1995/01/10THOMAS J. VERONESI TOWN OF BERLIN ROBERT J. PETERS A _ra~NDA ~ BOARD MEETING January 10, 1995 ARTHUR B. POWERS office of the Mayor 7:00 p.m. III. IV. Call to Order Approval of Minutes- December 20, 22, & 29, 1994 January 4, 1995 Audience of citizens Personnel/Purchasing Matters A. Deliberation and Appointment of Timberlin Golf Course Concessionaire (Executive Session) B. Appointment of Zoning Inspector (Executive Session) C. Authorization to Fill Vacancy of Asst. Town Clerk D. Pre-Approval for Tuition Reimbursement: Arlene Okon E. Replacement of Underground Storage Tanks: Town Hall F. Approval of Employee Termination Record Corporation Counsel A. Draft of Ordinance Restricting Use of Town Seal B. Complaint of Unet-kica! Conduct on Lhe Part of Mayor Peters by Clyde Selner C. Town of Berlin I~X~c-City of New Britain Econc~ic Developm=_nt Matters 240 KENSINGTON ROAD · E~ERLIN, CT 06037 TELEPHONE :.203} 828-7002 FA;< (203} 828-7180 XII. New Business A. Resolution Authorizing $50,000 EXpenditure frc~ Town-wide Sidewalk Improvements Pl~gram in 1995 Calendar Year B. Expenditure Authorization: Actuarial Work on Firemen's Incentive Plan C. Acceptance of Donations 1. Police Depa~-bi'~nt 2. Commlnity Center Unfinished Business A. Discussion of Potential Co, m~unity Center (Tabled-Executive Session) B. Set Priorities for Capital Improvements (Tabled) C. Abandonment of a Stantack Road: Spruce Brook Road to Berlin-Middletown Boundary (Tabled) D. Request for Federal Grant: COPS Fast Board and C~-,~-ission Matters Review of Department Budgets - 1995/96 Fiscal Year Financial Matters A. Budget Transfers and/or Appropriations B. Tax Refunds Adjournment APPROVED EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING January 10, 1995 Mayor Robert Peters called the meeting to order at'7~:'~.p.~mY~:present w~re Deputy Mayors Thc~as Veronesi and Arthur Powe~,~ ~'iQ.~E~r~ ico- Director of Personnel/Purchasing, Robert Weiss, Mark Russa~'~.'~Ellen Wazorko-Hartford Courant reporter, Susan Garro-Herald reporter,'and Janice Serafino-Secretary. Approval of Minutes Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of December 20, 1994 as written, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of December 22, 1994 as written, seconded byDeputyMayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of December 29, 1994 as written, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Petersmoved to approve the minutes of January 4, 1995 as written, seconded byDeputyMayor Powers, passed unanimously. Audience of citizens Mayor Peters asked if anyone present wished to speak at this time. Mark Russakdistributed a letter regarding his thoughts on what the Town should be doing to ensure a smooth transition into the Town Manager form of govezT~uent. Personnel/Purchasing Matters Deliberation and Appointment of Timberlin Golf Course Concessionaire (E~e~utive Session) The Mayor asked that this be handled later in the meetinq. _Appointment of Zoning Inspector (Executive Session) Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 7:08 p.m. to discuss the candidates for Zoning Inspector, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. The Personnel Director and Brian Miller, Town Planner were asked to join the Executive Board. The Board exited Executive Session at 7:38 ~.m.; the reporters, secretary and Mr. weiss re-entered the meeting. Mayor Peters moved to Table this matter for one w~ek, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. Mr. Weiss left the ma~ting at this time. Authorization to Fill Vacanc~ of ~ssistant Town Clerk Mayor Peters moved to authorize t2~e Personnel Director to post the position of Assistant Town Clerk in-house and to advertise at the end · of the seven day period if there are no qualified applicants, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. Pre-Approval for Tuition Reimbursement Deputy Mayor Powers moved to grant pre-approval for tuition reimbursement to Arlene Okon in the amount of $199 for two courses she will be taking in the Spring semester, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mr. D'Errico stated he believed these two courses would cu~lete Ms. Okon's requ/rements for her Associates Degree. ~Dderground Oil Storage Tank Replacement: Town Hall Mr. D'Errico said the Town had requested seated quotes for the removal of the underground oil storage tank at the Town Hall, disposal of the tank and any contaminated soil and the cu~lete installation of an above ground encased 1000 gallon tank. He said $25,000 has been budgeted for this project. The following threequotes were received: D-ToxEnvironmental Contractors-S24,000; Kessler-S21,838; and Clean HarborEnvironmentai Service-S17,205. Mayor Peters moved to retain the low bidder, Clean Harbor Environmental Service, to remove and dispose of the underground oil storage tank and any contaminated soil at the Town Hall and cx~nDletely install a 1000 gallon above ground ta~R at the quoted price of ~17,205, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. Approval of Emplo.x~e Termination