1964/10/20 1. Regular Meeting Berlin' Town Planning Commission October 20, 1964 at 7:30. Members present: Aldo Castiglioni, Nunzio Rosso, Robert Bennerup, add Roy Byrne. Also, Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works, and A1 Curnow of the Engrg. Dept., and Margaret Gooby. 2. Agenda Item I - Final approval Section III Oxyoke Mr. Wicklund appeared and presented the following map "Section III - 0xyoke Vill~ Berlin,Conn., owned and developed by Earl H. Wicklund, Inc., 1"=50', October 1964 J. D. Williams, C.g." This Section contains Hemlock Ridge, and lots 126-139 and 140. Lot #120 is not included in this Section but is part of Section IV. Mr. See[ reported that the bond for $13,700 has been received, seepage tests are good but the Health Director has not approved the map. Mr. Bennerup made a motion, seconded by Mr. Byrne, that we give final approval subject to the approval of the Health Director and with the stipultation that a notation be put on the map stating that Lot 120 is not a part of Section III. So voted. Map was signed by members present. 3. Agenda Item III - Preliminary Conference Varriceione Subdivision Mr. George Jarmoliwski appeared and presented a plan for the subdivision develop- ment of 9.8 acres of land owned by Varriccione on Episcopal Road and adjacent to the Lam~rre property, Grandview Acres. This plan as presented would have 11 lo~s with four of them facing on a dead-end road, an extension of Vivlan Drive which is alreadydead-end on the Lamarre property. The plan was not acceptable to either the Engineering Dept. or the Planning Commission. Mr. Jarmoliwski will try to plan this subdivision with extending Vivian Street thru to Episcopal Rd. q. Agenda Item II - Final approal Section IV Meadowbrook - Mr. Dobrowolski did not appear. 5. Agenda Item IV - Gravel Pit Approval - Biafore, Contractor Mr. Seelye reported that the map promised for this meeting was n~t ready. Mr. Byrne made a motion, seconded by Mr. Rosso that we extend their temporary permit until our next meeting. This to be our final extension. If we have not received the map by our next meeting then we should take steps to stop the excavation of gravel. Mr. Biafore to be notified of our action, So voted. 6. Agenda Item V - Sidewalks - Construction and Bonding Requirements/Ordinances. Mr. Curnow reported that he had talked with Town Engineers from surrounding towns Newington will send us a copy of their ordinance. On established subdivisions the property owners pay 1/2 of the cost of the sidewalk only, the Town pays for all preliminary work, grading, etc. Planning Commission is considering requiring sidewalks in new subdivisions. Wetherffield does not have an ordinance, work to State Statute. Include sidewalk bonding in road performance bond. It was' suggested that we ask the Town Counsel's opinion on the legality of re~aining a performance bond on sidewalks. This could also be something to discuss with people at the C.F.Z.P.A. meeting. 7. Agenda Item VI - Preliminary Conference Stiles Reynolds Resubdlvision - Did not discuss as map was not presented. 8. Mr. Rosso read a letter from the Board of Water Connissioner~ of New Britain relative to Oxyoke Village. It has been agreed by all parties that a revised layout will be made showing the lot lines to be at least 150 ft. from the high water line, and that Mr. Wicklund should create a ridge as a divider to protect the watershed to the pond, and that also septic systems are to be placed in the front yards to keep seepage away from the pond. A copy of this letter will be sent to the Health Director. 9. Mr. Rosso announced the following meetings and conventions a) Fall Meeting C.F.Z.P.~. Wednesday, October 28 b) Conn. Conservation Commission, Thursday, October 22. c) Corm Development Commission Monday, November g 10. Mr. Castiglioni read a communication from the Finance Board asking that all Budgets for the 1965-66 fiscal year be in by December 15, 1964. 11. Grandview Park - Revised map of Section I - Mr. Seelye presented the followinl revised map of this Section which shows Grandview Ave. as a thru street. "Section I - Grandview Park, Grandview Avenue, Berlin,Conn., owned and developed by Radco, Inc. 777 Farmington Avenue, Ber~n Conn., dated May 15, lgG~,J.D.William~ scale 1"=~0'. Revised June 1, 1964 to show detail of R.O.W. to brook,revised June 15,196~ to change storm drainage, Revised October 15,196~ to remove turn- around on Grandview Avenue." Mr. Byrne made a motion that we appDove this map and that ~ supereede previously approved map on file. Motion seconded by Mr. Bennerup and passed. Map was signed by members present. \ 11. On motion of Mr. Byrne, seconded by Mr. Bennerup, the Minutes of the Public Hearing of October 6 were approved as written. 144 12. On motion of Mr. Byrne, seconded by Mr. Bennerup, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 6 were approved as written. 13. Fencing of culvert - Sterling Dr. Item 12, Sept. 22 Minutes - Mr. Rosso reported that he had discussed this with Mr. Schultz and he seemed willing to do his part. lb. Next meeting scheduled for November 17 at 7:30 P.M. Respectful~ed, ~s~, Secretary 15. