1962/04/10 1. Special Meetin~ Berlin Town Planning Commission, April 10, 1962 et 8 P.M. Members present: Hobert Bennerup, Henry Winterbottom, and Aldo Csstfgltont. Also Margaret Gooby. 2. Mr. Winterbottom was appointed Acting Secretary. 3. Messrs. Dale and Robt. Johnson of Johnson & Johnson Realty appeared to request permission to change the Pumping Station in Br,okside Park from Lot #64 to Lot #16. The change is requested because of poor soil conditions found in Lot #6~.for the construction of the Pumping Station. The change to Lot #16 is approved by the Town Englneer~ng Dept., end the Kensington Fire District. The lots on the west side of the road will have to be adjusted to t~ke care of change of placement of the Pumping Station from the east side of the road. A full building lot has been made east of lot 64. On motion made by A. Csstigliont, seconded by H. Winterbottom, it was Voted to give final approval. Map was signed by members present. Respectfully submitted, Henr~y R. Winterbottom, Acting Secretary Berlin Board of Finance April 10, 1962 Minutes of Meeting A meeting of the Berlin Board of Finance was called to order at 7:30 P. M. on Tuesday, April 10, 1962 at the Town Hall. Members Present: were Chairman P. D. Doran and Messrs. T. W. W~rd, Jr., R. Chamberlain, S. S. Sargis and S. J. Pietras. Financial Statement: for the period ending March 31, 1962 was received and ex- amined. The Minutes of April 3, 1962 were approved. Communications Received: 1. Supplement to Statement of Need for Elementary Schools dated 1962 and postmarked April 3, 1962 was received. 2. A letter dated April 5, 1962 from the Planning Commission requesting a ~plemental appropriation of $200. for the remainder of the fiscal year. Bills: 1. It was voted t9 approve for payment from ~6, Board of Finance, a bill in the amount of $231.66 presented by the New Britain Herald for ~rinting a legal ad ordered by this Board which was mandatory by State Statute and listed the complete proposed town budget before the Annual Budget ~eeting. Transfers: 1. In reference to communication ~2 aboye, it was voted to transfer the sum of $200. from ~127, Contingency, to ~14, Planning Commission to cover operating expenses for the remainder of this fiscal year. Old Busine s.__~s: None New Business: ! 1. The Public Building Oommission (P. B. C. ) and architect Walter Crabtree, Jr~ were invited to attend this meeting to discuss the Commission's request for' $11,500. which was reported in the Minutes of April 3, 1962 under Communi- cations Received Present: Chairman Leo Helenski, Secretary ~rs. Kirby, members Willoughby, Varriale, Holmes; Architect Walter Crabtree, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Education Cce grove. The following developed from the discussion with the P. B. C. et 1. The P. B. C. has already instructed the architect to proceed with the work on the preliminary plans who said he is already half fin- ished although no appropriation for same has been approved. 2. Completion of the preliminary plans will take several more weeks. 3. The P. B. C. said that they have verbally accepted the Statement of Need with certain modifications agreed upon with the Beard of Education and that said acceptance will be made formally at an early meeting. There ~ppeared to be some disagreement on this matter among P. B. C. members present. Finance again strongly urged the P. B. C. to obtain a clearly specific and detailed State- ment of Need from the Beard of Education. 4. The proposed ~r eliminary plans are to be used for general evalua- tion of the project and will show location and elevations of the buildings on the site with floor plot plan, through-section show- ing construction, details of various items wanted in each class- room, development of site for parking and an artist's conception of the appearance of the school. These plans have to be approved by the P. B. C. and then ~r esented to Finance for approval for funds for the next step, namely ~orking drawings. 5. The P. B. C. will reduce the Statement of Need to an outline and present same to Finance along with the preliminary plans when ready. 6. The P. B. C. will present to Finance a breakd~n showing the por- tions of the $11,500. allocated to each school separately. 7. The completion of working drawings should not be expected before August l, 1962. ~. No extraordinary kitchen is required at Pabst if it were to supply food for K. G. S. Any of the present school kitchens are adequate to do that now. 9.The architect invited Fina~ ce to see the Everett C. Stevens School in Wallingford which is an example of his work. (Minutes of April 10, 1962 continuedl The next meeting is scheduled for April 17, 1962. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Pro~Tem Berlin Board of Finance April 17, 1962 Minutes of Meeting A meeting of the Berlin Board of Finance was called to order at 7:30 P. M. on Tuesday, April 17, 1962 at the Town Hall. Members Present: were Chairman P. D. ~Doran and Messrs. W. S. Brown, T. W. Ward, Jr., and R. W. Chamberlain. The Minutes-of April 10, 1962 were approved. Communications Received: 1. A cost comparison giving estimated cost per pupil for the proposed Pabst and Hubbard schools from architect Walter Crabtree, Jr. 2. A copy of a Memorandum to the Public School Building Commission from the Berlin Board of Education dated April 10, 1962 regarding Time Schedule of 1st Elementary School Building Committee and noting that this is re- ferred to the P. B. C. for general background and as a helpful guide. 3. A list dated April 11, 1962 from Chairman Leo Helenski of the Public Building Commission giving separate estimated costs for ~reliminary plans for the proposed Pabst School and the proposed Hubbard School. Said list ave estimated costs for Architect Fees for Pabst Site School and Hubbard ire School, estimated costs for Site Borings for Pabst Site and Hubbard Site, and estimated cost for Topography Survey for Hubbard Site. Chairman Helenski noted that these figures were forwarded to him by the architect. 4. A copy of a letter dated April 17, 1962 to First Selectman Arthur Powers from Mr. Albert G. Nieman, Secretary of the Berlin Little League, request- ing an appropriation of $432. for the purpose of obtaining ~aid umpires for all Little League Baseball games between May 6, 1962 and July 11, 1962. 5. A letter dated April 17, 1962 from First Selectman Arthur PGvers advising the Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to request the Board ~ Finance to consider transferring $432. to the Park and Recreation Budget for the purpose of obtaining paid umpires.for Little League Baseball games be- tween May 6, 1962 and July ll, 1962. 6. A letter dated April 17, 1962 from First Selectman Arthur Powers advising he has learned that approximately *19~000. will be returned to the Town by the previous High School Addition ~uilding Committee. He asked that this Board give favorable consideration to the purchase of a 4½ yd. sand sweeper and an eductor (catch basin cleaner) for the Highway Department. Total cost for used equipment would be approximately $7,800. and new equipment would cost about $18,500. 7. Chairman Doran reported he had received a letter from Secretary Mrs. Delaney of the Board of Education requesting an appropriation of $15,000. for the purpose of modifying the High School Addition to make a suite for the guidance counselor. Bills: None Transfers: 1. It was voted to transfer the sum of $1000. from ~127, Contingency, to # 23b, Police Personnel, to take care of an inadequacy in the 1962-63 police budget. (See New Business #l) Old Business: 1. A brief discussion took place concerning the previous request for $1,400. by the Redevelopment Commission for a study of the feasibility of redev- elopment for Berlin.