1990/06/19APPROVED EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING June 19, 1990 Mayor Robert Peters called the meeting to order at 7:00 tmn. Present were Deputy Karen McQuade, Deputy Mayor Angelo Tiezzi, Dr. John P. McIntosh-Finance Board Chaiman, Jim D' Errico-Personnel/Purchasing Director, and Janice Serafino-Secretary. Approval of Minutes Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of June 12, 1990 as written, seconded byDeputyMayorMcQuade, passed unanimously. Recapitulation of Minutes No action taken. Audience of citizens John Rzeplinski of 61 Worthington Ridge came before the Executive Board to appeal the interest charges that have accrued, over a fifteen year period, on an unpaid lien on his father's house. Mayor Peters said that he had been made aware of the situation by the Social Service Deparh~/nt and was the result of general assistance that had been given to Mr. Rzeplinski's parents. He said that under State Statutes the Executive Board has the right to waive the interest fees. He said that he did not feel that an interest cha~x3e of $1500 over a fifteen year period was a lot of interest. Mr. Rzeplinski said that the had never been made aware of the lien against the property when his father died. He said that at that time he had come to the Town Hall and paid all outstanding bills/taxes owed by his father, but was never informed of the lien, which he would have paid that time, too. He said for this reason he was requesting that the interest charges be waived, and was willing to pay the amount of the lien in full. Mayor Peters told Mr. Rzeplinski that if he was not informed of the lien at the time he requested all of his father's outstanding bills, he had a valid point. The Mayor then moved to t_mble the matter pending further investigation, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters then thanked Mr. Rzeplinski for ccming in and told him that he would be in touch with him. Mr. Rzeplinski left the n~eting at 7:08 ~n. Personnel/PurchasinqMatters Mr. D'Errico brought the following items before the Executive Board: 1. f~ployee Termination Form: Mayor Peters moved to approve termination pay in the a~ount of $442.56 for Robert Hannon, part time employee in the Town Clerk's office, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Mayor explained that Mr. Hannon was a third year law student and had been offered a job in a law firm. He said that he would propose to send a letter to him thanking him for the work he has done in the Town Clerk's office. The Mayor said that he has nothing but the highest praise for Mr. Hannon's abilities and the type of work he has done while ~%~31oyed by the Town. 2. Signs for Golf Course: Mayor Peters said that Paul Veneziano of the Greens C~-~¥~ttee had met with him and Mr. D' Errico to present a proposal on signs for the holes at the golf course. He said that the previous Executive Board had approved the purchase of signs from two different ccmpanies, both of which have gone out of .business. The Mayor said that the Greens Oh¥,-~-,ittee would like to take over the project, and have a proposal to go with a cu~any that uses granite stones, with businesses purchasing stones with their name carved in the stone as an advertisement. He said that there would be no cost to the Town and would be a nice addition to the course. Mayor Peters said that the Cc~nittee was ready to go ahead but was looking to the Executive Board for endorsement before ordering. The Mayor then moved to approve the project as proposed by the Greens Cu~,~,{ttee, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Deputy Mayor Tiezzi asked if anyone knew where the old signs were, as he thought that some of the golfers might like to purchase th~m. Mayor Peters said that he thought they were all rotten and had been disposed of. Old Business Old Peck Library and Delinquent Taxes to remain on the table. CCARC Request to be taken up under New Business, Park and Recreation C~t.~J ssion Items. New Business Park and Recreation cc~ission It,s ~ of June 19,1990 frc~ Stephen Kelly, Director of Recreational Service, regarding the following Park and Recreation C~ssion actions: 1. CCARC Request: Mayor Peters moved to remove this item fr~,the table, seconded by DeputyMayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Mayor moved to approve the action of the Cu,,,~ssion: to allow the drinking of beer at the CCARC Tournament and to deny the waiver of the golf fees for this Tournament and the Kiniry Golf Tournament, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi. In a discussion that follow~d, Mayor Peters said that the Park and Recreation Cu~,,~{ssion had come up with a system of fee charges that was uniform, as requested by the Executive Board. -2- He said to vote against them now would be to vote against what we, the Executive Board, told them to do. Dr. McIntosh said that he disagreed with the new policy and that he felt there were three groups to consider when charging fees for tournaments: residents/non-residents, service clubs, and charitable organizations. He said that the charitable organizations, such as CCARC, should have fees waived because all money made is given to people who could not do a particular thing on their own, such as sending a child to s%m~er camp. The vote was two in favor with Deputy Mayor McQuade voting in opposition. A1 C~rdis joined the meeting at 7:15 txa. 2. Mayor Peters moved to approve the the Cc~¥~ssion's action to allow the Berlin Youth Soccer Association to hold Soccer Sunday on September 9th from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm, with a rain date of Sept~nber 16th, to sell food on these dates, and to waive the retainer fee for the use of the picnic pavilion at Sage Park, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed.unanimously. 3..Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to approve the C~,~,~ssion's action to waive the pool pass fees for two families f~¥L Berlin who are participating in the Fresh Air Fund, taking disadvantaged children from the Bronx, New York, into their homes for a two week period, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. 4. Mayor Peters moved to approve the Cc~mission's action to allow the Swim Team Booster Club to sell food at all hcme team swim meets and at the Junior Championship meets the Town is sponsoring this year, seconded byDeputyMayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Fr~m the memo dated June 18th: 1. Mayor Peters moved to approve the Cc~nission's action to allow the Berlin Babe Ruth League to hold the Babe Ruth District 7 Tournaments at Percival Field fr~nJuly 7-15th and to sell food during the Tournaments and d[%ring the course of the season, seconded byDeputyMayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. 