1967/11/14).5O 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, November 14, 1967 at 7:30 P.M. Members present: Aldo Cestigliont, Roy Byrne, Line Conti, and Abrahamson Stevens. Also Morgan Seelye, Dtr. of Public Works. 2. Mr. Byrne was eppolnted ActLug Secretary 3. Agenda Item ~ - Final approval(signature) Section III Glent~ew M~nor, Adolph Schultz, Developer. This Sect{.on was approved at the Public }{eartn~ of Oct. 24 and tbs m,p was signed tonight. 4. Agenda Item - LaVlctolre Resubdlvlsion - J~Iper Lane. This Resubdision wes approved at the Public Hesrln~ o~ Oct. 24 and the map was sigmed tonight. 5. Agenda Item 3 - Final Approval Section IV 0xyoke Village Revised, Mr. Seelye presented the following mmp recommending that the revision be approved. Revision includes correction of dimensions of Town of Berlin storm water drainage, lot #119 "Section IV 0xyoke Village, Chamberlain Highway, Berlin,Conn., owned and developed by Earl H. Wicklund 27 0xyoke Drive, Berlin, Conn., 1"=50', J.D. Williams, C.E., dated Septembe? 1965, Revised December 17, 1965, Rev. May 16, 1966." Voted to gran approval on motion made by Mr. Byrne , seconded by Mr. Conti. 6. Agenda Item 4 - Release of Bond Sec. II Valencia Gardens, Spring St., Mr. Shlomberg, Owner. Mr. Seelye reco~mnended that the bond be released subject to specific requirements that he feels should be token care of prior to release. It was the sense of the meeting that ~ctlon be deferred until after the members have had the opportunity to moke a field trip to the subdivision. It was planned that the members would meet at the subdivision on Sunday, Nov. 19. 7. Agenda Item 5 - Schedule Meeting with Industrial Development Commission - Commerce Street Project - Mr. Seelye stored that the Industrial Development Commission would like, and in line with whet the Plonnlng Commission would llke, to see the development of the areo eost of Beckley Rood tied down so that they can moke plm~a. They would like to be able to get ou~ a brochure on the a~rea snd wou llke to sit down with us to work out details, e.speclally road potterns, etc. It was the' ~nse Of the meeting th, t Mr. Seelye would invite them to our Nov. 28 meeting to discuss this project. 8. Argo Manufacturing - The following map was presented for opprovol "The Argo Company, Berlin, Conn., Addition to office worehouse building, Berlin, Turnpike, Berlin, Conn., Richord A. Shops, Architect 1"=60' ("The obove information was token from a plon prepared by Harold R. Sonderson.") Building to be owned by Rtdgeview Reslty, A. Donald McGrath, Agent,; and to be built by Clear Sport Structures, 583 Flatbush Avenue, Hartford, Conn." Ail the information required under per. 8:02 Zoning Regulotions was not submitted but Mr. Seelye recommended thor we approve what has been submitted and grant them' permission to go ahead with footings; but thor they should not do nay other work on the site until the complete plans are approved, including plons for parking and landscaping. It was voted on a motion mode by Mr. Conti, seconded by l~r. Byrme to opprove the foundation plon for the typ~ building proposed at this time with the understanding that Ridgeview Realty will submit complete plans ~n compliance with Per. 8:03 of the Zoning Regulations; else, to outhorize the Building Inspector to grant a permit for the foundation work only. 9. Voted to pay New Britain Herald $6,48 Legol Notice of October 24 on motion made by Mr. Byrne and seconded by Mr. Contt. 10. The following correspondence was read and placed on file:- Letter from Hoary Jackaway, Oct. 23 acknowledging recetp~ of Writ, Summons, and Complaint in ~he matter of John Gacek vs. The Planning Commission - assessment of damages along Episcopal Road Letter from Hoary Jeckaway re: Gontarz cases - doted November 6,1967 The Gontarz postion now is that they want $2,500 to settle the three cases and are not Interested in shy agreements regarding the trees. We hed offered $1,500. This has been refused. Mr. Jsckaway is asking for direction from the Commission. It was voted on motion mode by 1~. Byrne,seconded by Mr. Conti, to odvise Mr. Jackawey to offer the amount of $1,995 in' s%t'olement of the claims, This is · based on a compromise of their request for $2,500. end our previous offer of $1,500. Mr. Cestigltoni will give this information to Mr. Jeckaway. File copy of letter to Mr. Bombs, Town Ulerk, giving him dates' of our regulor mae lngs. 11. It was the sense of the meeting thot we should ask Mr. Jackaway to attempt to settle out of court the two Bttel coses and the New Britain Iron Works cose. 12. Voted to pay Miss Gooby's bill for $29.00 on motion mode by Mr. Byrne, and seconded by Mr. Stevens. 13. 1968-69 Budget - It was the sense of the meeting to invite someone from the Conn. Development Con, lesion to our December meeting to discuss updating the Town Plan, and the cost. 14. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.