Record Mayor Peters moved to approve the Employee Termination Record for Elaine Andrews, as prepared by the Finance Department, withpay for accrued time in the amount of $2396.68, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Addition to Agenda Mayor Peters moved to add a final probationary report for BrettTurner, employed in the Public Grounds/Golf Course Department, to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to accept the final report of Mr. Turner's supervisor, A1 Hawkins, and accept him as a regular employee, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Corporation Counsel Attorney Anderson was not present as he is on vacation this week. Draft of Ordinance Restricting Use of Town Seal The Board revie%~d the ordinance drafted by Attorney Anderson. Due to questions regarding who has ~e aut/~ority to sanction use of the seal for otb. er than official Town business, ~yor Powers ~aoved to r£able -2- until Attorney Anderson is present to answer questions, seconded by May~r Peters, passed unanimously. Cu~01aint of Unethical Conduct on the Part of Mayor Peters by Clyde Selner Mayor Powers moved to refer to Corporation Counsel for cc~ments and advise, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Town of Berlin IWWC-City of New Britain Mayor Peters referred to a copy of the Motion to Dismiss filed with the Judge hearing the Hungerford Park case by Attorney Slater of Corporation Counsel Anderson's office. He said Attoz-ney Anderson had objected /n~iately to the Judge's order that Berlin's Inland Wetlands Cc~mission hold another public hearing on this project because Berlin was not a party to the proceedings when the order was issued. Economic Development Matters Nothing new to report. New Business Resolution Authorizin~ $50,000 Expenditure frown Town-wide Sidewalk Improv~nents Procrram in 1995 Calendar Year Mayor Peters moved to Table to receive clarification on whether this should be for the calendar or fiscal year, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. Expenditure Authorization: Actuarial Work on Firemen's Incentive Plan In a memo, Gary Clinton, Finance Director, explained that the terms of the Act~3_mrial Contract state that permission is required from the Executive Board if more than $2000 of w~rk in incurred beyond the base contract. He stated that Pension Consultants has been working on the Robert Wolf incentive Plan for the volunteer fire fighters and will exceed the $2000 li~tit, however, funds are available to pay for this fee and were budgeted as part of the $6000 of administrative fees to fund the incentive plan. Mayor Peters moved to approve this expenditure, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Donations Police Depazh~nt: Mayor Peters moved to accept a donation in the amount of $100 from the Berlin Senior Crafters of the Community Center to the Department's DARE Program., seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. Cc~,~nity Center: Mayor Peters moved to accept two $100 donations to the Ccx, uunity Center, one from t~he Berlin Senior Crafters of the C~L,t~nity Center and -3- the other from the Central Connecticut Rabbit Breeders, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. Unfinished Business Discussion of Potential Con--tv Center Set Priorities for Capital Improvements (Tabled) Abandonment of Stantack Road (Tabled) (Tabled-Executive Session) Ail to remain on the Table. Request for Federal Grant: COPS Fast Mayor Peters reported that he, along with Police Chief Charamut and Police Cu,uJssion Chairman Angelo Barcella went before t~he Finance Board last week and were successful in getting the votes needed to apply for the COPS Fast grant. He said he appreciated the fact that the Finance Board allowed them another chance to speak on this grant to attempt to convince them of the benefits to the Town. Board and Cc~mission Matters The Board acknowledged a letter frcm Blanche Delaney stating that she did not wish to be reappointed to the r.{brary Board. A letter is to be sent to Mrs. Delaney thanking for her years of service on the Board. Planning and Zoning Cc~missions: Mayor Peters asked the Deputy Mayors if they were in agreement to reappoint those presently se~-~ing until 12/31/95 when the two will become one comnission? As all agreed, Mayor PeTers moved to reappoint the following to the Planning and Zoning Cc~ssions for terms to run until December 31, 1995, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimous ly: Planning Con~ssion: Timothy Zigmont and Susan Wiley-Alternate Zoning Conm%ission: Kathryn Kearns and Martin Harwin-Alternate Other Board and Con~nission Appointments/Reappointments: Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board: Deputy Mayor Veronesi moved to reappoint Rosalie Punkunas and Joseph Pandolfo for three year terms, seconded by 5~yor Peters, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to appoint Carol We!z for a three year term, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Economic DeveloDment Con~ssion: Deputy ~kyor Powers n~ved to reappoint Thomas Stregowski and Kevin McCabe to five year terms, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. Historic District Cc~m/ssion: -4- Deputy Mayor Powers moved to reappoint Patricia Checko as a regular member and Daniel Race as Alternate, both for five year terms, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Inland Wetlands and Water Courses C~l,,,~ssion: Mayor Peters moved to reappoint Michael Balinskas, Garry Daigle and Ralph Simeone to three year terms, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. Park and Recreation C~,,~.