1964/09/29Berlin Board of Finance September 12, 1964 Minutes On September 12, 1964 it was voted to approve for payment from #6, Beard of Fi- nance, bills submitted by Mrs. Graeme Bunce for the months of July and August 1964 for the Board of Finance as follows: 1. A bill in the amount of 942.50 for clerical services for July and August 1964 for the Board of Finance. 2. A bill in the amount of $4.20 fo~ telephone expenses incurred by Mrs. Bunce for the Board of Finance. Members voting were Chairman P. D. Doran and Messrs. W. S. Brown, S. S. Sargis and M. D. Coe. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Pr~ Tem Berlin Board of Finance September 25, 1964 Minutes On September 25, 1964 the following transfers were approved by the Board of Fi- nance: 1. Transfer of $800.00 within #120a, Recreation, to be taken from Adult Wages and put in Arts and Crafts, at the request of Chm. John D~nnehy, Park and Redreation Commission. 2. Transfer of $400. from ~127, Contingency, to #121, Memorial Pool, to cover extra transportation costs incurred because the Pool was kept open longer than originally anticipated, at request of Chin. Dennehy. Members voting were Chairman P. D. Doran and Messrs. W. S. Brown, S. S. Sargis and M. D. Coe. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Pro&Tem : Berlin Board of Finance Minutes of Meeting September 29, 1964 A meeting of the Board of Finance was called to order at 7:30 P. ~. on Tuesday, September 29, 1964 at the Town Hall. Members Present: Chairman P. D. Doran and ~'~essrs. W. S. Bro~, T. W. Ward, Jr., S. S. Sargis and S. J. Pietras. Also Present: Chm. Mrs. J. Heinzmann, Berlin Public Health Nursing Servi~e, and P. B. H. N. S. members ~rs. C. Marshall, ~rs. R. Postl, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Wentland and ~r. Gustafson. Miss Eleanor Honan, Director of New Britain Visiting Nurse Asso- ciation, was also present as was Town Engineer Morgan Seelye. A Financial Statement for the period ending August 31, 1964 was received and ex- amined. The Minutes of July l, 1964, July 15, 196~, August 6, 1964, September 12, 1964 and September 25, 1964 were approved. Communications Received: A letter dated July 17~ 1964 from Chm. Mrs. J. Heinzmann of the Berlin Public Health Nursing Service in reply to this Bce rd's letter of June 30, 1964 to the BPHNS. Mrs. Heinzmann advised her Board has passed a resolution to plan to buy nursing service from another town for the next year and will request a meeting with the Finance Board to discuss this soon. A letter dated August 4, 1964 from First Selectman Powers re insurance coverage on town streets and sidewalks. Enclosed were a copy of a letter from ~. P. Fagan with a copy of the Travelers inter-office memorandum. (Minutes of September 29, 1964 - Continued) 3. A copy of a letter dated August 4, 1964 from Ex. Director E. Honan, New Britain Visiting Nurse Assoc., to Mrs. J. Heinzmann, Chin. of BPHNS re selling total nursing service to Berlin for a cost of ~26,355.00. A copy of a letter dated August 7, 1964 from Chm. Leo Helenski, Public Building Commission, to Tov~ Counsel Harry Jackaway asking for a ~gal opinion on the question: "Is the Tov~ of Berlin to be reimbursed for money authorized by Town Meeting for preparation of preliminary plans and specifications for the Mary E. Griswold School, said money to come from funds in the bond issue authorized by referendum for construction of the school?" 5. A copy of a letter dated August ll, 1964 from To~ Counsel Jackaway to Chm. Helenski, Public Building Con~nission in response to the August 7th letter above. Atty. Jackaway advised that his opinion is that since there was no discussion in the resolution for reimbursement to the Town, it will not be necess~.ry for the Town to be reimbursed for the preliminary plans from the appropriation. 6. A letter dated August 19, 1964 from Director of Public Works ~organ Seelye requesting the following: a. Transfer of $75.00 from Engineering Dept. to Civil Defense to allow purchase by the Director of Civil Defense of an automobile for use by his agency and with Civil Defense approval by the En- gineering Dept. The auto would be ~urchased from the State of Conn. Surplus Property Warehouse. The auto would be used by the Engineering Dept.'s Survey Party and would take the place of an annual car allowance which was not requested this fiscal year for the Survey Party. b. Approval as an alternate purchase under item #llC, Capital Expendi- ture, of two smaller trucks for snow plowing purposes at about $5,000. each rather than one large and heavier truck at $10,000. 7. A letter dated Sept. 3, 1964 from Ex. Director John Miller, Berlin Redev- elopment Commission, enclosing copies of the minutes of the Redev. Comm. meetings for May through August along with the financial report of the Commission through July 31, 1964. Also included was a copy of the ~qid- Planning Progress Report compiled by Raymond and May Associates. A copy of a letter to First Selectman Powers from Clerk J. Szymanski, Finance Committee of Mattabassett District, enclosing a summary of the expenditures of the Matt. District to the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964. Also enclosed was the 1965 budget and total cost sharing of the constituent municipalities to June 30, 1965. ~[r. Szymanski advised Berlin's share now due after credits amounts ~o $5,741.61. 