1962/07/19(Minutes of July 12, 1962 continuedl Chairman Doran asked Board members their opinions on the proposal and after agree- ment by all the Chairman advised Messrs. Hall, Upson, Potetz and Mrs. Adams that this Board would say that it has had described to it by responsible people a pro- posed improvement program for Peck Memorial Library which involves an ex-tension of space totaling 3,520 sq. feet, parking space for ten cars, full-time trained, qualified librarian, extended hours of accessibility to this library 6 days a week. This Board looks with great favor on this type of program. Its educational values are obvious and in that regard this Board favors an expanded program on the part of the Town in the operation of the facilities of Peck Memorial Library. A letter to this effect will be sent to the Kensington Library Society with copies to Mr. Potetz and the Board of Selectmen. A tentative meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 19, 1962. The meeting adjourned at lO:15 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Pro ~em Berlin Board of Finance July 19, 1962 Minutes of Meeting A meeting of the Berlin Board of Finance was called to order at 7:00 P. M. on Thursday, July 19, 1962 at the Town Hall. Members Present: were Chairman P. D. Doran and Messrs. W. S. Brown, T. W. Ward, Jr., R. W. Chamberlain, S. S. Sargis and S. J. Pietras. Communications Received: None Rills: None Transfers: 1. It was voted to transfer $325. to ~2, Probate Court, from ~127, Contingency, for the fiscal year 1961-62, on request of the Board of Selectmen. 2. It was voted to transfer $860. to ~21a, M. & O. of Town Vehicles, from ~127, Contingency, for the fiscal year 1961-62, on request of the Board of Select- men. 3. It was voted to transfer $275. to #2lb, M. & O. of School Vehicles, from #127, Contingency, for the fiscal year 1961-62, on request of the Board of Selectmen. 4. It was voted to transfer $1000. to Capital #26a, Park Dept. Mower, from #120, Maintenance of Park~ for a reel-type mower for the park department for the fiscal year 1961-~, on request of the Board of Selectmen. Old Bus iness: 1. Chairman Doran reported that he had talked with Attorney Dawson, To~n C cunsel, who advised that the bonding attorneys were still displaying considerable reluctanct towards any further discussion of the matter of the position of the Board of Finance in bond issues. No specific answer to this Board's question in its letter of July 12, 1962 to Town Counsel was obtained. Attorney Dawson advised that the bonding attor- neys would only reiterate that his earlier answers to the questions raised by the Board of Selectmen were correct. The meeting recessed at 8:15 P. M. to attend the joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen, Public Building Commission, Board of Education and Bcerd of Finance at the library at the High School on the matter of the elementary school on the Pabst site and the elementary school in East Berlin. The meeting reconvened at the High School. Chairman Der an pointed out that the Statement of Need did not clearly indicate a timetable for the building of the two elementary schools. After discussion the Public Building Commission appeared before the Board of Fi- nance to present a revised Statement of Need received from the Board of Education dated July 19, 1962 clarifying the timetable for the building of the school on the Pabst site and the school in East Berlin. It was voted: that this Board, after completion and occupancy of the school on th, Pabst site, will recommend the appropriation of funds for the construction of an element ary school in East Berlin in accordance with aforesaid timetable to be in- corporated in the Statement of Need revised July 19, 1962. Mr. Brown abstained from voting and ~. Sargis was opposed on the basis such an action ran the risk of improperly burdening the Town with a committment to float bonds for any future projects. The meeting adjourned at lO:O0 P. M. Respectfully submitted,