1994/09/06APPROVED September 6, 1994 ' - tO order at 7:07 p.~.. .... ~P)~esen~ Mayor ~rt Pe~rs call~ ~e ~t~g ~ "'~ '" ~' ~f~4 , ~re ~ty ~yors ~s Ve~nesi ~d ~ur P~rs, J~S D ~rr~..' Di~ctor of Perso~el/~chas~g, ~. Jo~ ~sh-F~ ~d ~~, ~ Ell~ Fillo-H~ford Co~t re~r, S~ ~ro-H~ald re~r, ~d J~ S~af~-Sec~. A~roval of Minutes Mayor Peters moved to accept the minutes of August 30, 1994 as written, seconded byDeputyMayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Deputy Mayor Pcwers stated that he would like the ~ollowing cc~ments he made at the August 31st meeting made a part of the nu-nutes of this meeting: "that he felt an advisory Board of Finance would be helpful to the Council during the transition period and would take hours of work away frcm the Council, leaving it free to handle other Town business." To be addded to page two, first paragraph, following the first sentence. Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of August 31st as corrected, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. Audience of citizens No one present wished to speak. The Charter Revision Cc~nission and Joanne Ward, Town Clerk, entered the x~eting at 7:12 p.m. New Business Proposed Revisions to Charter Vote on Sending to Electors: The Executive Board checked their recu~,~ndations to the Cc~ssion with the Final Draft of the Charter. All rec~L,,~_ndations had been accepted by the Ccmmzission with the exception of putting in an advisory Board of Finance. Deputy Mayor Veronesi moved to place .the Charter, as revised, on the November ballot as the mandate was clear when the Executive Board was asked to form a Charter Revision Cc~ssion that the goverrm~nt to be presented to the people was to be based on a Town Manager. He said he believed that is exactly what has been done and the people should be given the opportunity to vote on whether they want this form of government, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers. In the discussion, Deputy Mayor Powers said that he is disappointed in one area and stall maintains that itwould have been a wiser decision to put in an advisory Board of Finance. He said he felt itwouldmake it easier to pass the Charter and would take a tremendous load off tb~ Council. The Deputy Mayor said he believed this was a mistake. Mark Russak, Vice Chairman, said that under this Charter the Council can by ordinance form an advisory Board of Finance if they saw the need. Mayor Peters said that he will vote in favor of sending the Charter to the voters because he prc,nised to do so, however, he said he was opposed to a Town Manager form of goverrm~nt. The Mayor stated that he did not believe an outsider should be brought in to run our Town, that we presently have the best form of democracy with the Town Meeting form of government. The Mayor said that although he will support sending this to the voters, he wall campaign against it. Deputy Mayor Powers then stated that when he was Mayor he, too, opposed a Town Manager because ne felt he was doing a good job and wanted the opportunzty to run again. He said t_hat with the growth of the Town and the budget he feels the t~ne has ccme to have a professional with an expertise in financial areas. Deputy Mayor Powers added that the Council will be ccmprised of local people, not outsiders, and this will be the legislative body and there will also be the Town Meeting. He said that in the long run a Manager was the proper way to go. Mayor Peters said he felt he had to respond to a cc~i~'~nt made by Deputy Mayor Powers, in that when speaking in opposition to a Town Manager form of government he was speaking as Bob Peters, citizen, not as Mayor. He said Berlin has been his hcm~ since 1959 and is concezTled that a Town Manager form of government is not in the best interest of the citizens. The Mayor asked if this was the best form of government, then why do we not have it on the State level? Also, he said he would debate the contention that a Town Manager form of government would be less costly to the taxpayers. The final vote was unanimous. Formulate Question for Ballot: After a brief discussion Deputy Mayor Powers moved the following question, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously: "Shall the proposed amendments to the Town of Berlin Charter, including Council/Manager form of government, be adopted?" Chairman Ripper asked to make a stat~nent. He said the guide posts used by the Cu,,,,~ssion in drafting these amendments were direct accountability, professionalism and efficiency. Mr. Ripper said the Cc~nission believes this Charter to be the vehicle that will take Berlin into the future. He thanked the Mayor for the cooperation of his office in assisting the Ccm~nission to acccmplish their task. Mayor Peters, on behalf of the Executive Board, thanked the C~-~,{ssion members for the tremendous amount of time and effort put into this document. He said they worked within a limited time frame and cc~pl~ted th~n for their commitment to cc~pieting their task on for the November ballot. Th~ Mayor then moved to dissolve the -2- Cc~nissi~, effective ~ately, with sincere thanks for a job well done, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. The Town Clerk will now bring the Charter as amended to the Secretary of State by September 8th and will arrange to have the document printed in the local newspaper within thirty days of the vote. A brief discussion ensued regarding the publication of an explanatory text of revisions for the public. The Mayor asked to see a copy of what is drafted and that a cost be put to doing this. The members of t_h~ Charter Revision C~-~-~ssion and the Town Clerk left the meeting at 7: 45 p.m.. Personnel/Purchasing Matters Esta_blish Cc~waittee to Oversee the "Robert Wolf Incentive Plan" Mr. D'Errico said that frum the inception of this plan for the volunteer firefighters it had been decided that a c~-~¥Jttee to deal with tb~ issues would have to be appoZnted. He said this committee would oversee the verification of points for individual firefighters, injuries, etc.. Mr. D'Errico said it has been suggested that the c~';,¥.