9. A copy of a letter dated Sept. 15, 196& from Town Counsel Jackaway to the Board of Selectmen advising the court case of Clara ~owak V. To~n of Berlin is scheduled for trial nex~t week in Superior Court. She claims losses in the amount of $1,176.25 as a result of a severe sprained ankle after falling into a ditch in front of 34 Baxter Ave., Kensington. 10. A letter dated Sept. 17, 1964 from Director of Public Works l~organ Seelye advising that on June 8, 1964 a motor vehicle accident occured on ~eadow Lane which resulted in damage to the bridge over Belcher Brook. Damage to the bridge was such that the town incurred expenses other than its own labor to make the necessary repairs, for welding work and structural steel. A claim was made by the Town to the owner of the vehicle causing the damage for the amount of $190.15 which included $117.20 for payment to the Kensing- ton Welding and Trailer Co. for labor and $30 pounds of steel, and $72.95 for highway department labor directly involved in emergency repairs due to the accident. The pipe supplied by Kensington Welding was for railings which were in need of repair prior to the accident and therefore shouldn't be charged to it. The claim was settled in full, ~ith payment of $190.15 being made to the Tow~ on August 26, 1964 and sohsequently deposited in the General Fund. There are sufficient funds at present in our Highway Department appropria- tion to pay for the above repairs. However, repairs of this nature were not included in the Highway Budget. As payment for the claim has been deposited in the Town General Fund, it is requested that $117.20 be transferred from the Contingen~ Account to Highway General Maintenance Account~ Item 29, for the purposes of paying the portion of the expenses to the Kensington Welding and Trailer Co. attributable to the above accident. A copy of Kensington Welding's bill was enclosed, ll. A letter dated September 18, 1964 from First Selectman Powers enclosing a copy of the Agreement signed between the Douglas E. Dahm Co., General Con- tractor for the Hubbard School, and Bernard Cabelus, Building Inspector of the Town of Berlin. A check in the amount of $1,084. has been deposited by the Building Inspector in a Savings Escrow Account per recommendations of Town Auditor Albert J. Dudzik. 12. (Minutes of September 29, 1964 - Continued) , A letter dated Sept. 28, 1964 from Treasurer of the BPHNS, Mrs. Ruth Postl, advising that because of the ~resent situation of having only one full time staff nurse and two part-time nurses, the amount of $900. allowed in the BPHNS budget for part-time and substitute help for the fiscal year 1964-65 will be entirely depleted by the end of the current month. The BPHNS requests permission of this Board to consider all nursing staff salaries allowed in the budget as one lump sum, ~d allow the BPHNS to draw from this account for all nurses~ salaries, whether full or part time. If this request does no~ meet with the Finance Bcard's approval, it is requested that $900. be transferred from the account of Staff Nurse II to Part time and Substitute, to take care of inmlediate needs. It is further r~quested that this Board approve paying Mrs. Suess a stipend equal to 5~ of her monthly salary each month while she is assuming the duties of supervisor of the nursing service. This would amount to approximately $21.44 per month, and ~ould be taken from the Staff Salaries account if the first request is granted. If not, permission of the Finance Board to draw this amount from the Supervisor-Director salary account is requested. Minutes of Berlin Public Health Nursing Service meetings of Aug. 6, and Aug. 20, 1964 were received. 14. Minutes of Berlin Board of Education meetings of Aug. 10, and Sept. 1, 1964 were received. 15. Minutes of Public Building Commission meetings of Aug. ll, Sept. 3, Sept. 10, and Sept. 17, 1964 were received. 16. Minutes of Board of Selectmen meeting of Sept. 14, 1964 were received. Bills: 1. It was voted to approve payment from ~6, Board of Finance, of a bill in the amount of $12.90 presented by the E. R. Hitchcock Co. for 500 printed envelopes. Transfers: 1. It was voted to transfer $240. from #127, Contingency, to ~16, Engineering Dept., sub-account---Asst. T. E. Car-Survey Party Car, at the request of Mr. Seelye. See New Business ~2a. 2, It was voted to transfer $900. from Staff Nurse II to Part-time Help with- in the Public Health Nursing Budget, #52. See Comms. Rec'd. ~12. ~. It was voted to transfer $192. from Supervisor-Director to Staff Nurse I within the Public Health Nursing Budget, #52, to be paid only while super- vising at a rate not to exceed $21.44 per month for the balance of this fiscal year. See Comms. Rec'd. ~12. 