1991/12/03APPROVED RECEIVED FiLIii9 91OECII 3, 1991 Mayor Peters calI~d ~ .~g to order at 7:00 p.m.. Present were Deputy Mayor Ear ,~A~i~a~'~John McIntosh-Finance Board Chairman, Charles Karno-Di~ector of ~~ Develo~nent,. James D'Errico-Director of Personnel/Purchasing and Janice Serafino-Secretary. Mayor Peters asked that they move to New Business and allow the Econcmic DeveloEmnent Director to present the proposed package for the E.I.S. Brake Parts construction project. The first item presented was a resolution dealing with a cc~bined effort between the State of Connecticut, Town of Berlin and EIS whereby the Mayor, on behalf of the Town, would make application to the State Depa~t'~nt of Econc~Ric Develo~nent, pursuant to Chapter 5881, CT General Statutes, for $600,000 in order to undertake "EIS Brake Parts Business DeveloExnent Project" and to execute an Assistance Agreement. Under this resolution, the Town would administer these funds, at no expense. The Mayor explained that the $600,000 is ccmposed of a loan to EIS in the amount of $150,000 and a grant in the a~Dunt of $450,000. Deputy MayorThc~as Veronesi, Frank Stavola, Sam Lc~aglio and Dana Tofig-Hartford Courant rep?rter joined the meeting at 7:05 p.m.. After a brief discussion of the resolution, Deputy Mayor McQuademade a motion to move the resolution authorizing the Mayor to apply for, receive and administer State funds in the amount of $600,000 for the EIS construction project to a Special Town Meeting on December 19th, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. Dr. McIntosh asked if there was any liability to the Town if EIS went defunct, to which Charlie Karno replied that there was none. Deputy Mayor Veronesi asked if there was any time 1/mit on approvals. Mr. Karno said that EIS was anxious to finalize the project, which will consolidate several of their depaz-hwents. He said if this is not done in the iamediate future they wouldprobably look elsewhere. A discussion of the proposed changes in the intersection of Worthington Ridge and Rt. 5 & 15 ensued, which was noted to be crucial to this project. Attorney Sullivan entered the meeting at 7:25 p.m.. Next, Mr. Karno presented the proposed tax abatement agreement between the Town and EIS. The proposed abatements are ~.0% in the first year, 40%-second, 30%-third, 20%-fourth, and 10% ln'~%J~{.~.~h~, year, with the total value of the abatement being $75,000 over ~rk~ y~¢od, with $475,000 in increased revenue for the Towg..,~ ~~-,'.~..'c Development Director stated that the costs EIS ~iY~ '~y' ~6~ ~ Town for this project are $50,000 for the permit fee an~ $69~L~67 ~ig ,.~a~r/sew~r user charges, plus taxes. Mr. Karno said that h~ ~e~t ~h~Ow~ a good project for the Town, with benefits of added business on the Turnpike and especially in re~'i~iR~J6B~?ouh~ added that EIS has given its cc~mitment to r~ain in the State for at least ten years. Mayor Peters cu~,~nded Mr. Karno for the work he has done on this project over the past tw~ years. The Mayor said that he felt EIS has agreed to expand in Berlin due to Charlie's efforts. He said that when the c~-~any was considering moving out of state, it was Mr. Karno who kept them talking, gaining their trust. The Mayor said that the management of EIS has cc~e to regard Charlie as a friend, which is very important to the success of such a project. Mayor Peters said that he was hoping that the Executive Board would unanimously give their support to the project, forwarding it to the Board of Finance for their approval at their December 10th meeting and then to a Special Town Meeting on December 19th. The Mayor then moved that the Executive Board support the proposed tax abatement plan with EIS, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Mayor made a second motion to approve a budget request in the amount of $275,000 to ccmply with the infrastructure agreement with EIS, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Messrs. Karno, Stavola and Lomaglio left the meeting at 7:50 p.m.. Mayor Petersmotioned to move to Old Business, seconded by DeputyMayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Old Business Employee Termination Pay Form (Tabled) Mayor Peters moved to r~ove this item fr~m the table, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Mayor stated that this was tabled last weekbecause he had a question on the Budgetary Reemployment Date listed on the form. He said that the Finance Director explained that this was the date that someone could be hired to fill the position, as Mr. Baldyga's vacation pay extends to that date. Mayor Peters then moved to approve employee termination pay for Henry Baldyga in the amount of $5457.35, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Bid Award for Overhead Doors SKFD (Tabled) Mayor Peters moved to remove this itam frcmthe table, seconded by DeputyMayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters said that he hadmoved to table this item to see if one of the unemployed members of the Fire Department was interested in pricing the project. However, he said that Dick Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings, told him that this was too big a ]ob for an individual to take on. The Mayor then moved to award, the bid for the replac~_nt of the overhead doors at the South Kensington Fire Depa~hL~nt to Wood & Wood, Inc., low bidder, in the amount of $4975.00, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. .Budget Request frc~ Tax Collector (Tabled) To remain on table. Corporation Counsel Attorney Sullivan gave Mayor Peters the agreement for the purchase of the land behind the SKFD from Meriden for his signature. The Corporation Counsel then presented the Mayor the total amount of the court expenses for the foreclosure of National Autcmatics. He said that these are expenses that the Townwould have to paywhether or not they decided to act on the option to purchase the property. After reviewing the figures, Mayor Peters moved to approve the payment of the court costs for the foreclosure proceedings of National Automatics in the an~unt of $9984.81, and to forward a budget request in that amount to the Board of Finance for its approval, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Attorney Sullivan gave his ruling regarding the Supernumeraries salaries to the Mayor. He ruled that as the Executive Board did not address the hourly rate during the budget process, the Police C~-~-~ssion could determine the appropriate rate to pay th~, not to exceed $11.03 per hour, based on the balance in that budget. Deputy Mayor McQuade left the