1991/12/10APPROVED EXECUTIVE ~ARDMEETING December 10, 1991 Mayor Robert Peters called the meeting to order at 7.0~.. Meeting Rocm of the Town Hall. Present were Deputy M~.~q~eh McQuade, Deputy Mayor Thc~as Veronesi, William Voelker-Town Pi~: ~-~ Charles Karno-Econc~ic Development Director, Donald Ward-Econc~ic Development CuL,,.~ssion n~m~ber, Angelo Barcella, Richard Kuziak, and Janice Serafino-Secretary. Economic Develc~ent Matters William Voelker said that he and Charles Karno were at the meeting to talk to the Executive Board about the future of the Oriental Exhibit Showcase to be located on the Berlin Turnpike. He said that originally it was due to open in December but has expanded to include not only Taiwan, but mainland China, as well. Mr. Voelker said that he felt there was an issue of concern that was unique to this project. He said that the Oriental culture is very concerned with courtesies and are asking that those involved frc~ mainland China be named honorary citizens of Berlin. Mr. Voelker said that this is important to these people and he needs to know the Town's position. Mayor Peters asked if these were business people or government officials making the request. Mr. Voelker said that they were gove-~-~nt officials, as this is a C~L,,~onist country, with no private enterprise. The Mayor asked if this venture is a cooperative effort between Taiwan and China? Mr. Karno said that he did not believe so, but is being coordinated by a Mr. Frank Hou who has ties to both countries. Mayor Peters said he thought there could be potential ramifications to making government officials of a Cc~m~nist country honorary citizens. He said that the Board would discuss the matter later in the meeting. Mr. Voelker then told the Board that one of the results of his trip to Taiwan was that he was asked to participate in a symposium at the University of Hartford dealing with global econcmics and geared to municipalities. He said that he and Charlie are planning to put on a symposium in June for Berlin business people as well as the other n~rs of the regional econc,nic develotm~ent organization to which Berlin belongs. He said that the purpose would be to inform them on how to export their products to foreign markets. At 7:15 p.m. Messrs. Voelker and Karno left the meeting. ~oproval of Minutes Mayor Peters moved to remove the minutes of November 26, 1991 from the table, seconded by Deputy Mayor Nk~2uade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of November 26, 1991 as written, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of December 3, 1991 as written, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Recapitulation of Minutes Discussion, no action taken. Audience of Citizens No one present wished to speak. Personnel/Purchasing Matters Mayor Peters asked that they pass over this item, as the Personnel Director was at the Board of Finance meeting and would join them later. Corporation Counsel Mayor Peters said that he had told Attorney Sullivan to come in at eight o ' clock. Old Business Approval of Minutes (Tabled) Taken up under Approval of Minutes. Budget Request from Tax Collector (Tabled) To r~main on ~hle. New Business Six Year Plans ' Mayor Peters asked to pass over these items at this time. Board and Cu,,L,~ssion Matters Mayor Peters moved to reappoint William Diskin as a representative frcm Berlin to the Central Connecticut Regional Planning Agency for a tw~ year term to expire December 31, 1993, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi. In the discussion that followed, Deputy Mayor Veronesi asked if Mr. Diskin had responded in writing to the letter sent to him. Mayor Peters said that he had ccme into see him to inform him that he did wish to be reappointed. The motion was .unanimously passed. Finance No items presented. -2- Additions to Agenda Mayor Peters moved to add the schedule for Executive Board meetings for 1992 to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters said that this was a ten~tive schedule and asked if the Deputy Ma.yors wanted to take it home and review it for action at the next meeting. Both stated that they had no probl~n with it and would act on it at this meeting. Mayor Peters then moved to accept the schedule for Executive Board meetings for 1992 as presented and file it with the Town Clerk, seconded by Deputy Mayor M~Quade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to add the scheduling of meetings with department heads for budget review, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to accept the schedule for department budget meetings as su~nitted, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to add a discussion of Capital projects to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Mayor said that the following projects have been ccmpleted: $I00,000 appropriation: - Playground on Worthington Ridge - Increased parking on Brandegee Lane - Com~u~ty Center parking lot and repair of tennis court (which needs scme correction) - Town Garage ccmplex paving and recycling area improvements $500,000 appropriation: - Athletic track at Berlin High School: cc~pleted in 1993. In soil testing stage, to be At 7:40 p.m. Mayor Peters moved to recess the Executive Board to the Board of Finance meeting to view a presentation on the proposed E.I.S. Brake Parts addition, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Executive