1990/07/24APPROVED EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING July 24, 1990 Mayor Robert Peters called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Present w~re Deputy Mayor Karen McQuade, Deputy Mayor Angelo Tiezzi, Dr. John P. McIntosh-Chairman Finance Board, James D'Errico-Personnel Director, A1 Gerdis, Bob Weiss, Erin Martin-Courant reporter, Elisa Hutcoe-Herald reporter, and Janice Serafino-Executive Secretary. Approval of Minutes Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of July 10, seconded byDeputyMayorMc~ade, passed unanimously. -Recapitulation of Minutes 1990 as written, No action taken. Audience of Citizens No one present wished to speak. Personnel Purchasing Matters Mr. D'Errico said that he had two matters that had to be taken in Executive Session. ' Corporation Counsel Mayor Peters said that Attorney Sullivan was at the Inland-Wetlands CCmlnission meeting and would be into the Executive Board meeting later in the evening. The Mayor said that there were a couple of items that could be taken up before Attorney Sullivan joined them. One was to sign a lien release in the amount of $3945.40 paid byJohn Rzeplinski for property located at 61 Worthington Ridge. Deputy MayorMcQuade moved to authorize Mayor Peters to sign the lien release, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters said the second item was the renewal of the lease with Churchill BradleyJr. for the use of the barn at Timberlin Golf Course. The Mayor said that there were two differences in this lease, one being that the Town would no longer pay Mr. Bradley $120 a year for water as he is no longer supplying the Town with it, and this lease will give the Town first option to purchase Mr. Bradley'sentire Property when he decides to sell. Mayor Peters said that his only concern with the option portion is that it only gives the Town 30 days to make a decision and he would rather see a 90 day time ~rame. He said that he would like to see the lease approved for signing and see if Mr. Bradley would agree to extending the 30 days to 90 days. Mayor Peters moved to approve the renewal of the lease with Churchill Bradley's barn at Timberlin Golf course to run until June 30, 1995, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Old Business Old Peck Library Mayor Peters said that the representatives of the Historical Society and Chamber of Commerce will be cc~ng into the meeting at 8:00 ~m. Delinquent Taxes To r~ain on the table. _Sage Park Lighting Mayor Peters moved to remove this item from the table, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Upon recc~m~_ndation of the Park and Recreation Cc~ssion, Mayor Peters moved to approve the use of Rate 30 for the lighting of the football/soccer field at Sage Park, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Town Owned Property-Lot 65 To remain on the table. _Acceptance of Gift to Berlin -~mior Cen~e~r Mayor Peters ~oved to accept the gift of an Apple II Computer system and a letter quality printer to the Berlin Senior Center fr~n Mr. and Mrs. William A. McQueeney of Butternut Lane, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Park and Recreatkn Action was taken on the following items by the Park and Recreation Oa~,,.{ssion and forward_ed to the Executive Board for approval: Mayor Peters moved to waive the facility fee and deposit fee for the Berlin Fire Department to use the picnic pavilion at Sage Park on Saturday, August 4th, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed Mayor Peters moved to waive the fees for pool passes for the visiting German students, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Deputy Mayor Tiezzi moved to allc~ Swim Skin to sell swiaming gear at the Junior Swim Team Championship at Percival Pool on August 4th and 5th, seconded by Mayor Peters, passesd unanimously. -2- Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to approve the selling of food by the Berlin High School Senior class and the Midget Football League at their hc~e football games at Sage Park, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to approve the selling of program brochures by the Swim Team Booster Club at the Junior Swim Team Championships at Percival Pool on August 4th and 5th, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to allow the Berlin Youth Soccer Association and the Kiwanis Club Soccer Jamboree to use Sage Football and Sage Auxiliary fields on September 29th with a rain date of October 13th, providing there is no B.H.S. football game scheduled for that date, and to grant permission for food to be sold, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Deputy Mayor Tiezzi moved to approve the Swedish and Italian Club Golf Tournament at Timberlin Park on a non-conflicting Sunday in October, with full green fees, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to approve a refund in the amount of $175 for an Unrestricted Senior Season Ticket at Timberlin Golf Course to Elaine Verheyen, due to illness, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Dues and Conferences and Meal Allotments Mayor Peters said