1978/01/05Minute~~ of the January 5, I978 Park & Recreation Meeting. Those present were Chairman Mr. Lubin, Mr. Maule, Miss Dennehy, Mr. Wiecek, Mr. Mierzejewski, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Silver, Mr. Graham, Mr. Hrubiec, Mr. Hansen, & Mr. Capodiece. (~) A Golf Course Report. Mr. Hansen stated that~the closing date for the golf course was extended because of the weather. Season tickets were sold quickly. IO0 regular, 50 Jr. & Senior and out of town. Three or four were Christmas presents. Mr. Graham stated that his crew is repairing machinery, doing own work, working outside weather permitting. Did ~ot shut water off in the clubhouse. A chance of losing tile. Waiting for first electric bill to see if fixable to close building. The gross income at the golf course this season was between $57,OO0 & $58,O00. Mr. Wiecek asked if the park was off limits for cross country skiing, tobogganing and sledding? Mr. Capodiece stated that they are not off limits and an article appearea in the paper concerning the winter recreational season at Timberlin. Mr. Graham stated that a jeep did ride on the golf course. Little damage was done. (2) Public Grounds. Mr. Hrubiec stated that when a couple of small storms occured his crew did the work, saved some money, did not hire outside help. Three contractors are doing schools, parking and main blacK-top areas. Contractors do not come out to plow until 3 inches of snow h~s fallen, and Mr. Hrubiec calls before they can come. The same fee £or all number of inches fallen. The stairway into the Community Center is taken care of after each snow storm. A copy of the I978-I979 Public Grounds completed budget was distributed by Mr. Hrubiec. Accounts that were not completed at l~st months budget meeting. On a motion made by Mr. Wiece~ & seconded by. Mr. Mierzejewski to submit a bid for the installation of a Sonitrol System at the. maintenance, refresh- ment, and restroom facilities at Sage Park. On the approval of the Board of Finance & the Executive Board. Motion carried. The cost o£ installation would be $I,I90.OO ~dnd a fee of $66.50 per month after installation. Mr. Hrubiec stated that some vandalism has occured at Sage Park. Lights have been broken and the fence at the entrance has been tampered with. The budget meeting with the Executive Board has be~n scheduled for Jan. 9, I978. Public Grounds 7:I5 p.m., Golf Course 7:30 p.m., Youth Council & Recreational Service 7:45 p.m. (4) Recreational Service Report. Mr. Capodiece stated that most all winter programs have been started. New ones are first-aid, safe boating, badminton, volleyball and youth fitness. Mr. Capodiece would like to divide the hours in half and two run the Community Center on weekends instead of one. He has drawn up a job discrip- tion. ~he hiring of an additional person would be done thru the Recreational Service o~fice. Mr. Mierzejews~i asked about out of town people being at the Community Center? -- Each person from out of town are guests. They are allowed to attend two drop-ins a month. They are of high school age. The person who brings them are responsible for them. No problems have occured. If a person cannot show an ID they are turned away. A notice to that effect has been posted. Tw~ breaK-ins have occured at the Community Center. Mr. MierzejewsKi aszed if a water cooler could be placed in the Community nter? A temporary fountain has been placed in ~the Center. Mr. Russell has t the water coole~ in his I978-I979 budget. Mr. Mierzejewski stated that ~his should be taken care of right away. The Senior Citizen floater idea has worked out well. The Seniors are planning a Florida trip. Mr. Capodiece