1966/11/23Park a~d Recreation !.~,eet~n~ November 53, 1966 U~e~nehy, ~. qreco, Mr. Andersou, y~' Bla, ke~ ~ecr~at~onal Director ~.]r. B~ylock and Thc, se ~rese~t we",:-e Chairman %~r. Mute, 't~r. Roby, Park Su9erlnt :n:~ent Mr. M~nutes of the ~ovember 9, 196~S mset~Z wer'e approved. ~,~r. De'nn~hY wi1! contact the F~rst Seleotma~ oor~cern~n3 the truck ~nd tractor for the park department- oleach~rs Mr. LsRos~. stg,,ted thnt cur park ,iepartment had to return cur w~thout hel'~ frown the h~{h school. ~800 Mr. Ba lock st:-~,ted that the custc::~an pay has bsen raised to ,, .... cay or ni ~ht. ?~r. ~"ennehy st3ted that the custo~_~ans must bs on the Job at al! t~mes. ~r. ~enmehy stated t%a~t the To'~ Basketball LeautT~e must be present at commission mect~_n?~, sod a rester must be submitted mn~ oleare~ by the Offlcals ~or the Town ~;~8'$k~tmo~'~l] Lea ue will be ~ .... ~5'00 ~me the ~oark ru!~s will be ~$~0.00. ~r. B, ay!ock sa~.~ the cost ~or ,, ~. ~ to build ~ stc-ra~e 'Ou~!d~r~q, un_er tad. ,~r. ,a~os~, make uew b]_emchers for the yr. ''~ 'n~ebY Instruc the bleach'ers at the ~,ercival Field and to Percival TT, e com:~issiou went over fig/.,,~r~s an7 records from the two pools submitted by r~ave McCa!re. n ~n Ju~y and Ber].~u wI]] be host for two meets this ccmmin2, y,ssr. S e one in AuZ.© ~ o~se~t at nneof t,h~ co~nm~ss~ .... ~1 Co. will ce ~-~- - '- ~ __ ,~- e~ott from the uoob~ -~-_ ~i~ co~tract- ~ .... __ ~ ~ f~e D~L~¢u~. ~ .... +~C b obtain a sa~o]e a.u~- turn &t over ~'~ the G ~&oh sub-Comm,_tree w~]'~ s, ub?.~t ~ ro'~Fh draft of their accouut for the 195F_j96~> bud<;et and t,'~e com'mtss:~on w~]l ;;o over them. },{r. Bay!ock Yas r:~, ,reed ~]O0'~-eO to the ~¢t'b~ll Mr. Baylock has checked, and cs.~t f'Ln' .S suitable 7;]~ce to make the s~ area. ,~ {]reco stated Uoat the Youth Oomm~ss%on hms or~l&n}_zei a .--to h%¢~,b sc' o'71. This 7;rcup meets t'~t the Co.nnu¥~itY that t'-~s :,,rouo is well cr¢:anized, and is s~ucere. ..... :roup meet on Mondays at the list and a~emb~r~hip list.The hi,~h school. - =**oke the z, ark aud Recreqticr 3ommission wi!! sponser a bcw~n.:i; program the L aries -~ ~%ck -Jrons~ wi!] ~.nstruct. 31ot~C~"~ c.ar~'ied. from t'¢e hiTh schor'l. ~ .,~-~ ~ is as fol?~ows. F:er[o~ of &,>.-.c~.~t[ftet~.ts of me~fo<s~s of the ' 19 · ' - '~r. Get:'!str°m 1967 Mr. ~ute, Mr. AndePscu, M~et&nE adJournes st 9:3C om P~rk a,r'::~ ,lccre'~tien :>9~,~tings ~ecember ]-~ ' ~ ','>ece~ber Secretary I,,uci Ilo Luu~y