1968/04/11 ~ark and Recreation Meeting Arpil 11, 1968 APR Those present were Chairman Dr. ~iniry, Mr. Klotz, Mr. Mierzejewski, Mr. Bates, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Maule, Mr. Paris, Mr ~aradis, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Baylock aad Mr. Seelye. · Present were representatives-, from the Lions Club Pool Committee. Discussed was the seasons ticket sold by the commission and the Limas Club ?ool. Combinations are ~8.00 for both pools. $6.00 ticket is for either pool. The commission will contact eit~er Mr. Greco or Mr. Mute concerning the procedure. The commission a~d the Lions Club will split the proceeds. .."'Mr. Scott from the Scott Pools was also present. f Dr. Kiniry explained to Mr. Scott the problems the new commissima inherited and t~e problem of gettin the of these problems ma~ or ~ ~ . ~g _ pool o~ened this ear. , ~ --~ ~t b~ Scotts prob±ems. Y Some Mr. Scott stated that at the present time no contract had been signed. If a contract is to be signed it would be with the Pools Service Incorp It would be a ~ormal service contract. Co. but a d~£erent manager. It would be w~th the Scott ~oo1' ~r Paris weat thru the~punch li~ ~ne pool. ~ ~nm exp±a~ned each item pertaining to Discussed was a bill from t~e Scott Pool · which was for the seco ~ ^~ ~ ~ Co. ~n the amount of nd ..... ~ ~as~ years co~tract. $ 312_00 Mr. Scott would not commit himself concerning the punch list but, would look at the pool personaly. He will let the commission know of his decisions. il Mr. Scott went thru the contract explaining every item winterizing and etc. · Summerizing and The Scott Pool Co. will not paint T's or markings on the pool. But will furnish paint. The commission will have to paint them If the pool is open weekends motors and the PH will ha e to be watched. The Scott Pool Co. will make one free service call after crankup After that all service calls will be a charge. · Mr. Scott suggested that the commission have one or two responsible men to run the pool. Labor and parts are chargable. The ~cott Pool Co. will send a card to tell what parts are needed. Mr. Scott stated that the wet chamber of the filter will not be Cleaned this year by the Scott Pool Co. ]~ast year the filter was a mess. He suggested that our par~ department men clean it out. If the Scoot Pool Co. has to clean it out a bill will be sent to the commission. A contract was signed at this meeting a~d work will be started the week of April 15, 1968. The contract is in the amount of $ 1750.00. Summerizing will be completed in one week i~ not much rain . The original gUarantee of the pool is in effect. ?ifty percent of the bill is due 3~ days aft er summerizing. Mr. Scott requested that water and electricity be turned on in the bath- house. And a set of keys be sent to him. The Building Commission and the Park and Recreation Commission will tour the pool April 12, 1968. The following bills were approved for payment. ~a~ ~.~ ~ Parson's ~ 15.55 Acct # 12OA ~(ensington Hardware 19.66 " "120 Scott Pool Co. 312.O0 " Pools A letter was received from Atty Jackaway concerning a letter from Mr. Greco. received A call was received from the Junior Women's League concerning the new park land. A letter will be sent to Yarw~d and Block to invite them to attend the first meeting in May. The report of the tour of the parks taken by the commission was turned over to Mr. Seelye. Also turned over to him were several work orders. Both Mr. Baylock a~d Mr. JohnSon requested that 12 picnic tables be made or pYrchased for the various parks and playgrounds. Mr. Johnson requested that a pit type toilet be destroyed a~d a new type toilet facilities be built in the new .~rk area. Mr. Seely read to the commission a list of equipment that the park depart- ment has requested. The following applications were received for summer jobs. Playground Ann Marie Michaels Joan Tarca June Sadin Robyn Nappi Marilyn Martinchek Water Safety Instructor L. Mary Quinn Gail t-~acyna j Mary Lou Plucas Pamela Bkindley J Gregory Buxton~ Andrea Lee Gia~'~natta Sharon Wilk Lawrence Mosher. .P. ark Department Mi chael Kaminski John Centruelli Robert Fritz Richard Carlson The following were hired for the playgro.~.~nd by the Mr. Baylock. Rosalie Cruanes ~oan Tarca Kay HiI~otd Susan Anderson Ann Marie Michaels Betty Annunziata Meeting adjourned at 11:05 pm Meeting April 25, 1968 recommendatio~ of Lucille Luddy Secretary Mr. Klotz inquired about the applications and tags for the two pools. It was suggested that he purchase a different color tag this year. Received from Mr. Paris were copies of letters sent to the contractors ~ of the pool, bath-house and site. Also sent to the Building Commission and to Mo~'gan Seelye. Discussed was a request made by the Berlin Police Pistol Team. They would like to use a portion o£ the land in the new park area. They would use this land as a firing range. Morgan Seel~.-e suggested an area off Beckley Mills Road in East ~erlin. He will look into it. The commission will take this request under advisment. Secretary will write a letter to the ~erlin Police Pistol Team. On a motion mad~ by Mr Paris and seconded by Mr. Klotz to purchase 15 picnic table at $25[00 each. Motion carried. A inven tory list of equipment was submited by Sal LaRosa of the park department. Mr. Baylock will purchase equipment for Berlin. the basketball'court in East Mr. Seelye suggested that the rink near the Willard School be graded this summer. Discussed was extending Carbo Lane to be used as another exit from the Percival Pool. Also improving the back end of the pool and the read in back of the bleachers. Mr. Maule requested that the softball league use the Willard School Field after the Little League Farm Team has ended their season. Mr. Baylock requested that the Percival Field be ready by May 4, 1968 for the Junior League. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.i'~. Park and Recreation Meetings May 9, and May 23, 1968 Lucille Luddy Secretary