1995/05/16APPROVED Executive Board Meeting May 16, 1995 Mayor Robert Peters called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.. Present were Depyty Mayor Arthur Powers, Dr. John McIntosh-Finance Board · Chairman, Kelley Beaucar-Herald reporter, Kendra Meyers-Hartford Courant reporter, approximately twenty residents and Janice Serafino- secretary. Approval of Minutes Deputy Mayor Powers moved to accept the minutes of May 3, 1995 as written, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. Deputy Mayor Powers moved to accept the minutes of May 4, 1995 as written, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. Approval of the minutes of May 2nd to be acted upon when Deputy Mayor Veronesi arrives. The Mayor also asked that Audience of citizens taken up when the Deputy b~yor arrives. Personnel/PurchasingMatters Mayor Peters stated that the Personnel Director was attending the Police Commission meeting at this time and would join the Executive Board later in the evening. Acceptance of En~.~o_~ee Termination Form Deputy M~yor Powers moved to approve the termination form for jacqueline Hemond, who recently resigned as part-time Reference Librarian, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. The remainder of items under this section to be taken up when Personnel Director is present. Corporation Counsel Mayor Peters said that Attorney Anderson would not be attending as he bad another con~ait~nt. Update on Timberlin Concession Litigation The Mayor said Attorney A~derson had informed him that the litigation involving Lisa Genovese, previous concessionaire, for. rent o~d the Town is moving forward. In ~he case brought by Jaime Ortiz, nothing new to repor%. Report on Affordable Housing Appeal Mayor Peters reported that the State Supreme Court has denied the Town's appeal of the decision of the Appellate Court regarding the affordable housing develo~nent proposed by Joseph Wisniowski. In essence, he said there is nothing more the Town can do to reverse the decision. Deputy M~yor Veronesi entered the meeting at 7:05 p.m.. Audience of citizens Several residents reiterated the concerns expressed at the public information meeting held on Monday night on the Town's proposal to purchase property located off of Still Meadow Lane for the potential future develo~r~nt of soccer fields. Again, the residents of the Steepleview Drive/Still Meadow Lane neighborhood stated that their main concerns were of safety in nature due to the increase in the traffic that would result and also the access to the property. The use of Bic~ntenniai Park for active recreation and any restrictions that may be on that property were also discussed. In conclusion, the Executive Board assured the residents that they will take another look at alternate sites in Town that might be developed for playing fields, will keep the concerns expressed in mind when making their decisio~ and will also ask the Board of Finance to keep this matter tabled to give the Executive Board time to look at alternatives. Ail who had ccme in on the property issue left the meeting at 8:10 p.m.. Dr. McIntosh, the two reporters, A1 Gerdis and the secretary remained. New Business Update on Timberlin Concession by Concessionaire Angelo Chirico, operator of the Fareways Restaurant at Timberlin, met with the Executive Board to report on the firstmonth of his operation. F~. Chirico stated that they hadundergone the usual opening problems with a new crew but felt that things were improving and last week ran very smoothly. He said they have been open for weekend dinners for several weeks and will now begin to advertise as they feel confident they can do a good job. The concessionaire stated that he has placed con~nt cards on the tables and has received good cc~ments and suggestions. In conclusion, Mr. Chirico stated that he is pleased that the restaurant is doing so well. The Board then reviewed the menu and prices, approving of the items and pricing. Mr. Chirico left the meeting at 8:30 p.m.. At this time the Board took a break, resuming the meeting at 8:35 p.m.. Public Health 5~rsing Board of Directors Jean Conway, Director of Public Health Nursing Services for the Town and several members of the Board of Directors met with the Executive Board to discuss the Service's special purpose bank account. Mrs. Conway explained that this account dates back to the late 1920's and continues to receive donations and expend funds for the betterment of the residents of Berlin. It was explained by several Nursing Board members that they have met with Corporation Counsel and an attorney that specializes in tax matters regarding renaming this fund and setting it up under their own tax number. After a brief discussion Mayor Peters moved to sanction the attempts of the Board of Directors of the Public Health Nursing Service to move the funds in this special account, presently