1991/01/29APPROVED EXECUTIVE BOARD MEgTING January 29, 1991 Mayor Peters called the meeting to order at 7:00 p..m... Present were Deputy Mayor Karen MOQuade, Deputy Mayor Angelo Tlezzl, James · D'Errico-Personnel Director, Elisa Hutcoe-Herald reporter, and Janice Serafino-Secretary. Approval of Minutes Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of jan,,ary 23, 1991 as written, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Rmcapitulation of Minutes Mayor Peters read the motion passed at the last meeting regarding the T~wn's c~,,~tment to any employee who is a member of the reserves or National Guard and is called to active duty.during the Persian Gulf crises. All were in agreement that the motion as written into the minutes was correct. Further discussion, no action taken. Audience of citizens No one present. Attorney Sullivan joined the meeting at 7:05 Personnel/Purchasing Matters Jamms D'Errico said that he had one it~n for open session and one to be taken in Executive Session. In open session he brought the Executive Board up to date on the new Federal and State legislation for commercial licensing as it relates to the Town's employees. He said that he was bringing this to the Board's attention because he may have to request funds to cover the testing fees, if in fact cc~pliance with the new regulations in mandated in this fiscal year. Mr. D'Errico said that originally April 1992 was given as the date for cc~pliance and he had requested funding in his budget for the next fiscal year. Mayor Peters said that letters w~uld be sent to the Governor and State Legislators requesting that the date of cc~pliance originally set, April 1992, be retained. He said that this was another example of the State mandating things that are not funded in present budgets. ~ ;~i,~,,.~ Jean LeBlanc, Hartford Courant reporter, joined the meetiD, g,0.a.~,,7:10 ~n. ~ ~""'"' ' ~,~-e Session' Mavor Peters moved to enter Executive ::"': · ~: i~-~'to discus-~ the~on-qoing negotiations with the ~'? '~ ,'. ~=tion seconded bv Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed uD~nimousl~V ~ $5~ames D Errlco was asked to remain. Mayor Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 7:23 pm, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. No action taken. Corporation Counsel Mayor PetJers moved to r~nove the Vending Ordinance from the table, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Attorney Sullivan said that the two vending ordinances now on the books would be repealed when a new ordinance is adopted. In reviewing the draft, Mayor Peters noted that there was no curfew time in Section 4 and in Section 6 there was no mention as to who would be responsible for enforcing the penalty for violating the ordinance. After a brief discussion the Executive Board asked that the hours of vending or soliciting be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and be added to Section 4 and that in Section 6 the Police Department be responsible for enforcing the ordinance via su.,~ons. Mayor Peters then moved to table this item pending the receipt of a draft, revised as requested by the Executive Board, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters asked that the proposed ordinance dealing with a tax exemption for vehicles equipped for handicapped persons remain on the table until a draft adding the appeal process to the Board of Assessors and the requirement that the vehicle be registered as a Handicapped vehicle with the State be added to the original draft. Mayor Peters asked Attorney Sullivan who he thought should send a letter requesting fees from Manafort for tonnage in excess of five tons taken in at that landfill, as per State Statute? Attorney Sullivan said he felt this letter should cc~e from the Public Works Department, requesting the landfill records on tonnage received to date. The Corporation Counsel gave the Executive Board m~bers a draft of the Golf Pro Contract, stating he had scme concerns with a couple of it~ns, and asking that they review it for discussion at the next meeting. On other matters, Attorney Sullivan stated that he had received a check in the amount of $2000 from the insurance c~pany in payment for damages to the wall at the Christian Lane Cemetery. He said that the amount requested and paid was based on a quotation received from Lupia Renovating for the repairs. Attorney Sullivan said he felt the repair work should go to bid, notifying Lupia Renovating so that they can also sukm~t a bid. Regarding the IPC, the Corporation Counsel said that the Town has to hold a public hearing, giving residents 60 days notice before the hearing. He suggested that the hearing be part of a Special Town Meeting as the Town Meeting is the legislative body that has to give approval. Notice would have to be given 60 days in advance to ccmply with the public hearing requirement and then again the specified number of days for Town Meeting notice. Attorney Sullivan and Janes D'Errico left the meeting at 8:15 Old Business Refuse Pick-Up: Condc~iniums Mayor Peters moved to leave this item on the table, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Display of Flags on Farmington Avenue Mayor Peters said that he had contacted Sebastian Amenta, Chairman of the Veterans Advisory C~',~¥~ttee, to request that this group meet to look into the proposal. He said that Mr. Amenta stated he would call a