1964/05/26Berlin Board of Finance May 26, 1964 Minutes of Meeting A meeting of the Berlin Board of Finance was called to order at 7:30 P. M. on Tuesday, May 26, 196& at the Town Hall. Members Present: Chm. P. D. Doran and ~iessrs. W. S. Brown, S. J. Sargis and S. J. Pietras. and May 14, 1964 Minutes: of May 7, 1964, May 12, 1964/were approved. Communications Received: 1. A letter dated May 19, 1964 from Ex. Director J. F. Miller, Berlin Redev- elopment Commission, enclosing the April financial report of said commis- sion. 2. A letter dated ~Iay 19, 1964 from First Selectman A. B. Powers enclosing a copy of a letter from Atty. Dawson with respect to the $220. bill for the printing of the 60 briefs in the case of Leo Foundation vs. Bernard Cab- elus (See ~inutes of May 7, 1964--New Business #2) 3. A letter dated May 20, 1964 from First Selectman A. B. P~ers re a new police-cruiser. ~. Powers advised that the Police Commission has author- ized the Board of Selectmen to make the purchases of two police cruisers ~or which 34,000. is allocated in the new 1964-65 Capital Budget. Chief ~lechanic E. Haber, who draws up the specifications for the bids, has re- commended that the 1956 Chevrolet currently being used by the Building In- spector be turned in instead of the 1962 cruiser. The 1962 cruiser would then be turned over to the Building Inspector for his use. The reason for Mr. Haber's recommendation is that the maintenance costs on the 1956 Chev- rolet have risen sharply and he feels it is no longer practical to keep this car when a 1962 Chevrolet is available. Mr. Haber feels there is a slight ~ossibility that the cost of the new cruiser with trade-in could exceed $2,000. However, it is also possible that the second cruiser which will be purchased later on will come in at less than the $2,O00. figure. Mr. Powers advised i% is the wish of his Board to trade in Mr. Cabelus' 1956 car and asked to hear from this Board immediately in that bids must be advertised and awarded and the order placed all prior to June lO, the date which the manufacturer stops taking ~ders on 1964 vehicles. 4. A letter dated May 26, 1964 from Chairman of the ~olice Commission, Wm. McKeon, requesting additional money anounting to $978. for the Police Budget for 1963-64. Following is the breakdown by accounts: Police Personnel $225. Dispatchers ~80. Supernumerary 210, Church CrossingSTota (See Minutes of May 19, 1964--New Business #4) Transfers: 1. In reference to Comm. Rec'd. #4, it was voted to transfer $978. from #127, Contingency, to #23, Police Department, in accordance with the ~ tter dated May 26, 1964 signed by Police 8onumissioner Wm. ~'~cKeon. 2. In reference to New Business #2-b, it was voted %o transfer $1510. from #127, Contingency, to #2la, M. & O. Town Vehicles, with this breakdown: Parts $809.40 Contractual Services 1~8.~0 Gas & Oil 3. In reference to Comm. Re¢'d. #3, Minutes of May 19. 1~64 from Director of Public Works ~I. Seelye, it was voted to transfer ~50. ~rom ~127, Contin- gency, to ~17, Maintenance of Town Property (Sub-account "~ioving of Police Dept."). Old Business: 1. In reference to Transfer #3 above, the Board discussed the requested move of the antenna and radio equipment to the Police Station with Fire Marshal Haber, who was present at this meeting. ~. Hater advised the expense would be incurred in ~ der to pull down and move the antenna. He said the big transmitter is downstairs in the Town Hall and has to remain there because of the antenna. This can be moved in one day, he advised. New Business: (~,Iinutes of May 26, 1964--Continued) 1. In reference to Comm. Rec'd. #3, it was voted that First Selectman Powers be advised as follows: "In response to your letter of May 20, 1964, this Board suggests that bids be i~nediately advertised on 2 alternate bases-- a) turning in 1956 Chevrolet and b) turning in 1962 cruiser with all bids subject to review and final approval by the Police Commission." A copy of this letter is to be sent to Police Con~nissioner Wm. McKeon. 2. Selectmen's Secretary Mrs. Rena Castiglioni and Chief Mechanic E. Haber were present to discuss various problems. a) In commenting on his proposal to turn in only the 1956 Chevrolet, Mr. Haber noted that body-wise the 1956 car is rotting out underneath and said car is running without shock-absorbers. The Board commented that it would seem wise, in order to save time, that the Selectmen would have gone ahead obtaining bids both ways subject to acceptance as it could always reject them if unsatisfactory. Thus, there would not have had to be a rush at the last minute. b) In discussion of Account ~21a, M. & O. Town Vehicles, Mrs. Castiglioni advised that $9~O00. was appropriated in the current budget for Gas and Oil. As of April 30, 1964 this account is in the "red" by $510.35. There are still two months' bills to pay. She estimated that about $1500. and probably not over $2,000. will be needed to carry this account through until the end of this fiscal year. However, $510.35 is needed right now. Mrs. Castiglioni advised that $10~000. was appropriated in the current budget for Parts in ~21a~ As of April 30, 1964 this account is in the "red" by $809.40. ~. Haber noted that the catch basin cleaner is being worn out by sand on the soft metal. Replacement valves and an eductor have been needed and a 25' length of hose(3~") was purchased in ~Iay for $289. Further, a pump was needed on a 1946 fire truck(said truck otherwise in good condition and being used for