1992/12/14APPROVED A Special Executive Board meeting convened at McGee Middle School at 10:00 a.m.. Present were Ma~vor Robert Peters, Deputy MayorThc~as Veronesi, and the following members of the Board of Finance: Chairman Dr. John McIntosh, Ida Ragazzi, Sam Lcmaglio, Audrey Bertagna, and Fred Jortner. The group was taken on a tour of the building byVice Principal Joseph Suranna. The purpose of the meeting was to allow both boards to observe the school while classes were in session to help make a determination on what is needed in regard to expansion plans for the facility. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. APPROVED EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING December 14, 1992 Mayor Robert Peters called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.. Present were Deputy Mayor Karen McQuade, Corporation Counsel E. Timothy Sullivan, Mary Ellen Worzorek-Hartford Courant reporter, and Janice Serafino-Secretary. Deputy Mayor Thomas Veronesi will be joining the meeting later in the evening due to another cc~nt. Approval of Minutes Deputy Mayor McQuade noted that she did not act on approval of the minutes of December 1st, as she was not present at the meeting due to illness. Mayor Peters moved to accept the minutes with this correction, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Recapitulation of Minutes Discussion, no action taken. Audience of citizens No one present wished to speak. Personnel/PurchasinqMatters Executive Session: Pending Litigation-Underground Tanks (Tabled) To remain on the table. Executive Session: New Britain Transfer Station Fees (Tabled) To remain on the table. Executive Session: Riverbend Business Park Mortgage Note Mayor Peters asked that this not be taken up until Deputy Mayor Veronesi is present. Clinical Supervisor Position (Tabled) Mayor Peters moved to remove this item from the table, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters stated that Corporation Counsel Sullivan has ruled that the Executive Board can increase the starting salary for a new position as long as that salary falls within the approved salary range. Attorney Sullivan stated that because no one has been in that position, no monies have been expended from that account, therefore, sufficient funds are available to fund an increased starting salary for the remainder of this fiscal year. The Corporation Counsel stated that the salary for the next fiscal year can then be negotiated. Mayor Peters then moved to increase the starting salary for the Clinical Supervisor position to $37,000 for the remainder of the 1992-93 fiscal year, in the hope of filling the position, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters cc~uended Attorney Sullivan for his ruling regarding the Board of Education's present make-up. Old Business None. New Business Fee Waiver Request: Fox Hill Land Company After a brief discussion, Mayor Peters moved to waive the special application permit fee for Fox Hill Land Cc~pany, previous application withdrawn, less the costs incurred by the Town for time spent by staff reviewing the latest plan, plus the cost for publication of the legal notice, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Mayor said that a letter would be sent to the attorney for developer requesting that a check in the amount of $215.00 be forwarded to the Town. Board and Conluission Matter Public Building Cc~ssion: Mayor Peters moved to remove Peter Ni~man frcm the Public Building Co~mission due to lack of attendance at meetings and no response to letters mailed to him regarding his desire to remain on the Ccmmission, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters also extend condolences to the family of Thcmas Morin, a member of the PBC, who died unexpectedlyduring the passed~=ek. The Mayor said that appointn~nts would have to be made to the Building Code Board of Appeals, under State law. Richard Kuziak joined the meeting at 7:30 p.m.. Budget Transfers and/or Appropriations Mayor Peters moved to approve a request to transfer funds in the amount of $18,000 fr~u account 372-1393-930-944 (General Fund) to account 372-2234-131-400 (Griswold Oil Spill) to cover additional costs in the oil clean up project at Griswold School, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Tax Refunds Mayor Peters moved to approve a tax refund for Norma Lundquist in the amount of $141.80, car sold, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. -2- Corporation Counsel Continued Upon request of Attorney Sullivan Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 7:35 p.m.. to discuss possible litigation on the Timberlin Golf Course Concession contract, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 