1964/01/20 January 7, 1964 - cont. 7. Mr. Curnow reported that both Mr. Schultz ~nd Mrs. LsMsrre hsd been advised of ou~ oction on reducing their bonds. Item 6 & 7, Dec. 17. 8. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 20 instead of our regular meeting night of January 21. 9, On motion of G. Garrlty, seconded by A. Castiglioni, Miss Gooby's bill in the amount of $61.00 was approved for payment from the Expense Account. 10. Election of Chafrman~ end Secretary for the coming year. Mr. Garr!ty made a motion, seconded by N. Rosso, nominating A. Casttglionl ss Chairman. Motion passe. Mr. Garrlty made a motion, seconded by A. Cestlglioni, nominating Nunzlo Rosso as Secretary. Motion psesed. As no other nominations were made, the Secretary was instructed to cast one ballot electing the two nominees. Mr. Bennerup, present Chairman, thsnked each of the Commission members for their fine work and support during the past year, and wished both ~. Caetiglfoni, and Mr. Rosso success in their new assignments. il. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, January 20, 1964 et 8 P.M. ~embera present: Aldo Caattglton~, Nunzlo Roaso, Robert Bennerup, George Garrfty, and Roy Byrne. Also, A1 Cu~now, Asst. Town Engineer, and Margaret Gooby. 2. M~. Aide Castigl~on~, Chairman, ~ntr0duced Ma-. Byrne aa a new memeber to the ~o~lss~on succeeding He~y W~nte~bottom. 3. 0~o~ Village - see M~utes of December 17, Item 3 - ~. Earl W~ckl~d appea~e~ and presented a new ~p show~ a portion of the land that w~ll not be taken by the ~ty of New B~ita~n fo~ ~eae~vo~ p~otect~on p~poses. ~a port~on shows a ~e-la~d-out 0~oke Drive and He~ock Road. ~. Wtckl~d ia seeking prelim~nary approval ~ this port,on. Howell then go to the State H~ghway Dept. to ga~ permiss~on to construct roads going off a state h~g~ay (Chamberlain Hig~ay). Before this subdivision can come up fo~ f~al approval we must have thla permiss ~ ~tl~ f~om the State Hlg~ay Dept. ~0~ok· Village - ~el~mina~ ~p of p~operty owned and developed by Earl K. W~cklu Inc., 396 H~llh~st Awe., New B~tain, Co~., i"=100',J.D. WZll~a~, Jan~ry 1964. ~. Rosco ~de a motion, seconded by George Ga~t~, to g~we p~el~m~nary approval. So Voted. It was noted that the Cit~ of N~ B~ta~n has not taken any action at this date on the land they have outlined for wa~er protection r~hts. 4. ~. C~now p~esented a map of new d~a~nage facilities at Glen and High Road wh] will be necessary ~f Jo~aon & Johnson develop "Woodcl~ffe" ~ High Road. A~ea H~gh Road & Glen St., Berlin, Conn., Jan~y 17, 1964, 1"=100', Town of Bet ~i~eer~nE Dept." It was also s~gested that perhaps ~nstea8 of replacing the ex~sttng culvert with a la~ge~ size the d~ainage wate~ could ~ p~ped arced the culvert to the b~ook which ~a ~to the Sebethe R~ve~ on Glen St. If th~a d~ainage ~mp~ovement ts necessary because of the Woodcltffe Subdiv~s~on tt will be the responsibility of the developers. ~ey should ~ referred to Par. 52:02 Drainage I~revements of o~ Subdivision Regulations. ~ia drainage facility must ~hawe the approval of ~e Engineering Dept. 5. Request ~ lette~ from ~. Geo. E. ~ to build a storage building on land-locked let off ~te 5 was ~et~ned to him w~th ~e co~emt that t h~s ~a ~ Zoning 0e~ssion ~tte~ not Planning. 6. ~e M~nutea of the Conservation Co~asion of October 24, 1963 were rea~ place~ on file. Of Imterest was the fact that B~oe~lew H~ll Development Corp. has notif~e~ them that it will donate a lot am~ $1000 to the Oo~Isa~on. Ala~ that the Oe~aston la ~te~este~ ~ acqu~ring the ponds at the s~tea of the brick 7. Webster Street - Item ~, Jam. 7 M~nutea - ~. Reaao ~eperted ~at he d~d not write to the Board of Selectmen aa this ~a a Planning Co~isalen f~cticn to change the ~me of a To~ Noad. Febr~ry 4 at 8 P.M. was set as ~e date for a ~blic Hearing on changing the ~me of ~e street. 