that everything proposed is the same as was approved in 1988 with the exception that he was asking that the allowances for travel costs to national conferences be increased frcm $200 to $250 to reflect the increased costs of air fares. After a brief discussion, Mayor Peters moved to approve the revised schedule for Dues, Conferences and Meal Allotments, secoDz]ed by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. B.C.I. Ground Water Exploration: Well Drilling Bids Deputy Mayor Tiezzi moved to award the contract for Bedrock Groundwater Exploration to the apparent iow bidder, S.B. Church in the amount of $28,248, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. ~mplo~ee Request Mayor Peters referred to a letter from employees of the Building Maintenance Department requesting permission to use funds in the amount of $173.20 to purchase a microwave oven for their depaz-h-~-~nt. The employees stated that they had saved the n~ney over a period of two years by saving scrap copper from plumbing jobs. The cleaning and separating of copper was done on the employees' personal time. U -3- Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to allow the employees to use the money raised to purchase a microwave oven, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Deputy Mayor Tiezzi said that the employees should be sent a letter cu,,,ending th~n for their actions. Mayor Peters and Deputy Mayor McQuade agreed unanimously. Award for Bond Anticipation Notes Mayor Peters moved to accept the recc~mendation of Treasurer Nancy Lockwood and make the following awards for bond anticipation notes, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously: Lot A - $600,000.00, Dated 8/1/90 and Due 8/1/91 - $200,000 Seymour Road (Series C) - $400,000 Library To Bank of Boston Connecticut, interest rate of 5.97%, Premium of $2.00. Lot B-$1,900,000.00 Dated 8/1/90 and Due 6/28/91 - $300,000 Griswold School - $100,000 Sidewalks - $1,500,000 Willard School (Series B) To Fleet Bank, $1,000,000, interest rate of 5.89%, no Pr~nium; and To Central Bank, $900,000, interest rate of 5.97%, Premium of $3.32. Board and Cc~ssions No action taken. Finance Budget Transers and/orAppropriatiom~ Deputy Mayor Tiezzin~ved to approve a transfer within the Water Control Department Budget in the amount of $5200 to meet expenses caused by a water main break in a line serving Northeast Utilities, seconded byDeputyMayorMcQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve a request from the Superintendent of Building Maintenance, Richard Russell, to hold over funds in the amount of $5300 frc~n the last fiscal year, to cc~plete the project of lining the planters in front of Town Hall, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve a request of James Simons, Chief Mechanic, to transfer funds in the amount of $130.00 to ~ccount #101-2335-121-252 to meet fiscal year obligations due to machine shop costs c~ning in higher than anticipated, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. -4- Mayor Peters moved to approve a request of James Simons to transfer fuD~s in the amount of $1000 be transferred into account #I01-2335-121-233 to cover higher than anticipated volume of repairs to equi~ze~nt, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve a request of Mary Jane Engle, Health Director, in the amount of $1000 to purchase supplies for the her office, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve a request of Charles Karno, Econc~/c Development Director, for funds in the amount of $4000 to be used to conduct a land survey for potential road improvement, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Mr. Karno indicated that this survey will assist in keeping an existing industrial entity in Town and will provide the fran~work for bringing other ventures into Town. Tax Refund Mayor Peters moved to refund taxes in the amount of $210 to Benedict Gagliardi for a Veterans Exemption not previously given, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unani~Dusly. No action taken. Old Business Old Peck Library At 8:07 the following individuals joined the Executive Board to discuss this issue: Historical Society: Cynthia Wilcox and Peg Sandquist; Chamber of Cc~r~rce: Richard Olson and Donald Ward. Mayor Peters moved to remove this item from the table for discussion, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Mayor thanked the representatives of the two groups for cc~g in to discuss the possible utilization of the old Peck Library building by both. He asked Cindy Wilcox what the Historical Society was tentatively planning for the building. She said that they were planning a museum to display the historical items manufactured in Berlin that they have collected and w~uld need some office space. She said they were flexible as to locations within the building. Rick Olson, President of the Chamber, said that they would be interested in sharing the building with the Society and would like to discuss the best way of allocating the use of the building. Mr. Olson said that he was sure there was rocm for agreement on both sides. Deputy