~ssion: Deputy Mayor Powers moved to reappoint William Baccaro and Sebastian Senia to three year terms, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Veterans A~visory Cc~ttee: Deputy Mayor Powers moved to reappoint Sebastian Amenta to serve another three year ter~, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Water Control Conmission: Deputy Mayor Powers moved to reappoint Bruce LaRoche and Frank Horbal- Alternate for five year terms, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Finance _Budget Transfers and/or Appropriations Mayor Peters moved to approve a request to appropriate $2500 to account 101-2129-121-212 (Copy Machine), su~tted by the Director of Personnel/Purchasing, to pay for 60,000 copies made above the 300,000 i~mit of the contract with the copy machine lease company, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. On tke form, Mr. D'Errico no%ed that the new coin operated copier in the library will generate $3000, which was previously retained by an outside vendor. The next tw~ budget requests were submitted by Rcman Czuchta, Director of Business Operations for the Board of Education, who explained that these same requested had been suk~itted by Richard ~ssell, Public Buildings Superintendent for the Town, approved by the Executive Board but denied by the Board of Finance because they had not been sut~uitted by the Board of Education. ~yor Peters moved to approve a request from Mr. Czuchta to transfer funds in the amount of $11,052 to account 101-2861-121-270 (School Expenses-Contractual Services) to improve ventilation in two dark rooms at Berlin High School, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. M~yor Peters moved to approve that $5440, reduc~d from the amount of $10,874 re~uested by M~. Czuchta, be transferred into the san~ School Ex-~nses account, to pay for half the cost of the repair of steam koiler #! at Berlin High, seconded by Deputy .~yor Veronesi, passed - ~une~nimo~ ly. -5- Mayor Peters said the fourth item is the request for funds to purchase a 600 gallon tank and trailer for a mobile water supply unit, sukmitted by Mathew Odishoo, ~ergency Management Director, which had been denied by the Board of Finance. The Mayor said he believed the purchase of this unit from Federal surplus, at a cost of $400, was important as it ~uld ensure a supply of potable water for citizens during an emergency or disaster. He moved that the funds be taken from the TIP account for this purchase, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Tax Refunds Mayor Peters moved to approve the following two tax refunds, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously: -$657.79 to Chrysler Financial Corporation, three motor vehicles sold; -$53.71 to Gelco Corporation, motor vehicle sold. Deliberation and Appointment of Timberlin Golf Course Concessionaire (Executive Session) Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 8:15 p.m. for deliberations regarding the Timberlin Concessionaire contract, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mr. D'Errico was asked to remain. The Board exited Executive Session at 8:50 p.m.. The reporters secretary returned to the meeting. Dr. John McIntosh, Finance Board Chairman, and Fred Jortner, Finance Board m~mber joined the meeting. Mayor Peters moved to Table to obtain further information, seconded by Deputy Mayor, passed unanimously. Mr. D'Errico left the meeting at 8:52 p.m.. Review of Department Budgets-1995/96 Fiscal Year Berlin-Peck Msmorial Library: Mayor Peters moved to approve this budget with the following line item revisions, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unan~3~ously: !02-Management-Librarians: No new employees, one full time Reference Coordinator requested 104-Library Personnel: No new employees, two 12 hour part-time positions requested 12!-Substitute Personnel: Reduce to $2000 frcm requested $2750 213-Mileage: Reduce to $400 from requested $600 248-Ecfai_ur~nt(New): Eliminate, to be taken frc~Data Processing 291-Books & Periodicals: Reduce to $93,000 frcm requested $99,900 335-Grant to Berlin Free Libr~t: Reduce to $6000 from requested $7000, ~n increase of $500 over previous years. Public ~diidingMaintenance: Y=?.vor Peters moved to approve with the following line item change, se$onded by Deputy ~yor Veronesi, passed unanin~usly: -6- 105-Blue Collar: Approved one trades helper, electrical; t%~ requested. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.. -7-