all grass fires), bearings and new rubber deflectors needed for the street sweeper needed replacing as well as replacement of the brooms on the sweeper when old ones are worn out. Mrs. Castiglioni advised that $1~00~. was appropriated in the current budget for Contractual Services in #2la and a $500. transfer was made some time ago bringing that budget to $1500. As of April 30, 1964 this account is in the "red" by $188.80. ~. Haber noted that the street sweeper needed welding, and unknown expenses coming up include repairs on the Kensington Fire Dept.'s Mack truck and Hwy. Su~erinten- dent G. Skinner's pick-up truck. Mr. Ssrgis asked that ~. Haber prepare an itemization of ~nounts spent! on repairs for each town-owned vehicle covering the present life of each vehicle. Perhaps in this way, he said, we will learn that it may be cheaper to lease some equipment instead of buying it. Dlr. Haber said he would make the itemization and present it to the Board. Chm. Doran noted that if the Board takes into account the amounts re- quested for the various sub-accounts in ~21a, and if these monthly rates prevail it may be assumed that Gas & Oil costs about $950. per month, Parts cost about $1080. per month, and Contractual Services cost about $170. per month. Noting that there are two more months left of this fiscal year, this would mean that an additional $4400. would be needed for those two months plus the monies requested at this meeting for these sub-accounts and that there is approximately only $6200. left in Contingency Account. The Board asked ~Irs. Castiglioni to determine in what other areas of the Selectmen's Budget monies might be available for transfer as it seems obvious that the Contingency Account v~ll not be able to cover all transfers needed before the end of this fiscal year. She will report back to this Board when she has this information. c) ~r~s. Castiglioni advised that thus far the move to a new Police Station by the Police Department has cost U404.18 and there are still some small bills to come in. She advised she has paid these bills from #17, Maintenance of Town Property, as directed by this Board but the monies must be replaced in #17] befSre the end of the fiscal year. She sug- gested that all these police expenses should be put in the Police bud- get and itemized in like manner to the ~iunicipal Garage. Chm. of the Planning Comm~., 1~. Aldo Castiglioni, and Planning Comm. member Mr. Nunzio Rosso were present at their request. Mr. Castiglioni advised that the Planning Co~n. wished to get an expression of feeling from the Finance Board toward a proposed Capital I~nprovement Program. He explained that such a program would be needed by the Redevelop- ment Co~ission in connection with their survey of the town an~ said Commis- sion has asked Planning to draw up such a program. He showed the Board a (Minutes of May 26, 1964--Continued} printed guide drawn up by the Connecticut Development Commission. He explained that the drawing up of such a program would cost money but how much would be needed is not yet known. However, Mr. Rosso talked with the Conn. Development Commission to see if monies are available for a program like this and learned that probably no assistance would be available at all. He further learned in discussing the proposed program with a member of the Conn. Dev. Comm. that the cost of drawing up such a program might cost between ~1500. and $2000. Mr. Pietras asked Castiglioni where he thought the bulk of this money might come from to which Castiglioni replied that perhaps the town would have to be bonded for it, perhaps money will have to be saved by the town for it, or perhaps an increase in the tax rate might be necessary. Mr. Castiglioni said if this Board agrees with Planning that such a pro- gram should be done, it would be necessary to engage someone to do the study. He is hopeful that Raymond & May might be of some help in this area. The Board advised it is also in the realm of this Board to undertake the preparation of a capital improvement program if needed. It noted that the Mattabassett Sewer Authority will take so much money there will pro- bably be none left for a study like this. Further, the Board noted that Mr. Godfrey, Chm. of Board of Public Works, had discussed with this BoardI a oroposal for a separate sewering survey that would cost ~15OO. This wo~ld fall in the category of a capital improvement. The Board asked what the timetable is on the proposed Capital Improvement Program. Messrs. Castiglioni and Rosso said that Redevelopment wants this Capital Improvement Program by the end of 1964. Mr. Castig- lioni noted that he thinks this is required by the Redevelopment Comm. for the federal government. He further noted that Redevelopment Comm. could include such things as installation of sewers, expansion of sewer systems etc. The Board advised that in talking with Town Auditor ~udzik it notes that it is possible to put monies aside in the Capital and Non-Recurring Fund for Capital improvements. The Board asked what would be the process if this Board should decide to approve a capital improvement program, i.e., in what way is it adopted or implemented. Rosso said he thought that a committee could be formed which would oversee the study and that any program would probably have to be adopted at town meeting. The Board asked if adoption of such a program co,nits the town to a bond issue. ~,~essrs. Castiglioni and Rosso said they didn't think so. The Board advised that