122 8. On motion of R. Bennerup, seconded by A. Csstlgltont, the M~nutes of the January 7 Neettng were ,pproved es r ced. g. Deuson P~oper%7 - ~em 3, January 7 - no~h~ng new. ~. Rosco ~epov~eO ~he~ he ~md ~poken w~th Pa~ne Bcholasberg, Aas~. ~o Wm. ~ell, bu~ had no definite nfor~&on ~o reporD. 0. Voted ~ha~ mubmcrtp~tonm to the Oonneo~cu~ Jo~nal for ~he members of ~he 0~s~' ~d ~e Oon, ultmnt ~e pm~ fO~ ~om the ~ense F~d. 11. ~e ~ meeting wII1 ~ acheduled for February ~ at 8 P.M. 12. Meeting adjourned at Respectfully submitted, 1. Public Hearing Berlin ?own Planning 0o~missinn, February 4~ 1964. Members present: Aldo Castlglionl, Nunzio Rc~ao, George Gsrrlty, and Roy By, ne. Also A1 Cu~now, Asst. Town Engineer, and Margaret Gooby. 2. The Secretary read the Call of the Hearing:- "The Legal Voters of the Town of Berlin are hereby warned and notified that s public hearing will be held b the Planning Commies ion of the ?own ~f Berlin on Tuesday, February 4, 1964 at ~:00 P.M., E.$.T, in the Town Hall, 903 Worthington Ridge, Berlin, Conn., then and there; To act upon changing the street name from Webster Street to Elm Street in Oom~lIance w~th Section 8-25, General Statutes of the State of Conn., and the Subdtvis~on Regulations of the Town of Berlin. The aforementioned Street runs between Selden Street and Deming Road.. Dated this 29th day of January, Munzto RossC, Secretary." one 3. No^spoke for tbs proposal. 4. No^spoke against the proposal. 5. A motion was m~de by N. Rosao, seconded by G. ~arrtty, to name the above describer ~own-ow~ed road ss Elm Street. 6. Nm. Curnow was dh~ected to notify all affected agencies end to also notify property owners on the street of the change of na~e. A legal notice should also appear in the paper. 7. Hearing adjourned st 8:07 P.M. 1. Regular Neeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, February 4, 1964 st 8:08 P.M. Members present: Aldo Castigltont, Nunzin Rosso, George Garrtty, and Roy Byrne. Also A1 Cu~now, Asst. Town Engineer, and l~rgaret 2. Attorney ~eo. D. Staughton of H~tford appeared representing Mr. Joseph Santora and presented the .fo~lowlng map. #Map showing proposed subdivision of property by Joseph Ssntors,~tlbur Cross H~ghwsy, Berlin, Conn. Januer ~csle 1~ 50' "Mr. Ssntora w~shes to sell Lot ~1 C ~ y 30, 1964, = * 3 · is area ia in planned industrial. It wes noted that before any'developing of the property can be done tk ~and must be taken out of Flood Plain. 3n report f~omMr. Ournow that the map ~s o.k. englneerlng-w~ae, Mr. Roast ma~e a motton~ seconded by R. Byrne that ~he map be given f~nal approval. So voted. Map was signed by members present. 3. Walter Zuk appeared and presented a sketch map of property owned on Hart Street which he would llke to develop into 4 building lots, each lot to front on H~rt St. He stated that sewer and city wa~er are a~a~lable. As the Engineering Dept. has not hsd a chance to review this map it was given to Mr. Curnow for rev'Jew and consultation with Mr. Zuk and for report at our next meeting. 122 8. On motion of R. Bennerup, seconded by A. Csstlgltont, the M~nutes of the January 7 Neettng were ,pproved es r ced. g. Deuson P~oper%7 - ~em 3, January 7 - no~h~ng new. ~. Rosco ~epov~eO ~he~ he ~md ~poken w~th Pa~ne Bcholasberg, Aas~. ~o Wm. ~ell, bu~ had no definite nfor~&on ~o reporD. 