1979/01/04~ Minutes of the January 4, 1979 Park & Recreation Commission Meeting. Those present were Chairman Mr. Lubir~, Miss Dennehy, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Silver, Mr. Wiecek, Mr. Miller, Mr. Hrubiec, MnJ Capodiece and Mr. Zikoris. ~l) Members of the Berlin Rugby Club were present, to present an application ~o re.quest th~ use of Sage. Park on April 26_, 1979 for a rugby game with a team from England. The town insurance waiver and the club waiver were also presented. If the team from England does not sign the wai~ars the gama will not be played. Mr. Capodiece gave a rundown of the teams activities an~ also stated that they will be able to use the showers at the Community Center after the game. The condition of the field was questioned. Mr. Hrubiec would like to seed earlN If not ready the game. will be moved to another field. A motion was made by Mr. Silver and seconded by Mr. Wiecek that permission be granted to the Berlin Rugby Club to use the field as presented in the brochures presented to the Commission. Motion carried. (2) Golf Course Report. Mn. Zikoris stated that the golf course crew is busy painting signs and work- ing on equipment. In snow storms they help the Public Grounds and Hiway Depts. The Finance Board has allocated the money for the first well at the Timberlin Golf Course. There is a possibility of obtaining waten from a development near the golf course. This would be connecting to a main water supply. A complet~package is being drawn up which will include water for the club- housa-and also-£or the maintenance-barn, After.it .has been compiled~it~will have to'come before a town meeting. Concerning the concession at Timberlin. Mr. Johnson suggested that a new con- tract be drawn up. Compare the existing one with surrounding towns. Mr. Johnson, Mr. Hrubiec, and Mr. Zikoris will look into the matter and make a report at the next meeting. A letter was received from Mr. Russell stating that as of July 1979 his dept. will be responsible for all the public buildings. Aletter was received from the State,Department of Enviroment concerning the Ragged Mt. area. They were concerned about the wood cutting and dumping area. Mr. Hrubiec stated that the police have been called on occasions and his crew has checked the area and has cleaned it up periodically. The State Dept. has also suggested that fireplaces be constructed. All pertinent material concerning the golf mperintendent has been turned over to Mn. Landry. Mr. Lubin stated that at present time each dept. will be headed by its own Superintendent. On a motion mace by Mn. Johnson and seconded by Mr. Silver that a request be granted for a Cross Country Meet to be held November 2, 1979 at Timberlin Park. Motion carried. On a motion made by Mr. Wiecek and seconded by Mr. Johnson that .the Timberlin Men's Club Tournament schedule be accepted. Also the New England Public Links PlayOff times be granted. Motion carried. (5.) Public Grounds Report. Mr. Hrubiec stated that his crew is wor~ing a normal winter schedule, because of the spring li~e weather cutting brush at Sage Park. A CETA man has been moved up to a permanent position as par~ gardener. Also a crew chief has been selected. His duties will begin as of January l, 1979. Mr. Hrubiec is asking for two fulltima men in his 1979-1980 budget. Mn in has asked M~. for ~ar~ s~gn to come u w~th some suggestion for a s~gn to y for from the State for the ~ ~. Capod~ece asked if the gate at Sage Park could be open all the time. The ~ommission felt if opened all the time vandalism would taka place. People now ¢l~ter thru an access road. Mr. Lubin suggested that if a planned program is go- lng ta takeJ place someona in charga ghould ba given the key an~ return it after it