1966/08/10Pa~k aha Recreation Meetir[j Ausust 10, 1966. AUG 8 S 1966 Thc se '~resent were Chairman Dennehy, Mr. Ber':strom, Mr. Anderson, ,v~ '"' ~oby, '~ '~ e ~&r Johnsoa, i/~creation Dlrector Mr. .... ~ute, Mr. ~,~r. .~r ,co, · $uperi~%endent of Parks Mr. LaRosa. The following bills were ap?roved for payment. Baylock, Junior Bas eba]. 1 B. B us ;~ ard o :~19 · O0 R. Carlson 99.00 J. Centruelli 21.00 R. Jambard 12.00 R. ~i?_u~no 3.00 R. Pask{ewicz °-.00 T. Rosers 25,00 J. C ummin~f,s 25.00 T. Alex 26.00 B. Bacarc 2.00 B. Casey 2.00 T. Rozers 28.00 T. -~o ~er s 2.00 ~ Pullto 2.00 J. Farrell 4 .00 L. Rascoe 2.00 N ~ e ~.00 D. Accarplo 2.00 ~,, aru s ew!c z 2. O0 Softball E. Perretta $25.00 B].ock U, anc es R. ?redrickson ~ ~,.00 J. WePterman !~q.O0 Lea:cue Central Conn. Coi/$'~;e YdCA 90.OO Arts & Crafts Horton Handicrafts 120.05 19.8O 64.15 ]-3.93 S ~ S Arts & Crafts $170.~$1 302.25 117.65 John Boyle $27.80 27 .~0 Center Paint& Hardware ~ 2.97 2.21 =< .68 3. .20 Association Press a 4.7~ Jr. Baseball Natioi':al Chemsearch :~77.00 Leb. ners ~.~57.40 City 3ri~din~ $170.90 Deepbouse Equipment ~ 3.05 3.05 Berlin Public ? 5.95 .50 .00 .50 Harvey Lewis 2.47 5.6? 10.17 4.5o 7.70 Stanely Svea A. S. Labieniec Plimptcns $il.io $20 · O0 A letter was reeeived from the $oft ::,al]. Leacue advising the Commission :~rop~p~d from. the !e~ue that the Keller Pottery team ]ias been ~ ~'~ ' ?Iscussed at len%th were the Lions Pool an~ ~ne Percival Pool. Meeting adJourne~i at ~:50 p.m. Park and Recreation Meeting ~eptemb~r !4, 1966. Lucllle Lu~dy S~cretary