2. Mayor Peters moved to approve the C~nnission's action to allow the Berlin Men's Softball League to hold the A.S.A. Northern District Tournament B & C Class at Sage Park on July 6-Sth, July 13-15th, (rain dates of July 20-22nd), and to sell food at the Tournament, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. 3. Mayor Peters moved to approve the Cc~nission's action to allow the Berlin Men's Softball League to hold A.S.A. Men's State Class C Finals at Sage Park on July 27-29th, (rain dates of August 3-5th), and to sell food at the Tournament, seconded by DeputyMayor Tiezzi passed unanimously. ' -3- 4. Mayor Peters moved to approve the Cu,,~,{ssion's action to allcw the Berlin Men's Softball League to hold the A.S.A. Wcmen's Class A Regionals at Sage Park on August 10-12th, (rain dates of August ' 17-19th), and to sell food at the Tournament, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. 5. Mayor Peters moved to table the request of the Men's Softball League to place sponsor signs on the outfield fences of the softball fields at Sage Park pending a discussion with representatives regarding uniformity of signs and upkeep, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Discussion of Town Owned Property Mayor Peters said that the property he was referring to was the 8.17 acres located behind Marjorie M~ore Village. He said that there were two and one half acres that were not located in wetlands and would like to propose deeding this to the Housing Authority for a possible 25 more units of senior housing, regardless of whether the Town purchases the Orcutt property. After a brief discussion Mayor Peters moved to write a letter to the Housing Authority stating that the Executive Beard was receptive to asking the Towns people to turn over this parcel of land to the Housing Authority, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Boards and C~-~¥,{ssions No action required. Finance ..Budget Transfers and/or Requests Mayor Peters said that he had used the emergency powers of the Mayor's office to authorize payment of s~,,~r help for the last tw~weeks in June in the Golf Course/Public Grounds Department in the amount of $2000. The request to keep a full crew on these last weeks was necessitated byweather and the fact that the Public Grotunds division had one position vacant for several weeks due to prc~otion and subsequent advertising, recruitment and interviewing. He said he was asking for the backing of the Executive Board and moved to approve a budget transfer in the amotunt of $2000, transferring funds frc~ the Starter/Ranger account to the Su,u~r Help account, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Additions to the Agenda Mayor Peters moved to add the awarding twocontracts to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. 1. Mayor Peters moved to award the contract for Bituminous Concrete Sidewalks, PW 90-04, to Martin Laviero Contractor, Inc., low bidder, in the amount of $19,040, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. -4- 2. Mayor Peters moved to award the contract for fencing between McGee School and the adjacent Knoph property on Norton Road to A & A Fencing Co. in the amDunt of $4,558.75, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade. In a discussion that follow~d, Deputy Mayor Tiezzi asked if there were any other bids frc~ Berlin on the project. Mayor Peters said that there was one verbal quote and a quote from another cc~pany was never received. The motion was passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to add two purchases from the T.I.P. Account to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. 1. Mayor Peters said that an Employee Awards suggestion had been sut~tted to purchase eye wash units for various deparh,~nts, with the individual (s) su~tting the suggestion receiving an Employee Award. He said that he had discussed the merit of these units with several department heads where they would be of use. The consensus was that they would be valuable in the Water & Sewer, Municipal Garage, Highway, Public Building Maintenance, Golf Course and Public Grounds Departments. The Mayor then moved to purchase six Safety Eye Wash units to be placed in these departments frc~ the T.I.P. Account, at a cost of $100 each, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. 2. Mayor Peters said that the chair in the Health Director's office was old and torn and would be sold at the Town auction. He said tb~t he had a new chair, valued at approximately $250 that he would be willing to sell to the Town for $150 for use in that office. Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to purchase the chair using funds frc~ the T.I.P. account in the amsunt of $150, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to add a discussion of the landfill fires to the ager~__~, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. The Mayor informed the Deputy Mayors that he and Steve Waznia, Fire Marshal, had met with representatives of New Britain and D.E.P. that morning. He said that they had seen the pictures taken during the fly-over on May 28th showing that the fires were still burning in the Manafort and New Britain landfills. The Mayor said that New Britain has contracted with a firm from Texas to get instructions on h~w to put out their fire. Mayor DeFronzo said that New Britain has spent over $135,000 to date attempting to extinguish the fire, without success. He said that the Fire Marshal was to meet on Friday with New Britain representatives. Mayor Peters moved to add a discussion of the items from the Carn's house to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Mayor said that he had located the barn on Kensington Road where the items are supposedly stored. He said that he has turned this matter over to Roger Gaudio, Zoning Inspector, to follow up on and to see if the owner would allow someone from the Town to look in the barn. The Mayor said that he had also spoken with ~il Carlson, former Building Inspector, who said that he had not considered the items to be -5- of any value when removed fi-~-,-, the Carn's house and stored in the barn. Adjournment Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. to allow the msmbers of the Executive Board to attend the Police Cc~mission meeting, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. -6-