1967/04/181. Regul.ar Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, April 18, 1967 at 8 P.M. Members l~esant: Aldo Castiglioni, Nunzio Ros~0, Roy Byrne, and Linc Conti. Also, Mo~3afl Seelye, Direct(~ of Public Works. 2. Mr. Garabetta and his Attorney, George Hamlin, appeared and presented to us th~ followiug map of property on the Chamberlain Highway requesting recommendation for an excavation permit. "Garabetta Bros. Associates, Inc., Site Improvement Grades, Portion of Property - Meadow Haven, Inc., Chamberlain Highway, 1"--40', dated March 1967." They also presented a letter written to the Planning Commission, which ~k, as placed on file, stating that "any boundary fences which are distnrbed or removed as a result of excavation shall be replaced by Carabetta Bros. , Associates, Inc." The land shown includes the Barillaro property on the Chamberlain Highway for which we recommended an excavation permit be granted on August 17, 1965, and property of A. S.Ouelette ,Ir. Mr. Hamlin also is the legal counsel for Mr. Barillaro, and he stated that the work on this excavation site is progressing and that an extension of the two-year permit will be requested. Mr. Rosso made a motion, seconded by Mr. Conti, that we have reviewed and recommend approval of a two-year extension, from the present expiration date, of the Ioseph V. Barillaro excavation ~l~ermit as it affects a portion of Lot %%21, Block 17, on the Chamberlain Highway. See topo map of the property, dated August 1965. Also, that we have reviewed, and recommend approval of a excavation permit on adjacent property owned by Albert S. Ouelette, ~r ...... a portion of lot %%22, Block 17, as described in the map submitted, and to be developed by Carabetta Bros. Associates, Inc. So voted. 3. Agenda Item I - Midtown Estates - Section ii - Preliminary Discussion, ~ohnson 6, ~ohnson, Developer. Mr. Robt. Iohnson presented the following map. "Section ii - Skinner Road, Berlin, Conn. , owned and developed by ~ & ~ Inc. , 747 Farmington Avenue, Kensington, Conn. , April 13, 1967, 1" = 40', I. D. Williams, G.E." Mr. ~ohnson stated that since this Subdivision was last discussed with th~ Commission there has been a change in the ownership of Iohnson & Iohnson and Dale Johnson who had previously worked with the Planning Commission on this subdivision has left the Company. Bob lohnson said he would be happy to work with us and Mr. Rowland, if necessary, to find the best possible use for the land adjacent to Rowland Products. It was agreed that a meeting would be set up for a date prior to Monday, April 24, to discuss the best possible use for the land adjacent to Rowland Products. See Minute~ ~f Ianuary 18, 1966 and February 15, 1966 for our recommendations relative to this property. 4. Agenda Item II - Spruce Glen - Preliminary Discussion , Schrager & Bernstein, Developers, See Minutes of November 15, 1966. Mr. Schrager presented the following map for discussion - Spruce Glen, Berlin, Conn., owned by Daniel Burstein, i21 Oakwood Drive, and Suzanne R. Schrager, 73 Oak Ridge Dr. , Berlin, Conn., dated March 1967, 1"--40'." This Section includes 9 lots, two of which are non-conforming and ~vill still be non-conforming even after taking into consideratbn the 10% contigency for the overall subdivision. Mr. Seelye will have the correct dimensions on these two lots for our next meeFlng. Mr. Schrager stated that drainage test holes had been dug today. The report should be available for our next discussion. 5. Mr. Rosso will prepare a Resolution to express our deepest sympathy on the untimely death of Robert Bennerup, Commission member.. 6. The Minutes of the April 4 Meeting were approved on motion of Mr. Byrne, seconded by Mt. Ross 7. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. Nex~ meeting May 1 at 7:30 P.M. ~~s s'o, S~ cretary