1962/10/17Berlin Board of Finance October 17, 1962 Minutes of Meeting A meeting of the Berlin Board of Finance was called to order at 7:30 P. M. on Tuesday, October 17, 1962 at the Town Hall. Memb ers Present: were Chairman P. D. Doran and Messrs. W. S. Brown, T. W. Ward, Jr., R. W. Chamberlain and S. S. Sargis. The Minutes of September ll, 1962, October l, 1962, October 2, 1962, October 3, 1962 and October 15, 1962 were approved. Communications Receivedi 1. Annual reports were received from the Town Treasurer, Zoning Board of Appeals and Park and Recreation Commission. 2. Additional copies of the Auditor's Repot were distributed to members present as follows: ChairmanDoran ~11 Mt. Chamberlain #lB Mr. Brown ~12 ~r. Sargis ~l Mr. Ward #13 Mrs. Bunce (clerk) 3. A letter dated October 9, 1962 from First Selectman Arthur Powers re- questing a transfer of ~$36.00 to the Town Hall Telephone Budget for the purpose of installing two additional telephones in the Kensington Fire Department building--one on the second floor and one in the basement-- to be used for incoming calls only. Presently there is only one tele- phone on the main floor and ambulance calls come in when members are on the second floor or in the basement thereby causing a delay in responding to the calls. The cost is $1.25 per phone per month or ~30.00 per year plus an initial installation charge of ~6.O0. 4. A copy of a letter dated October 11,1962 from ~irs. Delaney, Secretary of the Board of Education, to Mr. Leo Helenski, Chairman of the Public Building Commission. Mrs. Delaney advised that the Board of Education is concerned over the contract price for the Pabst site school, particularly in relation to the specific requests of the Board of Education regarding site work and movable equipment. ~s. Delaney.wrote, "It is our under- standing that the base bid as adjusted totals $535,81). Since the archi- tect's estimates for fees, movable equipment and contingencies totaled $115,O00., the total cost, unless items are cut, will be ~650,813., or approximately $25,000. in excess of the ~625,000. bond issue." Mrs. Delaney asked that the Board of Education be advised as soon as possible in regard to the disposition of the following: 1.Items agreed upon by Mr. Crabtree at the Board meeting on April 2, 1962. 2.Items included in Public Building Commission's letter to Board dated April 7, 1962, as revised April 9, 1962. 3. Items emphasized in joint meeting of Board of Education ~d Public Building Commission on ~ay 10, 1962. 4. Board of Education equipment list dated ~ay 2, 1962 and presented to the Public Building Commission. 5. A letter dated October 16, 1962 from Tax Collector Francis ~otyka ad- vising that a transfer of $391.26 is needed to the tax refund account in order for the Selectmen's office to bring their records to date. Bills: 1. In reference to Communication Received ~3, it was voted that the Select- men be authorized to pay this bill in the ~ ount of $36.00 out of ~15, Town Hall Telephone Acct. Transfers: ~ 1. It was voted to transfer the sum of ~50. from ~127~ Contingency, to ~C21, Hydraulic Press, as requested by the Selectmen. (See letter dated September 18, 1962) 2. It was voted to transfer the sum of $970. from ~127, Contingency, to #18b, Pension Plan, as requested by the Selectmen. (See letter dated September 5, 1962 and Transfer ~l, in the ~,Ii~utes of September ll, 1962) 3. It was voted to transfer the sum of ~771. fro~ ~Cll, Truck, to ~Cllb, Plow~ as requested by the Selectmen. (See letter dated September 26, 1962) It was vo~ed to transfer the sum of $500. from #30, Snow Removal, to (See letter dated September ~Cllb, Plow, as requested by the Selectmen. 26, 1962) (Minutes of October 17, 1962 continued) Transfers continued: 5. It was voted to transfer the sum of ~200. from the Salary Account of the third assistant engineer to the Salary Account of the first assistant engineer within the Engineering Budget, ~16, as requested by the T~n gineer. (See letter dated August 29,. 1962) 6. In reference to Communication Received ~5, it was voted to transfer the sum of 3400. from ~127, Contingency, to ~123, Tax Refund, as requested by the Tax Collector. Old Business: 1. In reference to a letter dated August 31, 1962 from First Selectman Arthur Po¥~rs~ and recorded in the Minutes of this Board dated September ll, 1962 under Co~unications ~eceived ~9, it was voted that this Board agrees to the purchase of a dictating machine from ~l, Selectman's S~lary and Expenses providing that somewhere within that budget this transfer can be made, at the discretion of the Board of Selectmen and upon being advised concerning which item or items were chosen to draw upon, this Board will make formal approval of the transfer. 