1977/12/08M~nutes of the December 8, I977 Park & Recreation Meeting. Those present were Chairman Mr. Lubin, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Wiecek, Mr. Graham, ~lr. Mierzejews~i, Mr. Hrubiec, & Mr. Capodiece. Mr. Landry appeared before the Commission to present a proposed project. A request for $I50,OO0.00 in federal funds will be submitted by Dec. I6, I977. If grant is received 24 men will be put to the project of clearing the woods. Areas suggested were Timberlin & Sage Park, also other possibilities. Four lead men would be hired from the middle of January through September. Twenty men would be hired from April through September. This money will be used for the payroll, tools, safety equipment ~d uniforms. The money for the project would come from the CETA fund. Men must be un- employed in I5 of the last 20 wee~s and will receive $3.68 an hr. People on welfare could be hired. Mr. Graham& Mr. Hrubiec stated that the above project is very beneficial and are both in agreement with it. Mr. Wiecek asked if Mr.Graham & Mr. Hrubiec would extend themselves and be able to work in other areas? Again they said it would be beneficial and would not overburden them. On a motion made by Mr. Johnson & seconded by Mr. Wiecek instructed Mr. Landry to submit an application to apply for $I50,O00.OO in federal funds for this project. If grant is received we meet the first Thursday of January, then project can begin. Motion was unanimously approved. On a mo~ion made 'by Mr. Johnson & seconded by Mr. Wiece~ th~.t if project is approved a sub-committee within the Commission be appointed to wor~ with Mr. Graham & Mr. Hrubiec. ^lso that the Conservation Committee ~ Park & Recreation Commission work together on the project. Motion c~rried. Concerning a Director for the Senior Citizens, Mr. Capodiece suggested to the Commission that a CETA floater typist who-is being used in other offices be used about IO hfs a wee~ so the regular secretary can plan and supervise Senior Citizen trips. The floater typist has worked in the office and has worked out well. On a motion made by Mr. Johnson & seconded by Mr. Mierzejewski that the CETA person be used to fill i~ at the office not to exceed June I978. Subject to examination to see if any problems are caused, then the arrangement will c~ase. (I) Public Grounds. Mr. Hrubiec stated that his crew is organized for winter storms. No problems at all. (2) Golf Course. Mr. Graham attended a Wetlands Commission meeting to discuss the 3rd tee at Timberlin. From July until closing the Timberlin Golf Course revenue was $3,000.00 ahead of last year. The clubhouse at Timberlin will try to be closed and winterized this winter. A request from the Connecticut State Ladies Amateur Championship Tournament has been withdrawn by the association. (3) Recreational Service Report. Mr. Capodiece stated that winter programs have begun. The Zoning'Board approved a variance to erect a fence at Murray Heights. A badminton program will be held at the new high school gym. The Commission must pay 6¢ a light an hr. which would be $3.00 an hr. for 2 hfs eac~ evening for IO wee~s which will equal $60.00 rent. The secretary was instructed to write a letter to the Board of Education asking them to waiver the rent fee. Before the next fiscal year the Commissi~ will also request the use of the McGee School gym for the Bucks & Does Sqmre Dance group. The Junior Women's Club is going to run a tag sale for the things that are stored in the upper floors at the Community Center when cleaned it can be put to use. ~T~e Jr. Women's Club is applying for a grant. If received the money will put into the Center. The remainder of the meeting was devoted to the I978-I979 Park & Rec- reation budget. The budget was discussed and questions were asked and answered. (I) Golf Course. Summer help payroll was increased. The driving range at Timberlin will be discussed thoroughly before the final budget is submitted. A mower for the greens will be added to the budget. (2) Public Grounds. Concerning employee's, Position I & Position 2 were added. A full job description is ready. Mr. Lubin requested that each Commissioner receive a copy. Six more bleachers were added to the budget. The Commission will also look into a well system for the Park. (3) Recreational Service. A new playground will be added at Willard School to accommodate the children from Deerfield Manor. If rejected one of the other playgrounds will be closed. Increases have been added to the following accounts, #I904, I905, I906, I9II. The following bill s were approved for payment. CL&P SNE Telephone Co. Sonitrol Security Systems of New Britain Forestville Lumber Co. Deep-Nouse ~quipment Co. Albreada Refuse Inc. E. Auidi & Sons Inc. S. C. Sanitation Control Inc. Paul Welding Co. I & E Supply Co. Kensington Hardware Inc. ~HTR Magove rn Weiner Auto N. A. ~. A. CL&P Center Paint & Hardware The Franklin Oil Co. Home Comfort Fuel SNE Telephone Co. CL&P Kensington Hardware A. S. Labieniec Johnson Garden Service Inc. Automative Industries Warehouse Inc. National Chemsearch Edward Orouer Sonitrol Security Systems of New Britain C. A. Turner Co. Inc. Center Paint & Hardware Ray Electric Co.~ Conn. Truck & Trailer Service Co. C. A. Turner Center Paint & Hardware Conn. Truck & Trailer Service Co. Bobker Bearing Inter State Ford & Tractor Equipment Berlin Pharmacy Lucille Luddy SNE Telephone Co. Adkins Printing 565.58 #1986 35.701 " 56.50 " 16.56 1985 46.62 1985 90.00 " 120. O0 " 540. O0 " 48 · O0 " 30.00 " 60.6? " '45.05 " 32.Sl ~ 1983 56.9~ " 2.53 . 5.50 1981 ~: 30 · 28 " 34.60 1980 153.00 " 280.60 " 14.12 3510 6.81 3511 5.81~ ,, 4 · 98 " 10.33 " 6.75 3511 158.41 3510 588.07 3510 547.58 " 2.40 3512 16.40 3514 115.50 3512 7.'50 3515 20O .00 3514 16.50 3512 47.00 3PlO 119.47 3513 180.08 3512 ll6.71 3515 223.17 3520 129.32 3515 50.24 3512 276.02 ,, 234.57 " 20O.48 3515 ~ l l. 81 ,, 30.01 " 4- 49 3521 40. O0 1903 44.65 1909 1922 The Camera Shop Center Paint & Hardware Berlin Sports Center Inc. International Business Machines Champion Mickey Finn Stores· ImDerial Trophy Center Hadfield Co. 54.95 12.13 2.58 123.98 9.39 74.77 111.72 13.50 41.6O 7.OO ~ark and Recreation Meetihg Adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Park and Recreation Meeting January 5, 1978. #1922 1924 1922 1922 1909 1922 1912 1922 1922 Secretary Lucille Luddy