was over. It was also suggested that a caretaker be hired. The Commission will look into the matter in the future. Mn. Johnson asked if the pond at Sage Park can be made ready for ice skating and hockey. Mr. Hrubiec said it will be plowed and taken care of like all the other skating ponds. (4) Recreational Service Report. Mr~. Capodiece stated that the Finance Board will meet January 18, 1979 at 8 P.M. with the Commission to discuss the Public Grounds and Golf Course 1979- 1980 budgets. On January 25~th they will discuss the Recreation Service and Youth Council budgets at 8 P.M. also. Mr. Capodiece received a letter from the police dept. stating that a skate- board problem exists in the Percival Ave., Robbins Road area. Mr. Capodiece is loo~ing into the matter and also for suggestions. He wonder- ed if an area could be set aside for the program. The Commission suggested that he come back to a meeting with some pros and cons on the subject. Mn. Silver suggested that an article appear in the paper stating how danger- ous this sport can be. He also stated that he was not in favor of the sport. Mr. Capodice stated that five drop-!ns have been canceled because of vandal- ism. It is the v~un~em gr~pup that is resp0'hsible for the damage done. The article which appeared~n-~e]paper had, be~en b~own ou~ of proportion. Mr. Capodiece s~ ~ha~ ~Y~ t~e fishing d~rby is to be held again this year, the fish have to be ordered by February 15th. On a motion made by Mn~ Johnson and seconded by Mm. Wiecek that the derby was successful last year and to pursue it. Loo~ for money in budget. Schedule it on a Saturday during the fishing season. Also contact service clubs in town for donations. Motion carried. Tabled until next, meeting were the Adult & Youth Council bylaws. Mr. Silver questioned the legal aspect. Asked Mr. Capodiece to investigate the matter be- fore the next meeting. The Recreation Service Dept. is running a trip to Washington D.C. Mm. Lubin would like a member present at 7:15 P.M. the two evenings the Commission meets with the Board of Finance to discuss the budget before the meeting at 8 P.M. The follawing bil~ were apDroved for payment. C en,tral Sign Center Paint Oo~cher Corp. Adkins Smith & Klebes Occhi Equ~iipment Tmmassc~ Forestville Lumber RO-Brand National Chemsearch Bobker Bearing SRring & Buckley ~ Genphil Inc. Deephouse EquiDment Tanner Ford Johnsmu Garden Center Sanitrol Kensington Hardware Eddy Awning Bebker Bearing SNE~ #3512 $ 480.0O ~512 350'.24 ~3512 61.58 #3521 11.14 #3512 ~6.25  3515 31.15 3512 40.58 #~512 215.06 #3512 193.16 #3514 l12.0Q, #~512 26.04 #3512 97.21 #3512 192.70 #3,512 58.22 #3515 L47.O0. #3512 199.50 #3510 53.40:~ #3512 4.55 #3512 69.~4 #3515 6.17 #3511 14.32 #3510 15.23 #3511 9-76 #3511 7.51 25. ~3 ~lO 8.19 CL&P I! Lucille Luddy Flagheuse Inc. 1! I! I1 !! Hadfield Co. Center Paint & Hardware Camera Shop of N.B. Inc. Imperial Trophy Center Hadfield Co. Champion Ce. He rman" s Hadfield Co. SNET Adkins CL&P I! Bebker Bearing !! Turf Products Albreada Refuse Co. Magovern Deephouse Equipment Taylor.~ Rental ForeStville Lumber Kensington Hardware ~ National Auto Pants Center Hardware C. B. Dolge Co. #3510 $ 54.07 #3511 23.46 #3510 3~.75 #~.~ 40~. O0 #1922 48.92 #19!2 164.84 1922 135 · 60 86.7,~ #19'22 iO. 50 1.50 1922 1922 87.87 #1922 ~S.O0 #1922 2.90'~ #1922 30.$5 #1921 88 ..54 #1921 23.53 #19 21 66.90'~ #L909 53.88 6.31 1909 1981 1820.62 #1986 514.97 # 69.29? ~1981 19~ 13 ~ 25.. 23 ~1983. 23.00} ~983 50..0o ~ 55.0o ~ ~73. ~5 ~1985 4~. 42 ~1985 124.12 . ~985 ~9 .-73 ~1983~ 20.00' ~1983 lO0.00 ~1985 193.99 ~985 28.50 Meeting adjaurned at 9:00- P.M. Budget Meeting January 18, L9~.9 & January 25, 1979 at 7:15 P.M. Bark and Recreaticm Meeting February l, L9~9 Lucille Luddy Secretary