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, November 17, 1964 at 7:30 Members present: Aldo Casti~lioni, Nunzio Rosso, Robert Bennerup, and Ray By, ne. Also Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works, A1 Curnow, Engr. and Margaret Goob' 2. Agenda Item 6 - Discussion of~E.T. Ringrose Property - Mr. Ringrose 'along with Attorney Ringrose appeared tc~ie~ss this sub~ect. Also in attendance were several residents from the Edgewood Road area. Mr. Ringrose presented two maps (1) "Land to be deeded by Herman g Emma Brayfield Berlin,Conn., December 1958, Scale 1"=40'." (2) "Map showing proposed subdivisio of property owned by James J. g Carol K. Ringrose, Birch Lane,Berlin,Conn., May 1964, Scale 1"=~0', H. F. Kendrick, c.g." As thi~is thought to be a re-subdivision the Commission asked that we be furnished with a map of the entire original piece showing the proposed and previous divisions. Regarding a previous decision that Birch Lane is not a town-owned road, the Commission will check with the Town Attorney, Mr. Jackaway, and also the former Town Engineer, Edward Davis, and will set up a meeting with Art Powers,. First Selectman, Commission will also plan to inspect this road on Sunday,Nov. 21. 3. Agenda Item 3 - Preliminary approval Mountain View - Dutkiewlcz property - Mr. Ray Wo~ciulewicz a~d the owners of the property appeared to discuss this proposed subdivision. The following map was presented. "Subdivision Map - Mountain View, Berlin,Conn., Orchard Road, Igor Veshesloff, 1":40', dated October 29, 1964." This subdivision would contain 7 lots all with the required acreage, but lots No.}and 5 do not have the required mean depth, and lot No. 6 does not have the required frontage on a town road (Orchard Rd), although it would have the required frontage on a future road but if this road is used for frontage purposes then the lot would not have the required mean depth. It was the consensus that we could not give preliminary approval as this pro- posal does not meet xoning regulations. Mr. Wojciulewicz will try to lay this land out differently. 4. Agenda Item 1 - Building Permit in Planned Industrial Zone - Mr. Seelye pre- sented a plan for a new industrial building in the Webster Square Industrial Park - planned by Closson ~ Closson and dated October 12, 196q. The required letter according to Zoning Regulations did not accompany the map. No action was taken and developer will be notified that this letter is required before we can act on the request. It was suggested that the parking area be moved north a few feet to allow clearance along the street line. 5. Agenda Item ~ - Discussion on change of house number, Mr. Budney,Wethersfield Road. Mr. Budney did not appear to speak for this request nor was a request received in writing. No action was taken. 6. Agenda Item 5 - Final approval Section IV Cedar Grose - Mona Clark owner. The lot to the south was created in 1963 with an area of 1.gk acres. This lot has th approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals but was never submitted to th~s Commissiol The following map was presented - "Map of property of Mona P. Clark, Edgewood Rd. Berlin,Conn., l"=g0', December 11, 1963, Revised 11-2-64, Section IV, Lot 44, Block 17 Cedar Grove, Berlin,Conn., Theodore E. Miller, C.E. ~ L.S." Mrs. Clarkr has sold this lot to Frank Zliczewski. Mr. Bennerup made a motion, seconded by Mr. Rosso to give final approval sub,eot to the approval of the Health Director. So voted. Map was not signed awaiting linen map. Berlin Board of Finance October 16, 1964 Minutes On October 16, 1964 it was voted to approve for pa~nent from ~6, Board of Finance Expenses, the following bills submitted by ~qrs. Graeme Bunce: l) Clerical work for Board of Finance for September 1964 $50.00 2) Telephone Expense ~ .40 3) Postage for Finance Board $20.00 Members voting were Chin. P. Doran and Messrs. W. S. Brown, S. S. Sargis and S. J. Pietras. Respectfully submitted, Berlin Board of Finance October 20, 1964 Minutes of Meeting A meeting of the Board of Finance was called to order at 7:30 P. M. on Tuesday, October 20, 1964 at the To~n Hall. Members Present: Chm. P. D. Doran and Messrs. W. S. Brown, T. W. Ward, Jr., and M. D. Coe. The ~inutes of September 29, 1964 were approved. Communications Received: 1. Copies of the Auditor's Report for the Town of Berlin-Examination for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1964 were received and distributed to Board members, the secretary and a copy for the Board of Finance file. 2. Annual Report from Berlin Fire Dept. was received. 3. Board of Selectmen Minutes for Sept. 21, 1964 and Sept. 28, 1964 were received. 4. Notice of the Municipal Finance Officers Association Fall Quarterly Iqeeting to be held Oct. 22, 1964 was received. Bills: None Transfers: None Old Business: 1. Chin. Doran reported he has as yet received no further communication from Chief Mechanic Ed Hater re a proposed additional raise for Mr. ~nosko. (See ~.~inutes of Sept. 29, 196~-New Bus. ~4} 2. Board members discussed the proposal to purchase nursing service from New Britain as put forth by the BPHNS at a meeting with this Board on Sept. 29, 1964 and Eeported in this Board's Minutes of Sept. 29, 1964 under New Business ~l. It was voted that this Board suEgest to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Berlin Public Health Nursing Service that they hold a public hearing to assess the to~nspeople's reaction to this idea. New Busine ss: 1. Board members discussed the Mattabassett Sewer District Budget in relation to Berlin's share of the cost. It was voted that this Bc~rd authorizes the Board of Selectmen to call a Town Meeting for the purpose of appropriating from the General Fund the sum of $6,000.00 to item ~16a-1, Mattabassett Sewer District, as payment in full of Berlin's share of the estimated Mattabassett District budget through June 30, 1965. 2. It was voted that this Board re-engage ~. A. J. Dudzik, Jr. as Town Auditor for the ensuing fiscal year 1965-66 at $3,000. plus $800. for special services and that notification of this be given l~r. Dudzik and the State Tax Commissioner. The meeting a~ourned at 10:20 P. M. Respectfully submitted,