1979/09/06Minutes of the .September 6, I979 Park & Recreation Commission Meeting. Those present were Chairman Mr. Lubin, Miss Dennehy, Mr. Johnaon, Mr. Klotz, Mr. Maule, Mr. Mierzejewski, Mr. Hansen, Mr. Capodiece, and Mr. ZiKoris. (I) Lion's Club Golf Tournament. The President of the Lion's Club was present to request a block of start- ing times for a Lion's Club Tournament. A member present stat~:d that the Lis B Tournament was given a bloc~ of starting times. A list of donations given to different groul,,S in the town by the Lion's Club was read. It has been the policy of the Commission not to give out bloc~s of ~tart- ins times. Mr. Mierzej~.:ws~i st~,ted that equal time be given to the Lion's Club. Mr. Johnson suggested that the policy be changed next season because other groups have been denied bloc~ starting times. On a motion made by Mr. Mierzejews~i that the Lion's Club be granted a bloc~ of starting times beginning at II o'clock to one o'clock ( in so fiat as the~ need the time) on September 3Otb. The vote was 4 for the motion and 2 against the motion. Motion carried. ?tess Ilox ~'or SaLe Par,i. The Lion's Club ha~ di~:cusse~ wi .n their Foar~ of Directors a proposal to erect a press box at Sage Par~. The proposal will be vote~ on at their gener~:l meeting Novem[:er 2nd. I~ t~e proposal i~., passed b~ 'the Lion'::; Club Mr. Capodiece will submit to the Lion's Committee the step by step procedure to erect a kuilding in the Town o£ berlin. Golf Course Report. Mr. Hamsen stated that the United Way Tournament was held September I979. It w~s an overwhelming success. The course is in good shape. Crew wording hard. No damage from Hurricane David. Revenue same as la~t year. >ir, ttans~.n stated again the need of a long range plan for the course. He ~oe~: not want the play of the course to decline. The following are some of the reasons for a slight decline. (I) Laci: of a Superintendent. (Z) Area courses improving. (3) Energ~ crisis. (4) A petition is circulatin~ for an adsitional j holes for the course. Kr. Johnson stated that the Commission shoula secure a procedure for get- ting the additional 9 holes off the ground. Er. Zi~oris stateu theft thc course wa,.s ~uper .his year. (:rab~;rass and clover problems will be treatcU in the spring. The first and second greens. should 'de clesmed. Obtaining materials for top dressing. Airii'i~ tion will o~:: done this uonth. T~:es are being resetdcd. Drainage problems will be connected, and the [:roo~ shoula be arcd&'ed. Mr. ZiZ, oris visits the course t~-,ice a weeK. Mr. Lubin ~-,sKed i,r. ZiKoris to submit a report to th~ Commission. The Executive t~oard has been informed concerning ti,e Supe,-intendcnt/ GreensKeeper. }:ublic Grounds R~port. Kr. Hrubiec was absent therel'or~ no report. Recreation Service Report. ~,'r. Capomiec~ has oeen appro;-ched to run a mini mare. than in the £;pring. Capodiece will :~ssist Mr. Blm~e in running the program. Revenue t~ken in ~,.[11 be ~onated to the Youth of the Town. Kr. Capodiece has received ~'orms for Federal ~nding for recreation ±'aciliti~s. Will me~t soon with thc Mayor ,and people from the ag,~ncy. ':i~r. Lubin stat~U that Percival Pool and Field s~oul_~i be our first prior- _ it~. ~Concerning ~us usage. The Commission will use the same procedure as in the paa't. The ousts are used primarily for our recreation. The Y and other ~roups use them occasionally. Mr. Klotz a~kem after the buses are useless who comes up with the money ior new buses'? The Y and other groups? The Commission would have to put money needed for new buses in our bumget. Mr. Capodiece has a chart set up for the fees to be charged by the miles ~.~riven. On a motion made by Mr. Johnson and Mr. Mierzejewski that the new fees ~.mould be used and Mr. Capodiece use his discretion on which groups should allowed to use the buses. Motion carried. Mr. Capodiece did not think he would have a problem with the Y. A letter concerning the lights for Hubbard Field was sent to the Mayor ~n June. The Commission has not received a response from the Mayor. Mr. Capodiec~ was instructed to send another letter. Mr. Capodiece stated to install a phone at Sage Park will cost $45.00 and the monthly rate will be $I4.32. Mr. Johnson stated that arrangements should be made to install a phone. Suggested that the phone be pulled out in the winter. Mr. Capodiece stated that the Comm~ssfon must support the Board of Ed. in obtaining additional monies to open the schools ni{hts and weekends to outside groups. If they do not obtain the money needed 70~ of our programs will be cut. Mr. Maule would li~e Mr. Capodiece to look into a party held at the East ~erlin Pool one morning ffrom I2 A.M. to 3 A.M. Mr. Capodiece stated that because the minimum wage is paid it is hard to obtain key personnel. !,ir. Johnson conveyea for Mr. Miller that the Meriden Falcon's are loo~in~.~ a new i~ield to play on. Mr. Miller would like the Commission to look into matter. He suggested Sage Park. The following bills were approved for payment. Center Paint & Hardware ltadfield' s L. Luddy ~ N E. Telephone Co. kcDonald' a Champion Camera Shop of New Britain Albreada Refuse National Chemsearch C. B. Dolge Co. M agove rn Cadw~_l & ~jones ,landware C~ty Fuel ~t~nley Svea Co. [obk~r Bearings ::e~-sington Fire District ;,~ational Auto Parts $onitrol Security Systems of New Britain ,.~,:~,~itation Control Inc. City Ap:lia:~ce Service .'e~',sin~:ton Hardware Ace Advance Paper Co. Tom Irwin Inc. h agovern '~om Irwin Inc. #19~2 1903 1909 1912 1922 1921 1968 1967 ,, 1966 1965 1966 7.89 369.23 45.00 40.0O 40,.O0 53.88 174.75 45.75 114.72 121.00 132.00 31.50 2.65 3549.57 533.87 32.40 ~.00 2~.40 51.16 16.55 64. OO 3OO. O0 31p. oO 18.38 124.80 39.60 927. O0 29±. 50 79 .OO 166.27 70.OO 947 .O0 490.81 2160.00 II ,~. lq. E. Telephone Co. C. L. &P. 5. ~. E. Telephone Co. Nutmeg Farms City Grinding C. A. Turner Sonitrol Security S3rstems of New Britain Zelek"s ~. A. Turner Teleon Tomasso Tanner Ford i~obker Bearing Rae Storage i~ier:tsington Fire District Meeting adjDurned at 9:45 P.M. i~'~rk & Recreation Meeting October 4, 1979 # $ 379.97 1950.85 ll80.69 45.50 45.1D 14.25 76.82 1268.99 3.76 262.23 44.30 52.7O 30.04 37.79 28.64 94.17 54.84 62.04 53.40 25.OO 410.43 133.45 65.49 71.69 693.06 11.85 43 .lO 72.60 Secretary Lucille Luddy