1963/01/151. Regular Meeting berlin Town Planning Cemm[.~s~on, January 15, lq63. Members present: Robert Ben~erup, Nunz'o Rosco, Henry Winterbottom, George Garr~ty, amc] Aldo Castlgl~mni. Also, James F. KIss~ne, Jr. Town Engineer, A1 Curnew, Asst. Town ~ng~neer~ mod Margaret Gooby. 2. Mr. Leon~r~ ~brahamsor. s~eared to question whether the parcel of lend he has purchased abutting a present subd~.v[s~.on which he owns could be considered a p~rt of the present subd[v[s'~en or whether it would have to be presented ss separate subdivision. The new p~rcel is on Reservoir l~osd. ~,[r. Kisssne w%ll review this further w%th Mr. ~brahamson and advise him on the correct procedure and will report to the Corem[salon. 3. Proposed Industrial Subdivision - Four Rod Road - Mr. Ken Ward, along wfth Messrs. Walter Greene and '~illiam Maine appeared and presented maps of th~s pro- posed subdivision. The [~roposed parcel is bounded west by Four Rod Road, east by the l~ew Haven Railroad Tracks, and south by lend of Cl~ver M. Fetter, north by Keller Pottery Co. The map showed a proposed factory site for High Speed Msch'~ne Products Co., plus area for future expansion, also a sroposed road to other available land. The total 9orange is 1~.6. The map was entitled "High Speed Machine Products Co., berlin, Conn., Scale 1"=~0' Walter F. Greene, Jr., A.I.A. Robert H. Honslds, Assoc. Architects, Avon, Conn., dated Jan, 1~, 1063, Maine ~ Tillapough, Land Flanners." A map showing s Pre- liminary DesI~n Drawings for the proposed factory was also presented. Mr. Ward stated that some seepage tests have bee~ taken. T~is ares ~.s not pre- sently served w~th publ~.c water. The maps were tort w~.th the Town En~neer to review and report. [[. Mr. KIsssne presented the following map stat%rig that the owner has cre~ted an illegal subd'_v~.s~on. "iroperty of Reginald C. Stevens and Kermit F. Stevens Chamberlain H~.shway, Berlin, Conn., ~ated July lO55, Scale 1"=100', J.D.Willi~ms, C.E." It was the consensus that the Town Eng%ueer would advise the owners that ;t w,-uld be to their benefit to sub~nlt s subd~'vtsIon plan. ~. Brooks~de Rills - s~e Minutes o~ 0etcher P, Item ~, ~nd Dec. 1q, Ttem ~2. Hr. Wfnterbottom d~squsllried himself from the discussion. The following map, which bad,been given forecast final approval on Dec. 1.~, was presented for signature. "brookside Hills, berlin, Conn., owned and developed by Brookside Hills Development Co., 69 Main Street, Kensington, Conn., dated September 2~, lO~62, J.D. Williams, Scale 1"=40' The ~lown Attorney has advised Mr. Rosso verbally that ~.t ts o.k. to sign th~.s mop as the forecast final approval constituted f%nal approval. Mop was s~gned by Commission members present. 6. On motion of Aldo Cast[gl[eof, seconded by H. Winterbottom, the Minutes of the December 18, 1062 Meeting were approved as written. ?. December 18 Minutes - Item 3 - nothing new. 8. On motion of George Garr~.ty, seconded by H. Wtnterbottom, Miss Gooby's ~or ~Ii0.38 was approved for payment. o. Mr. Bennerup reported on the C.F.Z.~.P. Meeting. 10. Elect~on of 0ef~cers tar lO63. By unanimous Vote Mr. Robert Bennerup was re-elected Chairman, ~nd Mr. Nunzto Rosso was re-elected Secretary. ll. Meeting adjourned at 10 Respectfully submltted, Nunzi~/~osso,/~ecretsry Berlin Board of Finance January 15, 1963 Minutes of Meeting A meetiAg of the Board of Finance, Town of Berlin, was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday, January 15, 1963 at 7:30 P. M. Present: Chairman P. D. Doran, W. S. Brown, T. W. Ward~ Jr., R. W. Chamberlain, and S. S. ~argis. Commun i cations Received: 1. Letter dated January 6, 1963 from Civil Defense Director O. Austin to Board of Finance re bids for fuel oil tank installation. 2. Letter dated January 7, 1963 from East ~erlin Fire Department to Board of Finance re extension phone desired for 2nd floor hall. 3. Letter dated January 8, 1963 from First Selectman to Board of Finance en- closing copy of same letter as above. (See Communication ~2) Bills: 1. A bill was presented by Mary Motyka for typing of Annual Reports, as sub- mitred by various town agencies, for preparation for printing in Annual Town Report - Work to date (nearly completed) $72.00. Payment was voted from ~6, Board of Finance Account. Transfers: ~/ 1. Voted: to transfer $1000. from ~127, Contingency, to Polio Immunization, #Sla. Old Business: 1. Civil Defense--550 gallon tank, i electric pump, i hand pump~ installation and wiring to electric pump, 9omplete (except for excavation) $580.00. Previous bid for wiring was $674. Voted that: The Chairman will request Mr. Austin to advise this Board in writing that the work remaining to be done, which is covered by the costs he has submitted, will result in a completed job which will agree with the federal specifications in order to make the town eligible £or federal matching lhnds. New Business: 1. Voted that: the Chairman will write East Berlin Fire Dept. asking them to advise how much the desired second phone will cost. Visitors: 1. Dr. Ludmil Ghotkowski-special hearing: A. Completion of Polio Program Probably last public program as private practice is picking this up. Need $1OOO. to complete. Ready to go at once. B. Adjustment of payments to Health Director so that last quarter's pay- ment comes out of that fiscal year. Ghairman will refer this to the Auditor. 2. Ralph Carter A. Discussion on Revaluation (See his outline on file) B. Suggests consideration of a bookkeeping machine which would auto- matically calculate the tax bills. ~uggests that a used machine might be available and would be adequate. Space is available. Board concurred that Assessor should obtain prices on used machine. 3. Victor Salci - 10 Auxiliary Policemen as part of Civil Defense. No pay, but Town buys uniforms ~ $102. per man and Wm. McKeon wants $10OO. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P. M. Notes by Wolcott S. Brown