7:45 p.m.., seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. No action taken. The Board took at break at 7:45 and resumed the meeting at 7:50 p.m.. Matters for U~date and Discussion Mobile Hc~e Park Construction: None. Cc~m~nity Center Negotiating Cc~nittee: None. Review of Prgposed 1993-94 Deparh~nt Budgets Steve Kelly, Director; A1 Hawkins-Superintendent Public Grounds/Golf Course; A1 Beckley-Foreman, Golf Course; Dave Paradise- Foreman, Public Grounds; Bill Baccaro-Park and Recreation Cu~u~ssion Chairman; and Sebby Senia-C~,~ssionmember joined the Executive Board to review the Recreation, Golf Course and Public Grounds budgets. Recreation: The following line items were discussed: 100-Mr. Baccaro said the Cu~,~ssionwanted to see the top manned position receiving the top salary. 109-increase to keep pools open one additional week before school reopens and expand swim lessons at Percival Pool by one half hour per day. ll0-J_~crease to add two new programs and expand two existing; add playground site at Griswold School, staffing costs-S3220. Deputy Mayor Veronesi joined the meeting at 8:10 p.m.. 230-brief discussion on school usage fees and work done by the Town on fields and for lighting that is not charged to the school depa~_nt. Mr. Baccaro said he had attended a Board of Education meeting asking that they waive the fees for youth programs. He said he hopes for sc~e cooperation. Steve Kelly left the meeting at 8:45 p.m.. Golf Course: Review of following line items: 105-one additional employee requested. Mr. Baccaro said that an ~loyee is also being requested for Public Grounds and would hope the Board would look at approving the hiring of one employee to be used where needed within both Golf Course and Public Grounds. -3- 230-M~yor Peters said he thought this line item, rent for the barn, should be in the Indirect Expenses account and would talk to the Finance Director. 294-295-the decrease for utility costs was questioned. Public Grounds: Review of following line items: 105-one additional employee requested. 439-bathroc~ at Sage Park. Mayor Peters asked why this was not in the Six Year plan. Mr. Hawkins said that initially the softball leagues were going to build it but were not able to raise the funds. Ail involved with the three previous budgets left the meeting at 9:30 p.m.. At this time Jean Conway, Director of the Perlin Public Health Nursing, and several n~mbers of the Nursing Board of Directors joined the meeting to review the Nursing Department budget. Mayor Peters brought Deputy Mayor Veronesi and the others present up to date on Attorney Sullivan's ruling on the salary for the Clinical Supervisor position and the action taken by the Executive Board earlier in the meeting. The following line items in the Nursing Department budget were reviewed: 104-requ_ est to increase the hours of the computer operator by 10 and the administrative secretary by 5. 107-one additional staff nurse requested; 5 1/2% sala~t increase for nurses and hcme health aides. 408-FAX machine-Mrs. Conway said she hoped this would not be cut this year as the patient information faxed to th~ is confidential. In conclusion, Mrs. Conway said that last year the Nursing Depa~-~-~nt earned $754,275 and as of November 30, 1992 they had earned $423,534. Mrs. Conway and Nursing Board members left the meeting at 10:30 p.m.. Budget Approvals: Recreation: Explanation of reduction in line ll0-fund additional playground site at Griswold School; no new programs or expansion of existing programs. After suggesting reductions to several line items, Mayor Peters moved to approve the Recreation budget as amended, seconded by Deputy ~myor McQuade, passed unanimously. Golf Course: Line 105-approved addition of one employee to work within Golf Course and Public Grounds as needed. Mayor Peters moved to approve the Golf Course budget as amended, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Public Grounds: Line 103-no additional employee. -4- Mayor Peters moved to approve the Public Grounds budget as amended, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Nursing: Line 104-no increase in clerical hours. Line 107~no additional nursing staff, reason being with Clinical Supervisor position filled frcm within, another nurse will be hired to fill that vacancy. Salaries to be addressed at a future meeting. Mayor Peters moved to approve the Nursing budget as amended, with salaries to be set at a future meeting, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. adj oum--~mmnt Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at I0:55 p.m., Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unan/mously. seconded by -5-