Board reconvened their meeting at 8:10 p.m. in the Mayor' s office. Personnel/Purchasing Matters James D'Errico, Director of Personnel and Purchasing, presented the a letter from Angelo Barcella, Police C~,~Jssion Chairman, requesting that Jane Sevigny, Secretary to the Chief, be named as Secretary for the Police Cc~nission. He said that this is a bargaining unit position and that the pay w~uld be less than her time and one half rate. -3- Mayor Peters said that he had a concern with this appointment as Jane was already serving in two capacities for the Town, as secretary to the Chief of Police and as secretary to the Library Board. with this appointment it would mean three positions, which would all have to be filled at one time should she leave. A discussion of this matter and the salaries of other board and cc~nission secretaries followed. Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to table the matter for further consideration, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. Mr. D'Errico presented the Board with a wage schedule for Sum~er Help based on the twenty five cent per hour increase approved at the previous Executive Board meeting. Deputy Mayor Veronesi moved to accept the schedule for the Sumner Help as presented by the Personnel Director, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~ade, passed unanimously. Mr. D'Errico gave the Executive Board information regarding the purchase of a duo-dump truck for the Golf Course/Public Grounds Depai-h',~nt. He said that $35,000 has been budgeted for this replacement vehicle, with the older truck to go to the golf course and the new one to be used by the Public Grounds crew. Mr. D' Errico said that as only one ccmpany, Everest, makes the body, he was asking that the Board authorize him to solicit bids for a Ford 350 Extended Body cab and chassis and when the bid is awarded, contract with the R.W. Thcmpson Ccmpany to install the body on the chassis. Mayor Peters then moved to authorize Mr. D'Errico to proceed as he requested, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimmusly. Before leaving the meeting, Mr. D'Errico briefed the Executive Board on what had transpired at the Board of Finance meeting with regard to the request to fund a building at the East Berlin Fire Department to house the generator. He said that there had been a heated discussion and, due to the actions of the Finance Board members, he told the Fire Service representatives that he was leaving the meeting and suggested that they do the same. Mr. D'Errico shid that the Finance Board had once again voted to deny the request. The Executive Board discussed what course of action they should take to have this approved by the Finance Board so that it can be brought to the citizens of the Town. Mayor Peters moved to write another budget request, in cooperation with the Fire Service, not to exceed $13,000 to c~;-~lete the plans proposed by the East Berlin Fire Depa~-h~-~nt for the generator, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Corporation Counsel Attorney Sullivan explained the procedures to be followed on the forms to be filed with DEP for the clean up of the National Autc~atics property. Mayor Peters said that bids for the Phase 3 study were due Ln the next day. The Corporation Counsel suggested that the Town award the bid for the study and then take the findings to DEP for their review, letting DEP tell the Town what they require for cleanup. After this is done then the matter should be processed through the proper channels for approval and funding. The Board was in agreement that this is the course of action that should be followed. -4- Attorney Sullivan and Jim D'Errico left the meeting at 9:45 p.m.. New Business Six Year Plans The following departments' Six Year Plans were approved and forwarded to the Board of Finance: - Registrars of Voters, as su~uitted. Motion made by Mayor Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. - Fire Departments, as amended. Motion made by Mayor Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. - Police Department, as amended. Motion made by Mayor Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. - Municipal Garage, as amended. Motion made by Mayor Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. - Recreational Services, as amended. Motion made by Mayor Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. - Golf Course-Mayor Peters asked that they pass over this as he has not met with the director of the department and the chief mechanic to review the vehicle and machinery being requested. - Library, as amended. Motion made by Mayor Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed ttnanimously. - Public Grounds, as amended. Motion made by Mayor Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Nursing, as amended. Motion made by Mayor Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Social Services, as amended. Motion made by Mayor Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor ~k~de, passed unanimously. Senior Center, as amended. Motion made by Mayor Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Water and Sewer-Mayor Peters asked that this also be passed over until the next meeting. Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 p.m.., seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. -5- anice Serafino, Execut_kg~ Secretary