meeting at 8:20 p.m. as she was not feeling well. Attorney Sullivan also left at this time. New Business Six Year Plans Fire Depa~;.,~-nt: At 8:20 p.m. Fire Chiefs Ronald Lindgren, Edward Haber, David Jorsey and Vincent Lewandowski, and members Jim Simons and Bruce Trevethan joined the Executive Board to discuss the Department's six Year Plan. The members of the Fire Departments left at 8:50 p.m.. Library: Eugene Devlin and Cathy Nelson, Librarians, and David Borthwick, Fred Riggs and Thcmas Menditto of the Library Board joined the Executive Board to discuss the Six Year Plan for the Library. They left the meeting at 9:10 p.m.. Police: Chief Gerald Charamut, Angelo Barcella-Police Cu,uission Chairman and CuLu~ssionerThcmas Heavrenmetwith the Board to discuss the Police Department's Six Year Plan. After discussing the Plan, Mayor Peters asked about the fact that the Captain had been assigned a car. He said that he saw no reason for a thirty seven man depa~-h¥~nt to have its two top administrators assigned vehicles. When he asked the question as to who authorized this, the -3- Chief said that the past chairman of the Ccumission had. The Mayor said that only the Mayor's Office can authorize assigr.~'~nt of vehicles for a twenty four hour period and asked the Cu,,~,{ssion Chairman to address this. There was also a discussion of the Detective testing situation. Before leaving at 10:00 p.m., the Chief and Cc~a~issioners were given copies of Attorney Sullivan's ruling regarding Supernumerary salaries. Approval of Minutes Mayor Peters m~ved to table approval of the minutes of the previous meeting as they were not available for review until this evening, due to the time off for the Thanksgiving holiday, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Recapitulation of Minutes None. Audience of Citizens No one present. Personnel/PurchasinqMatters S~'~,~r Help Pay Schedule: After a discussion of rates and increases for previous years, Mayor Peters moved to increase the rates for all s~,,~r help positions by twenty five cents per hour over last year's rates, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Bidding Procedures: Mayor Peters said that the Executive Board had revised the bidding procedures for the Town in October. However, when they increased the amount of a purchase to $4000 before having to go out to bid, it was in violation of the Charter. The Mayor asked that that the printed procedures be revised back to the $2000 limit in items #1 & 2 to c~ly with the Charter and hopefully the Charter Revision Ccramissionwill address this matter. New Business Continued Schedule Special Town Meeting and A~enda Mayor Peters moved to schedule a Special Town Meet~ng for Tuesday, December 10, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. in the Meeting Rocmof the Town Hall, seconded by DeputyMayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to place the authorization for the Mayor to apply for and accept or reject a LoCIP Grant from the State of Connecticut in the amount of $116,481.00 for infrastructure projects on the agenda, seconded by DeputyMayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Board and Co~nissionMatters None. -4- Finance Budget Transfers and./or Appropriations Mayor Peters moved to approve a request from Jack Ross, Water Control Administrative Assistant, to transfer funds in the amount of $7000 within the Water Fund Budget, frc~ account 643-186-000-0000 (Administration) to account 643-190-000-0000 (Fringe Benefits), as funds were deposited in the wrong account, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve another request from Jack Ross, to transfer funds in the amount of $7000 within the Sewer Fund Budget, frc~ account 644-186-000-0000 (Administration) to account 644-190-000-0000 (Fringe Benefits), as funds were deposited in the wrong account, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve a budget request from Jean Conway, Director of Public Health Nursing, in the amount of $250,000 to account 101-2753-121-249 (Medical Services) due to an increased number of hours logged for Hcme Health Aide Service, with all services reimbursed to the Town including a fee for billing and administration, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Tax Refunds Mayor Peters moved to approve a tax refund for Robert Raymond in the amount of $21.21, auto disposed of, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Miscellaneous Matters Mayor Peters asked that these be held until the next meeting. Additions to Agenda Mayor Peters moved to ad~ a discussion of the TIP account to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. The Mayor said that he had given the incorrect balance of this account at the previous meeting, as the costs of two projects had not been deducted. The correct balance is $7515.00. He then moved to approve a request from the Recreational Services Department in the amount of $300 for expenses related to the Air Force Band concert to be held at McGee School in the Spring, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to add a letter from the Police Chief to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to accept a donation in the amount of $50 and a court settlement in the amount of $25, made to the Police Depa~h,~nt and authorize these funds to be used in the Department's Drug Education Program, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. -5- Mayor Peters moved to add a Recreation Depaz~t~nt ite~ to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve a request of the United Methodist Church of East Berlin to conduct a carol sing in Clark's Grove on December 22nd from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m., seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi. A brief discussion was held on the need for this request and the possible unconstitutionality of it. The motion was passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to add the scheduling of another Special Town Meeting to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimo~ly. Mayor Peters moved to schedule a Special Town Meeting for Thursday, December 19, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. in the Meeting Roc~ of the Town Hall and to place on the agenda any and all items related to the proposed EIS project and all budget items approved by the Board of Finance at their December 10th meeting, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Adjpuzi=,~nt Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 p.m., seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. ~1~o, Execut~ Secretary -6-