in the Town's General Fund, transferred into a new account under control of the Nursing Service Board, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mrs. Conway and the Nursing Board me~bers left the meeting at 9:00 p.m., with James D'Errico, Director of Personnel/Purchasing, entering. Personnel/PurchasinqMatters Continued Sage Park Lighting Pr~_ject Mr. D'Errico reported that the project was proceeding, quotes had been obtaining on purchasing material directly from the lighting supplier, which will result in an approximate savings of $14,500 for the Town. He said all materials will carry a 5 year warranty. Mr. D'Errico also explained that the Town has received marked drawings showing where the light posts are to be placed. He said the test borings are to be done thisweek and the project is scheduled to begin the first or second week of July. Retirees' Pension and Insurance 5~tter (Tabled) Mayor Peters moved to remove this item from the Table, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to have the Personnel Director make the insurance options presented to the Executive Board for review available to all retirees, letting them decide if they wish to select a less costly medical insurance coverage, seconded byDeputyMayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. He said that althcugh the Town does not have funds to increase pensions this ~uld be away for retirees to lessen their expense for medical insurance. Executive Session Items: ¥~yor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 9:05 p.m. to discuss the following items, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously: Recreational Services Department Sur~ae~ Program Change, Animal Control Personnel Matter, Appointment of Heavy Equipment Operator-Highway Department. The Personnel Director was asked to remain. Upon exiting Executive Session at 9:40 p.m. the Herald reporter and the secretary rejoined the meeting and the following actions were taken: 1. Recreational Services Department Summer Program Change: Mayor Peters ~oved to appoint Cindy Argazzi as Sunm~r Program Coordinator for the Recreational Services Department, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. 2. Animal Control Personnel Matter: No action taken. 3. Mayor Peters moved to appoint Roger Kasey as a heavy equipment operator for the Highway Department, effective May 22, 1995, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to freeze the test scores of the other tw~ candidates, Steven Karp and Michael Perzanowski, for one year, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. New Business Continued Park and Recreation Cc~mission Items The following action taken on reccxm~ndations of the Park and Recreation ommission: Mayor Peters moved to increase the field usage fee for the Y.M.C.A. to hold its 1995 Camp Thunder Moon Season at Griswold Elementary School be increased frc~ $350.00 to $450.00 rather than the Cc~nisslon's recc~nendation of $550.00, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters then moved to approve all of the following as recommended, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously: 1. To allow the Little League, Babe Ruth, Men's Softball, Berlin Swim Team Booster Club to sell food in Town parks beginning July lst; 2. To waive the rental fee of $75.00 for the use of the picnic pavilion at Timberlin Park on June 1st by Boy Scout Troop 24; 3. To waive the rental fee of $75.00 for use of the picnic pavilion at Sage Park on Mmy 29th by the Crossroads Church of God; 4. To allow the Berlin Babe Ruth League to hold the District 7 Tournament at Percival Field July 8-15 1995; 5. To waive the rental fee for the New Britain Power Squadron to use the Cc~xmanity Center to conduct a sun, her public Safe Basic Boating Course for eight weeks, two hours per week; 6. To approve changing the daily admission policy and fees for non-resident usage of Town pools, requiring non-residents use of the pools only as registered guests of an adult resident and increasing the fees for non-residents from $1.00 to $1.50 for children and from $2.50 to $3.00 for adults. Unfinished Business Berlin Land Trust: Land Use Proposal Proposed Expansion to Timberlin Concession Proposed Purchase of Property for 9 Hold Addition To Timberlin G.C. Discussion of K~ights of Columbus Property All to remain on the Table. Discussion on Proposed MidConn Land Purchase Deputy Mayor Powers motioned to ask that the Finance Board give a c~tment that they would support expending up to $250,000 for either land purchase or field development, with expenditure of these funds to be approved by the Executive Board, Finance Board and Town ~eting, seconded by Mayor Peters for discussion purposes. In the discussion the Mayor said he was not too sure what a cc~tment w~uld mean, as they gave verbal support to the MidConn land purchase and have Tabled any action. Deputy Mayor Powers said such a c~tment of funds would show support to the Little League and soccer programs and in the event the Town does not purchase the MidConn property the funds would be available for other projects. The motion passed unanimously. Board and Cc~ission Matters No action taken. Financial Matters ~udget Transfers and/or Appropriations !. Mayor Peters moved to increase the amount of funds approved for appropriation of account 101-2859-101-128 (St. Paul School-Health Aide) frc~ $1639.00 (approved 5/2/95) to $2278.00, need funding for 25 hours rather than 18, seconded byDeputyMayor Powers, passed unanimously. 