stated again the above arrangement should only be in effect until the end of the fiscal year July I978. Mr. Johnson & Mr. ~itver have been appointed to head a sub-committee to work with the new CETA group. They will work closely with Mr. Landry, Mr. Graham, and Mr. Hrubiec. Also the Wetland Commission. A letter was received from the Wetland Commission giving their approval of the new CETA group. Also asking if one of the Commissioners serve on the suL-committee. ~ -' The.Central Connecticut Regional Planning Co.:.mittee will meet January 2, Ig78 at 7:3.0 p.m. at the Plainville Community Center. On a motion made by Mr. Wiece~ & seconbedlbn GolfJCourse Se:ptember~i6,S1978 for the United Way Golf Tournament at Tlm roved. Motion carri.ed. and a rain date of September 7, I978 be app The Berlin Savings Bank habuildinmeontthePcornerRofrMain~Si~reet1&SKensington ciesire to turn over land & a g Road for development of comeafromathe ExecutivesBoarda&PtheeF~nancerBoardl but approval first must A meeting with Berlin Bank officials & the Mayor will be hE:ld January 6, ~ 1978. - - A formal re:~uest has beee school~foretheaBucks &dDoesqSqua:regDanceuClubf either the Griswold or McG r1r. Johnson statedbth~he1Board oflEd£~dotnotlaaprovesit untilethedCommission program is submitted y discusses it. ~~ Brainard Ford n Magovern Agw ay 3onttrol Systems of New Britain Kensington Hardware Atlantic Broom Moores Deephouse Magovern National Chemsearch ~ohnson Garden's Meeting adjourned at 8:3~ P.M. Park and Recreaction Meeting February 2, 1978 ~~~ ~ The ten year capital plans will be discussed at the next m.eetin~. Mr. Lubin again stressed the importance of attending Execu.tive Board & Finance Board budget meetings. The following bills were approved for payment. Z. Luddy S. N. ~:. Telephone Co. nerb's Sport Shop Hadfield Co. Germano Bros. Fence Co. Cha~g.ion - The Ca.mera Shop of New Britain Inc. The Herald International Business M•~:chines Corp. Berlin Sports Center Inc. Cei &rigland School Supply Co. P ~~ The Herald ~~ ~~ S. T~(. ~• Telephone Co. C L & P Sonitrol Sys~ems of New Britain „ Magovern Tur~ Rroduets C I, 8c P n ~~ S. N. E. Telephone Co. ~~ ~~ ~~ ffi 40.00 # 1903 89.3a 1909 20~J .00 1921 120.95 1921 550.50 Murray Heights Fund 111.64 1922 38.84 1922 46.80 1921 9•49 1921 40.40 1921 28.57 1921 5.43 1981 5.;p 1y81 43.04 1981 ~5.00 Zadies Tees & 3Rd. Green 2g.64 3~17 58.17 1986 246.93 1986 56.50 1983 70.00 1983 g0.88 1983 34.60 1983 8.66 3511 7,gg 3515 8.00 3511 362.15 3516 5.81 3511 4.98 3511 6.81 " 16.69 " 17598•40 Revenue Sharing 150.00 " 2303.00 " 392.20 3512 4 ~ 2.37 351 64 . 20 " 39.99~ " 149•OE~ 3515 27 . OE~ " 30o.OC- 3514 20.5:- 3512 Sec;retary I,uaille Zuddy TOWN Of BERLIN TOWN HALL · BERLIN, CONN. SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING -- 6:30PM -- 1/24/78 -- TOWN HALL CETA -6- SPECIAL PROJECT --- BERLIN PARK IMPROVEMENTS PRIORITIES DISCUSSED. (1) Sage Park - (a) Wooded area adjacent to baseball and softball diamonds (b) Picnic Area (c) Cross County running trsil. (d) Miscellaneous (a) Clean-up - Pond around 4th hole (b) Picnic Area (3) Housing for Elderly- (a) Beautification, and walk way (4) Webster Park- (a) General Clean-up (5) Willard Pond, School Area (a) General Clean-up (6) Bicentennial Park (a) General Clean-up (7) Main Street Park (a) General Clean-up (8) Ragged Mountain - Blue Trail (a) General Clean-up (9) ~scellaneous Areas, Projects Contact In-land - Wetlands Commission and Conservation Commission for their in put into project. A.R. Bengston, Chairman of Both Commissions. NE SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING SET FOR HALL FEB 6th 7:00 PM (2) Timberlain