meeting within the next w~ek and would advise him of their findings. New Business Correspondence from City of Bristol Mayor Peters moved to support the resolution adopted by the city Council of Bristol dealing with State mandated binding arbitration laws for municipalities and requesting that a similar resolution be. drafted by Berlin and foz-warded to our State legislators, with a copy back to Bristol, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Letter frcm BerlinWCC to New Britain Board of Water Cc~ssioners The Mayor said that this was more for informatiomal purposes than action. He said that in the letter Jack Ross, Manager of the Water Control Department, stated that the Town would pay the unexpected surcharge billing for water and the interest amount but not the penalty amount, as that was deemed to be unjustified. No action taken. It~n for Agenda for Special Town Meeting Mayor Peters moved to add a budget transfer request in the amount of $15,000, Water Control C~','~',{ssion, from account #643-1393-216-0000 (Retained Earnings) to account ~643-189-000-0000 (New Construction) to the agenda of the February 7th Special Town Meeting, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Board and Co~nissionMatters Youth ServicesAdvisoryBoard: Mayor Peters asked that the Executive Board not act on letter of resignation from the Youth Services AdvisoryBoard, suhnittedbyJohn Baccaro, until more information is received onthematter. Mayor Peters moved to remove Sheila King as a ms,her of the Board, as recc~nended in a letter from Lida Huggins, Chairman, as Ms. King has expressed a desire to be removed but has not sul~tted a letter of resignation as requested, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. -3- Historian: Mayor Peters moved to accept a letter of resignation from John Darrow as Historian for the Town, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed u~animous ly. Finance Mayor Peters moved to add a letter from Mary Jane Engle, Health Director, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanin~usly. Mayor Peters moved to approve fee revisions as follows, requested by the Health Director, for permits for well drilling, septic tank installation, and septic tank repairs, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously: Well Drilling Permit increased from $1.00 to $25.00 Septic Installation increased from $5.00 to $50.00 Septic Repairs increased from $5.00 to $25.00 These rates will go into effect April 1, 1991. Budget Transfers Mayor Peters moved to approve a request from A1 Hawkins, Superintendent of the Golf course, in the amount of $14,000 to purchase a cc~puter hardware, software and training for a cc~puter system at the golf course and restaurant, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade. In the discussion that followed, Deputy Mayor Tiezzi said that he felt the system was a good idea, but he was not in favor of moving the item until some things are straightened out, namely that the pro shop and restaurant should share the cost of expenses as they will benefit greatly frcm the system. Deputy Mayor McQuade said that she agreed with the Deputy Mayor's stat~nents. The Mayor said that he felt it was premature to put the restaurant on at this time. The vote was unanimous to oppose the request. Mayor Peters then moved to t_m. hle the request, pending elimination of the restaurant and more information on the · sharing of costs, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve a request that he made in the amount of $1955 to furnish and install a Public Address System in the Meeting Ro~m of the Town hall, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to approve a tax refund for Gelco Corp. in the amount of $26.23, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Correspom~ence F.Y.I. Discussion, no action taken. -4- Board and C~-~;-Jssion Matters Continued Planning Cc~mission: Mayor Peters moved to appoint Joan Carey as an Alternate on the Planning Cc~nission, for a term to run until Jan,,a~y 31, 1996, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Zoning Commission: Mayor Peters moved to appoint Dcminic Yovino as an Alternate on the Zoning C~,{ssion, for a term to run until January 31, 1996, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to appoint Nisar Mian to fill an unexpired term as an Alternate on the Zoning C~.,,~ssion until January 31, 1994, seconded There was a discussion about the vacancies remaining on the various boards and cc~missions. Finance Continued Department Budqet Review: Fiscal Year 1991-92 The Executive Board reviewed the School Expenses Budget (2861) as presented by the School Depa~-~,~nt. The Board c~t the Contractual Services, Excess Special Grants, dental supplies lin~ items. In addition, the Capital Purchases and Projects line item was cut from a requested $734,251 to $298,950. Due to the length of the great number of itmms being requested, the Mayor asked the Deputy Mayors for the latitude to make further cuts in the Equipment Request portion of this line item, if he felt they w~re justified. As both were in agreement, Mayor Peters moved to approve th~ reductions as presented, with the possibility of reducing the Capital Purchases and Projects line item further, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to adj°urn the meeting at 9:20 p.m., seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. -5-