0. Voted ~ha~ mubmcrtp~tonm to the Oonneo~cu~ Jo~nal for ~he members of ~he 0~s~' ~d ~e Oon, ultmnt ~e pm~ fO~ ~om the ~ense F~d. 11. ~e ~ meeting wII1 ~ acheduled for February ~ at 8 P.M. 12. Meeting adjourned at Respectfully submitted, 1. Public Hearing Berlin ?own Planning 0o~missinn, February 4~ 1964. Members present: Aldo Castlglionl, Nunzio Rc~ao, George Gsrrlty, and Roy By, ne. Also A1 Cu~now, Asst. Town Engineer, and Margaret Gooby. 2. The Secretary read the Call of the Hearing:- "The Legal Voters of the Town of Berlin are hereby warned and notified that s public hearing will be held b the Planning Commies ion of the ?own ~f Berlin on Tuesday, February 4, 1964 at ~:00 P.M., E.$.T, in the Town Hall, 903 Worthington Ridge, Berlin, Conn., then and there; To act upon changing the street name from Webster Street to Elm Street in Oom~lIance w~th Section 8-25, General Statutes of the State of Conn., and the Subdtvis~on Regulations of the Town of Berlin. The aforementioned Street runs between Selden Street and Deming Road.. Dated this 29th day of January, Munzto RossC, Secretary." one 3. No^spoke for tbs proposal. 4. No^spoke against the proposal. 5. A motion was m~de by N. Rosao, seconded by G. ~arrtty, to name the above describer ~own-ow~ed road ss Elm Street. 6. Nm. Curnow was dh~ected to notify all affected agencies end to also notify property owners on the street of the change of na~e. A legal notice should also appear in the paper. 7. Hearing adjourned st 8:07 P.M. 1. Regular Neeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, February 4, 1964 st 8:08 P.M. Members present: Aldo Castigltont, Nunzin Rosso, George Garrtty, and Roy Byrne. Also A1 Cu~now, Asst. Town Engineer, and l~rgaret 2. Attorney ~eo. D. Staughton of H~tford appeared representing Mr. Joseph Santora and presented the .fo~lowlng map. #Map showing proposed subdivision of property by Joseph Ssntors,~tlbur Cross H~ghwsy, Berlin, Conn. Januer ~csle 1~ 50' "Mr. Ssntora w~shes to sell Lot ~1 C ~ y 30, 1964, = * 3 · is area ia in planned industrial. It wes noted that before any'developing of the property can be done tk ~and must be taken out of Flood Plain. 3n report f~omMr. Ournow that the map ~s o.k. englneerlng-w~ae, Mr. Roast ma~e a motton~ seconded by R. Byrne that ~he map be given f~nal approval. So voted. Map was signed by members present. 3. Walter Zuk appeared and presented a sketch map of property owned on Hart Street which he would llke to develop into 4 building lots, each lot to front on H~rt St. He stated that sewer and city wa~er are a~a~lable. As the Engineering Dept. has not hsd a chance to review this map it was given to Mr. Curnow for rev'Jew and consultation with Mr. Zuk and for report at our next meeting. Special Poll Minutes Berlin Board of Finance Jan. 20, 1964 Voted to transfer in 1963-6~ budget ~855. from Contingency,.~127, to Caoital Expense ~C-3A, General Gover~m~ent-T~x Col~ ctor (new item)~ for purchase of ~urroughs Calculating ~iachine used to cal- culate and ~int tax bills. Voted to transfer ~74. from Contingency, ~127, to ~10, Tax Collector- Services, for 6 month service contract on above machine. This machine was rented last year £or 3 ~onths (april, ~qay end June 1963) for ~300. to calculate and prepare tax bills. Rental of the machine this year (1964) would also be ~300. The machine's put-chase price in 1963 was ~1200. The 1963 rental fee of ~300. was applied against the purchase price in 196~ and the 1964 pric was revised to $855. The purchase of the machine was reco~m~ended b~ ~he Tax Coll- ector and it eliminates the ~300. rental fee for 1964 and therefore the actual net cost of the machine is ~555. ~embers