1964/03/24~,~inutes of I]arch 12, 1964 - Continued 7.[dr. Sargis suggested reducing iF21@, I.~. ~: O. of Town Vehicles-rarts~ by ,}2,000. Chm. Doran asked for a show of hands. Hessrs. Sr~gis~ Coe~ Ward and Fie- tras indicated they favored the reduction. 8. ~ir. Sargis sugmested reducing ~21b, IJ.. f: O. of School Vehicles-Parts, by ~1~1,000. beeause'~of the two ne¥~ school buses allowed in the forthcoming bud-/ get. . . Chin. Doran asked for a sho~¢ of hands. I]essrs. Ssrgis, ~srd and Cee mndm- cared they favored the reduction. 9. ?ir. Sargis suggested reducing ,~37, Traffic Signs, Signals etc. by .;1~000. Ohm. Doran asked for a sho~~ of hands. ][essrs. S~gis, Ward and Cee indi- cated they favored the reduction. !0. Ohairnan Doran asked if the Board s~:ouldn~t reconsider the bud~:~et of the kedevelopment Conm~ission. The majority consensus was negetive. 11. Cbm. Doran suggested that this Beard leave ~ell enough alon~ for now and ~..~sit to see ~¥hat figt~e Hr. ~udzik comes up with for final rev.onue. By ][arch 23 the Auditor has to have the pro?osed budget sheets ready for the public budget hearimg. 12. It was voted that the budgets as itemized in detail on the work sheets be and hereby are afproved and adopted forpresentation at the Public Hearing. These represent an amount to be raised by taxes~ current levy, of approxi- mately ~1~908~269. including the additional amount for debt service. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Pro'Tom The meeting adjourned at 12:15 A. M. March 24, 1964 Berlin Board of Finance ~.Iinutes of ~eeting A meeting of the Board of Finance was called to order at 7:30 P. H. on Tuesday, Larch 24, 1964 at the High School. ilembers i~resent: C~m. P. D. Doran and I~[essrs. W. S. Brown, T. W. ].'/ard~ Jr., S. J. Sargis, S. J. Pietras and Ii. D. Cee. Communications Received: A letter dated ldarch 11, 1964 from Chm. Helenski, Public Building Comm- ission confirming delivery to this Board of the P. B. C.'s construction cost estimate and breakdown for the pro~,osed new Hubbard School in East Berlin on the evening of Hatch lC, 1964] A letter dated March 17, 1964ofrom l~s. S. I.~cOain, Supervisor-Director of the Public Health Nursing oervice re the 196)-64 P.H.N.S. budget. ]~rSo I~]cC~in advised that as of ~darch 1, 1964 said organization expended all but (~4.31 in the transportation account. She requested permission to transfer ~100. from the General Expense Account to Transportation Account to carry through for the remainder~f the fiscal year. A letter dated ],larch 23, 1964 from Chm. J. Godfrey, Board of }ublic Works requestin~ an si location of ,Pl,500. in the Board of ~-'ublic ~orks budget for the next fiscal year to cover a sewering plan. Chairman Doran ~assed out to members a Computation of Estimated Tax Levy for the Fiscal ~£ear ended June 30, 1965. Transfers: In reference to Comm. Rec'd. ~2, it was voted to authorize the Berlin Public H~alth Nursing Service to transfer ¥,~ithin its budget the sum of .~lOO, from General Expenses to Transportation. New Business: Chairman Doran noted that in today's press the Board of Education had stated it planned to move all 7th graders to KGS next school year ratlher than house them at the high school. Chairman Doran noted thPs might give enough room at the high school for the gu~idance s.~ite that the Board of Education has long proposed. (Minutes of March 24, 1964 - Continued) 2. Board members discussed working for a later date £or the Annual Town ~eeting next year rather than keeping the present date of the first Tues- day of April each year as ordained by the present ordinance, No action was taken. The meeting adjourned at ~:00 P. ~. so that members could attend the Public Hearing on the budget. Respectfully submitted, Berlin Board of Finance Idarch 26, 1964 Minutes of Meeting A meeting of the Board of Finance was called to order at 9:00 P. ~. on Thursday ~,~arch 26, 1964 at the Tovm Hall. Members Present: Chm. P. D. Doran and ~,~essrs. W. S. Brown, T. W. Ward~ Jr.~ S. J. Sargis~ S. J. Pietras and M. D. Coo. New Business: Chairman Doran asked Board members for their comments on the Public Budget Hearing and also what they felt to be the consensus of opinion of various people they may have talked v~th since that Hearing concerning the holding or raising of the tax rate. Mr. Pietras said he talked with people who were for holding the tax rate where it is and others who were for raising the rate. Some felt it was ne- cessary to increase the tax rate by 1~ ~ mills because all expenses are going up. He said he would like to see a little bit of money put in here and there. ~r. Sargis advised he had talked with 5 members of the Democratic Town Comm- ittee and they said they were in favor of holding the tax rate where it is. In Stanley Uorks, where Mr. Sargis is employed, there are a number of employ- ~ ees who live in Berlin. ~. Sargis spoke with them and with the exception one of these people the feeling was strongly in favor of holding the tax rate at its present 39.5 mills. These people felt th~ School Board was quite plea- sed with its proposed budget and that it must have come in ~riginally with a "fat" budget. He noted that the "spenders~' did not get the supp~t they were looking for at the Public Hearing. Mr. Ward said no matter what this Board does with the budget it will call for an increase. He feels there are certain areas that have to move forward. He cited two of these areas; education and the road ~ogram. Last year~ said ~r. Ward~ about ~0,000. was requested for road reconstruction. He feels that ~10~OO0. could not do the ~ob, He ~o~ld go along with a few minor increases. He feels there should be a salary increase for the registrars of voters and he th inks the various boards and con'~nissions should Be granted a budget be- csuse these ~re an administrative dutyli.e. Fire Dist. Elimination, Charter Co~., Co~. for the ~ed, otc). He didn't think this Board should delete these requests. He noted that in the Zoning Board of Appeals budget, reim- bursement for court attendance w~s deleted. Other thsn that~ he said, he thinks the bud~et is a good one. He said he was thinking in terms of raising the tax rate ½'mill. ~.]r. Brov~n said ~)52~957~ was the total of requests made at the Public Hearing~ or almost ~5~0OO. if ~5~000. extra were to be put in Contingency. He said he thinks there are certain items that were cut which he feels were justified and by and large the Board has done alright with the budget. He said, how- ever, he feels that this Board has cut the budget a bit fine. ~r. Coe's reaction to the He~ing was that the majority of the people were very pleased with what this Board had done. They felt this Board had spent a lot of time working on the bud~et and what t)~is Board had done was right. Of course~ ho said~ there w~re people who spoke at the Head-ring ~ho just wanted to hecr themselYes talk but tkere were other's ~ho honestly th~ught the Board of Finance should give out ~ith ~ore money. Cb3r.. Dora~ reviewed the ~ounts particularly requested at the Public Hearing. Some of these were: Electric Typewriter for Se~ctmen's Office ~ 49. Registrars of V~ers' Salaries(not specifi- cally requested at Hearing but mentioned outside of Hea~ing to various B~rd of Finance members) 200.(~lO0. each Compilation o£ Ordinances 200. Zoning Board of Appeals-Steno. Transcripts 65. Zoning Board of appeals-CoUrt Trips 50. Public Health Nursing-Other General Expense 500.