lo:~e will do all t~e ~urch .... in~{. Ail mo~ay za,~,h % the :~oo[, .~ {i the o'.;',~s has oa.o ~ tur,qed ova:r to the ,':~e~ ral runu. Chairm;.,: Dr. ~i~ ~_r'.', wi_._ as~{: t~e Town Auditor flow to ~,r~nal_e i~e money . .~,.lv.. i-.i Ga wr~ 'e rcce ve~ r % a i,:,,ce rot thc Little Leafu~e 'J'~e ~ J.,,s w~ -,. l,~--:~:~: ov~,r ~:,o the o-lect:~.,a~,.. A letter will be sent to the Finance Board quoting the salary of William Schwab the Asst. Maintenancem~n at the golf course. His salary wil.~ be $6240.00 a year. Also the Park and Recreation Commission is refuting a barn on the land of Churchill Bradley at $30~00 a month u~til the maintenance building is re;,dy. ~ir. Graham submitted bids in the amount of $31000 O0 for equipment for the golf course. · The remainder of the meeting Mr. Ziko~us discussed the golf course. Meeting aduourned at 11:00 P.M. ~P~ Park ~d Recreation Meeting October ~, 1969~ LuCilie Luddy S~cretary