voting were Chm. P. D. ~oran and ~essrs. W. S. Brown, T. ~. Ward, Jr., S. J. Sargis and ~. D. Coe. Respectfully submitted, Cl~m Berlin Board of Finance January 23, 1964 Minutes of Meeting A meeting of the Board of Finance was called to order at 7:30 P. ~i. on Thursday, January 23, 1964 at the Town Hall. Members Present: Chairman P. D. Doran, W. S. Brown, T. W. Ward, Jr., S. J. Sargis and S. J. ~ietras. Communications Received: 1. a letter dated Jan. 22, 1964 from Chief Assessor J. Scheyd listing equip- ment needed for the Assessors~ office to replace that removed by former Chief Assessor Carter, o~ed by him. a new msp table plus drafting equip- ment totals ~165.75. 2. A letter dated Jan. 21, 1964 from First Selectman A. Powers asking that a referendum be called for February 17, to appropriate bonding funds in the amount of ,~415,000. for the Hubbard School; a copy of ~owers' letter of Jan. 21, 1964 to the P. B. C. attached calling attention to the propped referendum of Feb. 17 and also the P. B. C. ordinance and Town Counsel's opinion of July ll, 1962. Transfers: 1. It was voted to a~prove the allocation of ~175. from Supplies and ~isc-. ellaneous within ~8, Assessors, to purchase the map table and equipment requested in Go~n. fl inasmuch as it appeared that funds were availabl~ in this account. Any subsequent shortage ~ich may develop in this account for this reason will be restored upon request. New Business: 1. The following were present at this Board's invitation for discussion of their budget requests: a. East Berlin Fire Dept. - Chief B. Romegialli b. Berlin Fire Dept. - Chief E. F. Haber and N. J. Di~aggio c. hensington Fire Dept. - Chief A. M. Rosso d. South Kens. Fire Dept. - Chief C. F. Scheer, E. T. Xeynolds and G. J. Jedziniak 2. It was voted to approve application for memberships in the names of Chairman D~an and ~. Bro~.~ at ~8.O0 each in the l~unicipal Finance Offi- cers Association of Conn. 3. In reference to Coz~m~. #2, a) It was voted that no action can be taken by this Board until a formal proposal is presented to this Board by the P. B. C. Minutes of the Meeting January 20, 1964 TOWN OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTM~N The meeting opened at 7:30 p.m. with the three Selectmen present. Mrs. Mahan and Mrs. Duplin were present from the Press. Minutes of the meeting of January 13, 1964, were accepted as written. Board members deferred until the end of January appointment of Democratic alternate members to the Zoning and Planning Commissions. Oil bids were received from the following local dealers: Bruno's 0il .1020 + ~37 .139~°~ Warren's Super Service .1020 · .0~27 .1J~;~7 Mr. Powers moved, Mr. Blackburn seconded, tentatively awarding oil bid to the low bidder, Bruno's Oil, based on compliance with the specifications. Motion carried. Mr. Lanzoni moved, M~. Blackburn seconded, signing hold harmless agreement with Peter Paskiewicz, Tower Avenue, for use of his land for skating rink. M°tion carried. Mr. Powers advised that Mr. Langtry (Minutes of the meeting, January 13, 1964) will let us knowwhat his decision is within a week, Mr. Powers will also interviewMr. Morgan Sellye, another interested applicant. Mr. Powers moved, Mr. Lanzoni seconded, acceptance, with regret,. resignation of Civil Defense Director Gilbert Austin, effective February 15, 1964. Mr. Austin is studying for his doctorate and it will be necessary for his to be out of Town temporarily. Board members approved Harriert K. Coale as Deputy Registre~ Voters. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. A. B. Powers J. Blackburn J. Lanzoni