1995/01/26APPROVED SPECIAL EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING January 26, 1995 c?~,~ic~;:~ - ~ ~ ,.?- ,~ ''~ ',. · '] ~, ~.:: ,_: Mayor Robert Peters called the meeting to order-at~tiI5.,D.~,. Present w~re Deputy Mayors Thcmas Veronesi and Arthur ~r~ 'J~'.;~ico- Director of Personnel/Purchasing and Janice serafino-secretary. Interview of Four Top Candidates for Zoning Inspector Position (Executive Session) Mayor Peters moved to inmediately enter Executive Session to conduct these interviews. The Personnel Director was asked to remain. The Board concluded interviews and exited Executive Session at 4:50 p.m.. Meeting with Fire Chiefs to Discuss Fire Response Procedures At 4:50 p.m. the following members of the Fire Service entered the meeting: Chester Haber-Fire Board Chairman, Chief Ronald Lindgren- S.K.V.F.D., Chief James Simons-B.V.F.D., and Chief Mark Lewandowski- K.V.F.D.. The Fire Chiefs had requested this meeting to discuss concerns they have regarding police procedures followed in recent incidents where the fire personnel w~re not called out as soon as they believe they should have been. After listening to their concerns, Mayor Peters said he and the Personnel Director would meetwith the officials of the Police Department and also with the civilian Police Dispatchers to discuss this situation. The meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.. fanice Serafind~,-Exec~t~ Secretary