Ma.yor Mc~__de asked what the evening meeting schedules of beth organlzatzons were. Mrs. Wilcox said that the Society has monthly -5- evening meetings and Mr. Olson said the Chamber has been meeting at lunch time. Deputy Mayor Tiezzi asked when the lease the Chamber of Oa~,,erce has on with their present landlord expires. Mr. Olson said August or September of 1991. He said that he thought there was a lot of discussion going on based on the idea that sc~ething was going to happen. The Deputy Mayor said that he felt the Town should retain the building for its own future use as the Town Hall would be bursting at the seams in a couple of years. He said he had respect for both groups but felt there was need for more study before leasing the building. The Deputy Mayor brought up the fact that the Chamber had looked at locations in the center of Town before relocating to the Wilbur Cross Highway but had not opted to lease one. Mayor Peters said that he agreed with s~ne of what Deputy Mayor Tiezzi said. He said that the Town would retain ownership and offer a lease of perhaps five years. The Mayor said that he could not foresee the Town Hall needing more space due to an increase in the number of employees within the next five years due to the econ~. The Mayor said he would rather lease the building instead of leaving it vacant, putting a strain on the departments responsible for maintenance of Town buildings and grounds. Mayor Peters said he would support an agreement between the Chamber and the Historical Society for the joint use of the building. He suggested that beth groups draft an agreement acceptable to both and present it to the Town. Deputy Mayor McQuade said since she had suggested the idea of a museum to the Historical Society originally, she was in total support. She said it would be a shame not to display the artifacts in such a beautiful building. She said that with the Chamber offices located in the same building the history of the Town would be on display for individuals and businesses cc~ing into Berlin or expressing an interest in locating here. Therefore, she was in total support of joint use of the old library by both groups. Donald Ward said that he took exception with a statement made by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi concerning the Chamber looking at locations in the center of Town. He said that he did not recall that. The Deputy Mayor said that there was a cc~ttee locking at locations and they b~d looked at his building. Mr. Ward said that it evidently did not fit the needs of the Chamber. Mayor Peters said that he would like to go on record as in support of the concept of the Chamber and the Historical Society jointly occupying the old Peck Library and ask the other members of the Executive Board to do so, too. -6- Deputy Mayor Tiezzi said he would like it noted that he was personally against it and felt the Town should retain 100% of the building for its own use. Deputy Mayor McQuade said she was in support of the two groups occupying the building and felt it would be an asset to the Town. Cynthia Wilcox asked if there was a time frame they should be working within and what type of rent figure should they expect? Mayor Peters said that speaking as one member of the Board he would like to see a reasonable return for the Town. He said the Town would be a reasonable landlord. The members of both groups left the meeting at 8:55 ~m. Corporation Counsel Attorney Sullivan discussed several open items with the Executive Board. Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 9:00 ~m to discuss an agreemant betw~_n the Town and the City of New Britain, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade. Erin Martin, Hartford Courant reporter asked if it was a contract. Mayor Peters said that he was asking Corporation Counsel to give an interpretation of an agreement as litigation could result. The Corporation Counsel was asked to remain. There was a brief discussion on the old Worthington School owned by the Historical Society. Mayor Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 9:20, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. No action taken. Mayor Peters moved to add a discussion of the Berlin High School Graduation Party to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters explained the problems that the parents who ran the party w~re having with the State Department of Special P~venue Services. He asked Executive Board approval for Attorney Sullivan to accc~pany the parents to a Ccmpliance Hearing on August 1st. Deputy Mayor Tiezzi moved to allow Attorney Sullivan to assist the parents, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters told the Deputy Mayors that there was a meeting scheduled for August 7th that they should consider canceling if there was no important business to transact. He said that he would be on vacation that week. -7- Mayor Peters then moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:27 ~m, seconded by Deputy Mayor MoQuade, passed unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Janice Serafino, Executive Secretary -8-