4. It was voted to transfer $75. from ~127, Contingency, to New Capital Item ~22, Drill Press. New Business: 1. In reference to Comms. Rec'd. #l, these Minutes, Mrs. Heinzmann and mem- bers of the BP~S as well as I~iss Honan were present at their request and this Board's invitation. (See Also Present--these Minutes) ~s. Heinzmann advised that because the local BPHNS is unable to secure the services of qualified nurses and a qualified supervisor-director, the BPHNS has concluded that it is necessary to purchase total nursing service from the New Britain Visiting Nurse Association which could be done within the present total appropriation. The Board advised~rs. Heinzmann that it would have to take the matter under consideration and that there are several areas that must be explored further before this Board could reach a decision. 2. In reference to Comms. Rec'd. ~6, Mr. Seelye was present to discuss these requests: a. Purchase by Civil Defense Director of surplus car for $75.00. ¥~. Seelye noted the car would be under the control of the Civil Defense but the Engineering Dept. could use it during the normal 5 day week. The Engineering Survey Party consisting of 2 or 3 men would use the car and said car would replace what last year was alloted to the survey party for transportation but which amount was not requested by former Engineer ~r. Kissane for this present fiscal year. Chm. Doran advised ~r. Seelye that when this request was received by him he i~nediately polled members of the Finance Board and those he was able to reach did not approve of the request on the basis that these cars were 1957-58 vintage and consequently could be a potential maintenance burden on the town garage. (Minutes of September 29, 1964 - Continued) Mr. Seelye noted that there is a difference of $240. in sub-account "Asst. T. E. Car-Survey Party Car" between what was allowed(and requested) this year in the amount of $360. and the sum allowed the previous year in the amount of $600. He said the ~360. requested in this year's budget was based on the premise that his department would have the use of the Building Inspector's car but it was later determined that his car was not in good condition. He noted the survey party men are paid $30. per month for use of their cars. He requested $240. to make a total of $600. for the above mentioned sub-account. He noted the only surplus in the En- gineering Budget from which the ~240. might be transferred, miMht be in Engineering Supplies but he could not be sure at this time if there will be any surplus at the end of the year. b. Alternate purchase of 2 trucks r. ather than i in #llC, Capital Ex- penditure. Iqr. Seelye noted that in the Selectmen's budget there is an appro- priation of $10,000o for a truck with plow--~llC. He now requests two smaller trucks at $5,000. each, one truck to be a drop-side with dump body. Both trucks would be used for snow plowing. Small cul de sacs are offering problems in maneuvering the large trucks when snow plowing and it is felt that two smaller trucks would be more maneuverable. He noted that the small trucks would be built for heavy duty. BIr. Pietras said he would be against going into smaller trucks be- cause we would be going backward. We would be going into smaller plows, the equipment couldn't be heavy enough to take the pounding that the larger trucks could take. The basic structure is a frame and if a heavier engine is put in there would be trouble with crack- ed frames and broken springs. Mr. Seelye advised the cost of the proposed small trucks with plows would run as follows: F600 Ford $3200. vehicle Estimate llO0. body & hoist 811. plow It was voted that the initial appropriation for one truck with plow at $10,O00. be adhered to rather than purchasing two smaller trucks. 3. In reference to Comms. Rec~d. #lO from Director of Public Works Seelye', the Boare~ thanked him for making it aware of the bill ~d recommended the bill be paid from #29, Highway, General Maintenance. If there should be a short- age later in the year in this account I~r. Seelye could then notify this Board that reimbursement is needed. 4. Chairman Doran reported that Chief Mechanic Ed. Haber had two matters for discussion. The first concerned a drill press which Mr. Haber some time ago told this Board he had great need of. The Board advised him at that time to obtain priees on used drill presses and report to the Board when he had the prices.' Er. Haber now advises he has located a drill. ~ress minus a motor in a fac- tory which he could purchase for $50. He can purchase a motor for $25. making a total expenditure of $75.00. (See Transfer ~4) The second matter concerns a personnel problem at the Municipal Garage. Second Assistant ~lr. Znosko has been employed by the Town at the Municipal Garage for 5 years. Mr. Haber has trained him and reports he has worked out very well. When the budget was prepared last January Mr. Haber did not request any significant raise for Mr. Znosko on the premise that he was going to be drafted soon and would be leaving the job. Sometime in the spring after the budget was adopted Mr. Znosko was classified 1Y by the draft board which meant that he would only be called in case of emergency. Apparently Mr. Znosko will not be leaving the job at all and as ~. Haber considers him very reliable he now requests that consideration by this Board be given of a larger raise to c~rrect the inequity between the First Assistant and Mr. Znosko. No action was taken pending further information to be provided by ~tr. Haber.. The meeting adjourned at ll:15 P.M. ' Respectfully submitted,