henceforth it must precisely determine and examine most carefully all procedures and co~nitments against the town which may be associated with any proposal. The case of Redevelopment was cited where $14OO. was appropriated solely for the purpose of engagingFa con- sulting engineering firm to prepare an application to the H. H. . A. for assistance in conducting a feasibility survey. The actual application, outlining the details and scop~ of the proposed survey, was prepared by the consulting firm after the $1400. appropriation was voted and was for- warded to the H. H. ~. without being submitted for public review or review by this Board. It was not known whether the H. H. F. A. would act favorably on the application as presented or agree to some lesser survey or possibly reject the application altogether. In any case, when the de- cision of the H. H. F. A. would be made known it was generally understood that the public would be advised by the Redevelopment Commission, and any proposed survey program together with any related need for additional town funds or services would then be submitted to public meeting for ex- planation and reaction. In any case, it was understood that any need for additional tovm funds would first be presented to this Board in accord with normal procedure before co~nnitting the town financially in a~y way. Instead, none of this procedure was followed and months after the applica- tion had been made this Board and the public became aware through the press that the H. H. F. A. had approved the application, a Director of Redevelopment had already been hired, and the survey itself was actually underway. Furthermore, it has only recently been made known that the acceptance of the application by H. H. F. A. carried with it additional requirements upon the Town for (1) a housing ordinance and (2) a capital improvement progr~. None of these requisite conditions and commitments were made known at the time of the application appropriation. Consequenta ly, where any possible future co~nitment for town funds or salaried ser- vices may be involved in any proposed program, for the protection of the Town and all Boards involved, this Board will require in writing a com- plete outline of any commitments together with full details of all legal steps and procedures involved in the implementation of said program. The (~inutes of I,~ay 26, 196S--Continued) The Board asked Mr. Castiglioni to obtain positive information on the pro- cedures of implementation and what resultant financial commitments may be involved for the Town. ~essrs. Castiglioni and Rosso said they would in- quire of the Conn. Development Coa~m. for this information. Chm. Doran reviewed his conversation with ~Irs. Postl, new treasurer of t~e Public Health Nursing Service(See ~inutes of ~ay 7, 1964--Comms. Rec'd. ~l and New Business ~1), and contents of a letter from the P. H. N. S. dated March 26, 1964 in which Mr. Randall, treasurer of said organization, pro- posed a revised P. H. N. S. budget. Representatives of the P. H. N. S. will be invited to attend the next meeting of this Board for further discussion. meeting adjourned at 11:20 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Pr~ Tem Berlin Board of Finance June 1, 1964 Minutes The Board of Finance voted on June 1, 1964 to approve for payment from ~6, Board of Finance, a bill in the mnount of $92.50 presented by Mrs. Graeme Bunce for clerical services for the Finance ~oard for the month of May, 1964. Members voting were Chairman P. D. Doran and Messrs. W. S. Brown S. J. Sargis and M. D. Cee. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Pro.'~em Berlin Board of Finance June 4, 1964 A committee of the Bosrd of Florence met at 7:30 P.M. on T~ursday, June ~, 196~ st the Town Hall. Members Present: Cb_m. P.D. Doran sad Messrs. W.S. Brown and M.D. Cee. Lacking a quorum no action was taken on any b~siness. Communications Received: 1. A letter dated June 3, 1964 from Supervisor-Director Mrs. Sandra McCain, Berlin Public Health Nursing Service, advising that since the P.H.N.S. has not yet bee~ able to fill the staff nurse II position and since they are using the part-time nurse on a regular basis, it is estimated that for the remaLuder of this fiscal year $325. will be needed for the part- time nurse. Mrs. McCain requested permission to transfer the remaining ~173.46 in the Staff Nurse II account to Part-ti~e Nurse account and ~150 from General Expense account to Part-time Nurse account. 2. A letter dated June ~, 1964 from Mrs. Rena Castiglloni, Selectmen,s Secretary, advising she had talked with Town Counsel Harry Jecksway relative to obtaining more detailed information on the claims paid from the High Court Budget; in particulsr the Cora Tate case. It was his recommendation that this Bosrd contact hi~ for appearance before the Board at which time he would answer any and all questions regarding this or other matters. 3. A letter dated June 4, 1964 from Mrs. Castiglioni advising that at this time she does not have any requests for transfers as the M. & O. of Town Vehicles bills sre not in order as yet. Another week is needed. 4- A letter dated June 4, 1()64 from First Selectman A. Powers advising that in telking with Town Engineer Morgan Seelye he learned that Mr. Seelye had not heard from this Board regarding his letter of May 15 concerning his request that certain resllocations of a~propriated funds for the present fisc~l year be made. Mr. Powers requests a decision from this Board.