1995/06/07APPROVED SPECIAL EXECUT/VE BOARD MEETING June 7, 1995 Mayor Robert Peters called the meeting to order at 4:05:~p.m~.'"P~6~t w~re Deputy Mayors Thcmas Veronesi and Arthur Powers, "Brian Mill~'f Town Planner, James Horbal-Assistant Town Engineer, George Hall-Athletic Director for Berlin High School, A1 Hawkins-Superintendent of Public Grounds/Golf Course, William Welch-Conservation C~-~-~-,{ssion, Leonard Zielinski-Park and Recreation Cc~-~iT.{ssion, William Petit-Little League, Stephen Hinchliffe-Soccer League, Bart Bovee-MBA Engineering, Mary Ellen Wazorko-Hartford Courant reporter and Janice Serafino-secretary. James Horbal began by outlining three areas around the high school that could house soccer fields that would be adequate for youth soccer. Mr. Horbal stated that a second area to be considered is a parcel north of the Hawthorne Inn, which the owners have said they will allow the Town to use. He said this area would accc~modate a full size soccer field. Mr. Horbal and Mr. Bovee were what they estimated for a cost to develop the fields, to which they responded approximately $100,000. The representatives of the Little League, Soccer, and Berlin High were asked to suk~t their playing schedules at the next meeting so the spring and fall needs for fields can be determined. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 15th at 4:00 p.m.. anlce Serafino, Executive/Secretary