1994/06/28APPROVED EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING ~ '~! ,~ : June 28, 1994 Mayor Robert Peters called the meeting to order at/6f55pm, '~:~sant was Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi. ' ~' Budget Request and/or Apprqp~iation Mayor Robert Peters moved the approval of a Youth Services Department request to transfer $4,407 from account 101-1393-930-944 (Fund Balance), higher grant monies than anticipated received from the State of Connecticut; this portion of budget request will be forwarded to tonight's Town Meeting, seconded by Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi, passed unanimously. Recess to Special Town Meeting at 6:57pm. Reconvene Executive Board Meeting at 7:25pm-Conference Room in the Office of the Mayor-Present were Deputy Mayors Thomas Veronesi and Arthur Powers, James D'Errico, Director Personnel/Purchasing; Dr. John McIntosh, Jay Akasie, The Herald; Carol Beauparlant, Cathy DeMarco, Jan Lund, Kenneth Smith, The Hartford Co=rant; Joseph BaJorski, Art Volz, Gary Clinton, Charles Karno, Peter Knaus and Robert Knaus. Approval of Minutes Mayor Robert Peters requested a change on page 3, paragraph 1, line 3 to read "will be the staff representative" instead of "will oversee". Mayor Robert Peters moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 14, 1994 as corrected, seconded by Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi, passed unanimously. Audience of Citizens Cathy DeMarco, Berlin Animal Comtrol Officer, came to voice her concerns regarding the An~l Control Department such as the two weeks off due to budget depletion, lack of supervisioa in the department, $50-$60 a day as rate of pay not adequate, and personnel were not officially notified except verbally by their Supervisor of the status of the department's shutdown on June 17th. Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers asked about the number of hours employees worked? Cathy DeMarco said in the summer and spring they may work 40 hours or more which involved phone calls, paperwork and actual calls out. In the winter months, especially last winter, calls are less. Mayor Robert Peters said that Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi was faced with an emergency situation and made his decision to close the Animal Control Department due to lack of funds. The Mayor went on to apologize for the Town not notifying the employees directly. Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers said that the Executive Board would be discussing, later on in the meeting, the Job descriptions and possible benefits for the Animal Control Department personnel. Mayor Robert Peters said that he had asked for the Study of the Animal Control Department and that parts of this Study were made public prior to the Executive Board receiving the completed Study. Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers said the Executive Board will look fully into the Animal Control Department's employees, benefits and determine who is a full or part-time employee. Cathy DeMarco said that she has documentation on the number of hours and calls. Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi said that these issues will be addressed tonight. Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers said it was the intention of the Executive Board to resolve this matter. Mayor Robert Peters instructed Personnel Director James D'Errico to prepare pink (laid off) slips for those individuals in the Animal Control Department. Mayor Robert Peters asked if anyone else wished to speak under the Audience of Citizens section of the Agenda. No one else wished to speak. Personnei/Purchasin~Matters-A. Discussion of Town Planner Position James D'Errico has placed an advertisement for the Town Planner's Position in the National Association of Planners (June 30 and July 15, 1994) issues as well as the local newspapers (The Herald and The Hartford Courant). Closing for this position will be August 1, 1994. There are a number of people scheduled to serve on the panel. Mayor Robert Peters said that once William Voelker leaves he will be called back on a per diem basis as needed, to do agendas and attend Commission meetings. Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers said someone should be put in temporary charge of the Planning Department and suggested Morgan Seeyle. Mayor Robert Peters moved to set the pay scale for the Town Planner as outlined in the I994-1995 budget with the salary range of $50,470 to $64,030 for advertising purposes, seconded by Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers. Discussion-none. Motion having been made and seconded, passed unanimously. Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers moved to have Morgan Seelye serve as the interim Town Planner as of July 1, 1994 until such time as a Town Planner is hired by the Town, seconded by Mayor Robert Peters. Discussion-none. Motion having been made and seconded, passed unan/mously. Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers asked Personnel Director James D'Errico when a new Town Planner would be hired? James D'Errico said anywhere from Labor Day to the middle part of September. C. Retirement Incentive Proposa~ Mayor Robert Peters moved to table the Retirement Incentive Proposal until the July 12, 1994 meeting and place this item on the Agenda as an Executive Session due to Union Implications, seconded by Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi, passed unanimously. D. Firemen's Incentive Plan Mayor Robert Peters said he had received a letter fromM ark Lewandowski of the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department dated June 1, 1994 concerning a separate plan for social members of the fire department. James D'Errico updated the Executive Board concerning the Firemen's Incentive Plan. Discussions were held with the various fire departments. A tentative plan was devised but there were some other issued that needed looking into. At this point a determination should be made to move forward with the existing plan, recommend its adoption and submit the financial request to the Board of Finance and then to Town Meeting. Mayor Robert Peters said that 5 names, of individuals who serve the fire department but not necessarily as front line or on the scene support personnel, were submitted by the East Berlin Fire Department. These names were submitted to be considered for inclusion in the Firemen's Incentive Plan and that to his knowledge there were no other names forthcoming. James D'Errico said that while some of these individuals (5) are not involved in the front line on the scene fire fighting they provide services in various administrative, budget, negotiation and insurance duties. Mayor Robert Peters said he would like to address the plan itself and then the five individuals at a later point. James D'Errico discussed the specific criteria such as training, drills and actual fires (in points) used by the fire departments to: a) determine if a fire fighter is active or inactive in the fire service (being involved), b) to what extent the fire fighter is involved and c) what mechanism is involved in the determination. Mayor Robert Peters said he accepted the concept of the plan and wanted to present this to the Finance Board effective July 1, 1994. The Incentive Plan would cost $13~,000 the first year and approximately $31,250 maximum the following year. Mayor Robert Peters moved to accept the Retirement Incentive Proposal and prepare a budget request to be forwarded to the Board of Finance, seconded by Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi. Discussion-Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers wished to amend the motion to give consideration to the five names submitted by the East Berlin Fire Department. Mayor Robert Peters moved to accept the Retirement Incentive Plan as amended, seconded by Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi, passed unanimously. E. Request for Tuition Reimbursement: Arlene Okon Mayor Robert Peters moved to approve the request in the amount of $176 for half of the cost for two courses: Economics and Progr~_..-~_ing Logics taken by Arlene Okon, seconded by Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers. Discussion-none. Motion having been made and seconded, passed unanimously. New Business: B. Rtverbend Business Park Agreement Charles Karno, Economic Development Director, came before the Executive Board with Peter and Robert Khans of the Riverbend Business Industrial Park to seek a change in their Mortgage Agreement with the Town of Berlin concerning a required Letter of Credit in connectionwith the release of lot #8. Charles Karno said he would request that the Executive Board move to release lot #8 without a letter of credit in the amount of $147,000 as specified in the original mortgage agreement. Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers said that he supports this request based on the integrity of the company in the past but he would not like to see the Town of Berlin in the real estate business as a result of this. Mayor Robert Peters moved to accept the request and release lot ~8 without a letter of credit, as presented by Charles Karmo, Economic Development Director, seconded by Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers. Discussion-none. Motion having been made and seconded, passed unanimously. Personnel/Purchasing Matters- F. Report on Animal Control Department Mayor Robert Peters said that James D'Errico and Gary Clinton had prepared a report of the Animal Control Department dated June 12, 1994. Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers said he would like more time to review this report in detail. Mayor Robert Peters moved to table the Report on Animal Control Department until the July 12, 1994 Executive Board meeting, seconded by Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers, passed unanimously. Mayor Robert Peters distributed copies of the report to Arthur Volz and the staff of the Animal Control Department for their input. Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi moved to approve $50 per day as the rate of pay for the Animal Control Officers until such time as a formal plan is adopted, seconded by Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers. Discussion-Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers said he would like it reflected that any increase in pay will be retroactive to July i, 1994. Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi said that he would like to set the $50 per day rate of pay separately and that it was his intention that an increase, if any, would be retroactive. First set the rate of pay, vote on it and then once a formal plan and pay scale is adopted and voted on, then include the retroactive salary statement at that time. Motion to read: Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi moved to approve $50 per day as the rate of pay for the Animal Control Officers until such time as a formal plan is adopted for the Animal Control Department, seconded by Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers, passed unanimously. G. CemeteF~Maintenance Contract Hayor Robert Peters said that he met with Steven Walo~ski of Hillside Landscaping Company who has the current contract to render cemetery care consisting of mowing, trf,~tng, raking and general cleanup of the cemeteries within the Town of Berlin. The cemetery contract expires June 30, 1994. This landscaping company is too busy to continue to service the Towu but will have all cemeteries listed in the contract prepared for the 4th of July holiday. ~ayor Robert Peters moved to go out to bid for a three year cemetery maintenance contract, seconded by Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers. Discussion-none. Motion having been made and seconded, passed unanimously. Corporation Counsel-A. Update on Timberlin Concession Litigation (Executive Session) and B. Update on Athletic Track Litigation (Executive Session) Mayor Robert Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 8:30pm and invite Personnel Director James D'Errico to remain in order to discuss items A. and B. under Corporation Counsel Section of the Agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Robert Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 8:45pm, seconded by Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi, passed unanimously. No formal action taken. D. ReQuest for Waiver of Plannin~ Commission Fees Motion was made by Arthur Powers to table a request for waiver of Planning Commission Fees submitted by Anthony A. Dalfino pending receipt of further information, which should be available at the July 12, 1994 Executive Board meeting, seconded by Mayor Robert Peters, passed unanimously. E. Request from Retired Dog Warden-Angelo Barcella Mayor Robert Peters said he had requested a legal opinion from Corporation Counsel concerning a request from Retlred Dog Warden Angelo Barcella for a retirement pension. Mayor Robert Peters said the opinion of Corporation Counsel Stephen J. Anderson stated "It was the consensus of the Board to grant a retirement pension to Angelo Barcella, retired Dog Warden, based on an average annual payment of approximately $1,500 per year, such payment to commence at age 65. Section 4.3 of the Charter requires that all action of the Executive Board shall be by majority vote except as otherwise provided. These minutes do not indicate that any vote was taken in connectionwith this matter and, therefore, the Town is not presently obligated to pay the requested pension." Mayor Robert Peters moved to write a letter to Angelo Barcella, based on the opinion of Corporation Council, stating that the Town of Berlin was not obligated to pay a pension to him as retired Dog Warden, seconded by Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi. Discussion-Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi said noted in the letter should be the rationale that if this type of request were granted based on a consensus vote that this would be precedent setting and not in keeping with past practices of the Town. Motion having been made and seconded,, passed unanimously. Unfinished Business-Items A-C The following items will remain tabled until the next Executive Board Meeting: A. Discussion of Federal and State Grants, B. Smoking Policy: Greenside Restaurant and C. Silver Lake Dredging Project. New Business-A. Refuse Collection Contract Award Mayor Robert Peters said that Trashaway was the low bidder on the Refuse Collection Contract. Discussion took place concerning the inclusion of gasoline prices, provided by Trashaway or the Town of Berlin. Since it was unclear, Mayor Robert Peters moved to table the decision on the Refuse Collection Contract Award until the Public Works Director could answer all pertinent questions, seconded by Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers, passed unanimously. C. Award of Contract for Consultant: Economic Development Commission Promotional Video Mayor Robert Peters moved to award the contract for.the Economic Development Commission Promotional Video to Waterhouse Production of Hartford, CT. providing that the contract reflects the following change in wording under Contingencies to read "The Town of Berlin will be charged at cost" (for changes, on page 9 of proposal), seconded by Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi, passed unanimously. D. Letter from Barbara Edelson Mayor Robert Peters moved to send a letter from Barbara Edelson dated June 14, 1994 to Corporation Counsel Stephen J. Anderson for clarification, seconded by Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers, passed unanimously. Board and Commission Matters None. Financial Matters None, Correspondence None. Adjournment ' ~L~yor Robert Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:06pm, seconded by Deputy ~ayor Tho~s Veronesi, passed unan~ously. Respectfully submitted, · Sevin7, Recording~ecr~y