2. ~myor Peters moved to approve the appropriation of an additional $2500 to account 101-2107-111-218 (Employee Benefits-Tools/Eye Glasses) to fulfill obligation under ~ite Collar Union Contract, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. 3. Mayor Peters moved to approve the transfer of $65,000 from account 101-3164-141-170 (Interest-Schools) to account 101-3064-141-170 (principal-Schools) due to the fact that the interest was less than budgeted for this fiscal year, seconded byDeputyMayor Powers, passed unanimously. 4. Mayor Peters moved to approve the additional receipt of $22,893 to estimated amount of the Board of Education's Final Excess Cost Grant, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. 5. Y~yor Peters moved to approve the transfer of $176.00 frc~ account 101-2861-101-107 (School Nurses) to account 101-2861-101-117 (School Crossing Guards) to fund this account for 183 days rather than budgeted 181 days in this fiscal year, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. 6. Mayor Peters moved to approve additional allocations to the following accounts to fund them for 182 days rather than the 181 days budged for in the 1995/96 budget, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously: Account Description ~mount 1-61-117 School Crossing Guards $110.00 1-1-133 Workman's Compensation $ 6.00 1-61-153 Social Security $ 9.00 7. Mayor Peters moved to approve the allocation of an additional $2500 to account 101-2106-121-232 (Corporation Counsel-High Court Settlements) to fund this account for the remainder of this fiscal year, seconded by DeputyMayor Powers, passed unanimously. 8. Mayor Peters moved to approve the allocation of an additional $2000 to account t101-2104-121-201 (Tax Collector-Supplies/Printing) to cover increased cost of tax bills/envelopes, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. 9. ¥~yor Peters moved to approve the transfer of $1500 from account 101-2861-121-107 (School Nurses) to account 101-2861-101-128 (School Health Roc~Aide) to fund this account for the remainder of this fiscal year, seconded byDeputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. 10. Mayor Peters moved to deny a request to transfer $800 frc~account 101-2753-101-116 (Nurses-Hospice) to account 101-2753-121-213 (Nurses- Mileage) and advise the department to use fleet cars for the remainder of this fiscal year, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. tl. Mayor Peters moved to approve a request to transfer $50,000 frcm Water Control ~tained Earnings account to Water Control New Construction Account to provide funding to conduct a study to reduce I/I through cost effective measures, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. Tax Refunds None. Additions to Agenda 1. Mayor Peters moved to add a letter frcm the Conservation Cc~mission to the agenda, seconded byVeronesi, passed unanimously. In the letter the Cc~mission stated that they w~uld like the support of the Executive Board in establishing an expendable fu~tobe called the Jack Ritter Memorial Conservation Fund, in memory of Jack Ritter a former member of the Conmlissionwho died last year. The fund woutdbe used to provide money for the improvement of stream banks in Town by enhancing buffer zones. Mayor Peters moved to support the Conservation Cu,,~ission's establishment of the Jack Ritter Memorial Conservation Fund, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. 2. Mayor Peters moved to add a letter frum CCRPA to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. The Mayor explained that the Towns has the opportunity, through the Central Connecticut ~gional Planning Agency, to have all Town and State roads in Berlin mapped, to receive a new cc~puter with modem, "The Road Manager Software" and data collection for all federal-aid roads. The cost to the Town will be $14,563.20 with the balance paid with state and federal funds. The Mayor said all that is needed at this time was the consensus of the Board. As all were in agreement, a letter will be sent to CCP]~A. Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m., seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanLmously. ~_ .~s~t~lly Sutxaitt~ . ~ice Serafino, Executive/~cretary