2. In reference to a letter dated September 24, 1962 from Mrs. Sylvia Kirby, Secretary of the Public Building Commission, and recorded in the Minutes of thio Board dated October 2, 1962 under Communications Received #3, this Board will obtaiu the following information from the Selectmen~s office be- fore taking any action on the request: 1. A breakdown of referendum expenses on the school on the Pabst site, 2. The balance in the Public ~uilding Commission's budget and ~n item- ized breakdowu of expenses to date, 3. An answer to the question, "Have the referendum workers been paid?". New Business: 1. Messrs. Deffley and Mack of the State Personnel Department were present at the request of this Board to discuss a job classification and salary study of certain town employees. Chairman Doran explained that at the present time this Board is chiefly interested in a job classification and salary study of the clerks and secretaries in the ToYm Hall. Mr. Mack showed part of a survey in another town and pointed out what knowl- edge, experience and training should be required for various jobs and what the recommended salaries would be based on average salary ranges comparing other towns. He said a survey of this type can not be compared to orivate industry. Recormnendations are made concerning annual increments. It is sometimes determined, said Mr. Mack, that the people studied are being paid more than is commensurate with their job requirements and their abilities. In such a case, the Personnel Department does not recommend that the salary be lowered but rather kept at its level until the employee leaves the job for some reason. Then the salary is adjusted to come %~thin the range 'when a new employee is hired. Mr. Mack advised that a contract is signed when the State Personnel Dept. is to be engaged to do this job evaluation. It is a contract between the proper authority in the municipality and Mr. Mack. A copy of a contract was given to this Board to study, given' Mr. Mack explained that if it should be desired that an examination be (Civil Service) to applicants for a certain job, it would be necessary that another contract be signed and it would be mandatory that this Bca rd follow the merit system and choose between the three top applicants. Civil Ser- vice procedures would have to be followed. A charge is made for examina- tions given and the charge would be for exact costs. Mr. Mack emphasized that the State Personnel Dept. does not make or endeavor to make any profit on the technical services it provides at the request of communities. Only actual costs are charged to the municipalities. Monies received by the State Personnel Dept. for actual costs go into the State General Fund. Chairman Doran advised that we do not contemplate the Civil Service program at this time. Mr. Deffley estimated that a job classification survey of the clerks and secretaries in the Town Hall might include 4 or 5 classes. He noted that in South Windsor the cost of a survey was :$1800. and this included 44 classes. Chairman Doran asked what Mr. Mack would require of the town before proceed- ing to undertake a job classification survey to which Mr. Mack replied that it would be necessary to sign two contracts and if these were approved by the State the survey could proceed. Chairman Doran stated that our problem here is one of evaluating the scope of responsibilities of these people and establishing the range of salaries. (Minutes of October 17, 1962 continued) Mr. Mack said this Board should make an outline of t~ people involved and what we want studied, analyzed, and evaluated. Then the State Personnel Dept. makes an estimate of what the cost will be to do this survey. However, the estimate may not be exact as actual costs have to be charged to the town. Mr. Mack distributed material headed Scope of Classification and Salary Study and listing the following: 1. Analyze existing classes and provide proper specifications for each class. 2. Recommend allocation of employees to classes. 3. Evaluate classes in accordance with sound evaluation techniques. 4. Recommend a rate structure which sets salary ranges in proper rela- tionships between classes and with salaries paid outside the munici- pal service. 5. Estimate the costs of the recommended program. Chairman Doran said if a job evaluation of clerks and secretaries in the Town Hall proved to be a useful guide, the program might be expanded at a later time to include other town employees. Mr..Mack will be notified of this Board's decision in regard to engaging the State Personnel Department. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 23, 1962. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Pr~ Tem Berlin Board of Finance Minutes October 29, 1962 On October 29, 1962 it was voted to transfer $25~.00 from the Civil Defense budget for the installation of a siren on Sherwood Tool Co. as requested by Civil Defense Director Gilbert austin. (Specific details of v~ich accounts in the Civil Defense budget this transfer will be taken from will be recorded as ~oon as they are determined.) Members voting were Chairman P. D. D~ran and ~dessrs. ~. S. Brown, T. ~. ~ard, Jr., and S. S. Sargis. Respectfully submitted, Clerk ~o Tem Berlin Board of Finance Minutes Nove~ber 5, 1962 On November 5, 1962 it was voted to approve for [~a~ument from ~6, Board of Finance Expenses, a bill in the amount of :$51.25 presented by Mrs. Graeme Bunce for clerical services for this Board for the month of October 1962. iqembers voting were Chairman P. D. Doran and i[essrs. R. ~;. Chamberlain, T. ~;. ~ard, Jr. and S. S. Sargis. Respectfully submitted, C1 Tem