~ttee be cc~posed of one member frcm the E~=cutive Board, one from the Board of Finance, the Personnel Director and two representatives frc~ the fire departments. He said the fire chiefs should not sit on this cc~anittee as they will have to certify that the information ccmpiled for each depar[~',~nt is accurate. The Personnel Director further reccmx~_nded that this not be a permanent c~,.,dttee but rather the Executive Board member serve for a one year period, Board of Finance member for two, fire service representatives for two and the Personnel Director be a permanent member. Mayor Peters moved to est_~blish a cc~nittee to oversee the Robert Wolf Incentive Plan which will include one representative from the Executive Board, one frc~ the Board of Finance, two frc~ the fire service, to be selected by the fire chiefs, and the Personnel Director, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. In a second motion, Deputy Mayor Powers moved that the Board of Finance be asked to recc~t~nd one of its members to serve a two year term, the Executive Board to name one of its own to serve for one year, the fire service to recc~nend two for two year terms, with the Personnel Director to serve as a permanent member, all to be allowed to serve continuing terms, and the Executive Board to make all appointments, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. The r~naining Personnel items to be taken up later in the meeting. _Corporation Counsel .Update on Timberlin Concession Lit/~ation (Executive Session) Update on Athletic Track Litigation (Executive Session) Mayor Peters moved to Table both items, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Board a~ Co~ntission Matters No action taken. Financial Matters Budget Transfers and/or Appropriations Tax Refunds Mayor Peters moved to approve a tax refund in the amount of $97.54 to Darryl or Kristina Johnson, motor vehicle sold, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanlm°Usly. Corporation Counsel Continued Zoning Violation Court Case: Town of Berlin vs. T. Tonina (Tabled- Executive Session) Mayor Peters moved to remove this ite~ frcm the Table and enter Executive Session at 8:00 p.m., seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unan/mously. Terry Tonina was asked to come into the meeting. Mayor Peters Deputy Mayor to meet with the hopes of moved to exit Executive Session at 8:20 p.m., seconded by Powers, passed unanimously. No action taken, the Mayor is Ms. Tonina and a Town depa~ U,mnt head during the week in reaching a ccmprc~ise. New Business Continued Proposal from Francis Rio: Property on Hudson Street (Executive Session) Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 8:22 p.m. to discuss the offer of Francis Rio to sell his property at 107 Hudson Street to the Town, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimuusly. Mayor Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 8:25 p.m., seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to send a letter frcm the Executive Board thanking Mr. Rio for this offer but informing him that the Board saw no benefit to the Town to consider purchasing his property, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Personnel Purchasing. Continued Executive Session Irons-Personnel/Purchasing Mayor Peters movedto enter Executive Session at 8:27 p.m. to discuss an employee retirement incentive proposal, update on Blue Collar Union negotiations, Animal Control Department/Personnel, and review of applications of remaining Town Planner candidates, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesl, passed unanlmOusly. The Personnel Director was asked to join the meetlng. Mayor Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 9:12 p.m., seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanL~ously. ~e secretary and Hartford Courant reporter returned to the meeting. The following resulted frc~adiscussion in Executive Session: -No action on the employee retirement incentive proposal, Personnel Director to have final report for next meeting; -No action on Blue Collar Union negotiations; -No action required on review of Town Planner applications; Animal Control Departm~nt/Perso~el: -Mayor Peters moved to send a letter to Francis Volz, Assistant Animal Control Officer, thanking him for his past service to the Town and informing him that due to reorganization of the Department, not disciplinary action, his services as Assistant Animal Control Officer would no longer be needed, effective October 1, 1994, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously. -Mayor Peters moved to place the three remaining Animal Control Officers, Arthur Volz, Janice ~ and Cathy DeMarco on probation, effective ~iately and until January 1, 1995 for the purpose of imposing a disciplinary action, based on the police investigation, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi. In the discussion it was noted that during the probation period the officers are to abide by the rules and regulations of the depa~'~nt; the assistants are to follow the directives of the supervisor and the supervisor is expected to do a better job of supervision. The Mayor added that the Town accepts s~ne responsibility for the problems and will provide training to assist them to better perform their jobs. At a future meeting the Board will look at further reorganization of the department, the revenue structure, developing a personnel policy and other matters related to the An/real Control Department. Motion passed unanimously. Change in E~cutive Board schedule: Deputy Mayor Veronesi moved to postpone the September 13th meeting to September I4th at 6:00 p.m. at which time the Board will further discuss the Animal Control Department, address the Police Union contract and conduct Town Planner interviews, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. -5- Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m., seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. J'Janice Serafi6o, Execut~e Secretary -6-