1990/06/12EXECUITVE BOARD MEETING June 12, 1990 Mayor Peters called the meeting to order at 7:00 ~xn. Present were Deputy Mayor McQuade, Deputy Mayor Angelo Tiezzi, Captain Larry Schubert-Police Department, James D'Errico-Personnel Director, Jim Simons-Chief Mechanic, John Pollack-Hartford Courant reporter, Andrew Soltysik-Herald reporter, and Janice Serafino-Secretary. Approval of Minutes Deputy Mayor McQuade noted the following corrections to be made in the minutes of June 5, 1990: - page 1, last paragraph, line one, "Deputy McQuade" should be "Deputy Mayor McQuade"; - page 2, "liability", last word on page, not copying; - page 3, Appointments to Boards and Cc~xnissions, paragraph one, second sentence, "Karen McQuade" should be "Deputy Mayor McQuade" for consistency in minutes; - page 4, Budget Transfers, paragraph 3, "Deputy McQuade" should be "Deputy Mayor McQuade"; - page 4, Budget Transfers, under Fire Board request for funds in amount of $8300, motion cmitted frcm minutes. Mayor Peters said it should have included the motion as follows: Motion made by Mayor Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~a_~_e to approve funds in the ~nount of $8300 as requested by the Fire Board. This motion should have been in the minutes preceding the explanation for the request. Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes as corrected, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. _Recapitulation of Minutes No action taken. Audience of citizens No one present wished to bring anything to the Board. Personnel/Purchasing Matters James D'Errico, Personnel/Purchasing Director, said he had several items to bring before the Board: 1. He said that on February 13, 1990, he had presented a letter frc~ Carol P~ase of the Finance Department which informed the Executive Board that she was taking a course at OCSU and would be requesting tuition reimbursement upon successful ccmpletion. Mr. D'Errico said that she had cc~pleted the course and was requesting 50% reimburs~T~nt, under union contract, in the amount of $135.00. He said that she had su~tted the paper work to him showing successful ccmpletion of the course. Mayor Peters moved to approve tuition reimbursement in the amount of $135.00 to Carol Rease for successful completion of Accounting 3 at CCSU, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. 2. Mr. D'Errico said that the next item was the purchase of a lift for the garage. He said that there was $12,000 in the budget and were proposing to purchase one in the amount of $10,500. Mr. Simons explained the features of the the Rotary lift they were interested in purchasing. He said it was a four cylinder, drive on model. Mayor Peters asked how long it would take to put this out to bid. Mr. D'Errico said approximately 3-4 weeks. The Mayor asked Mr. Simons if he was requesting the Executive Board to waive the bid procedure. Mr. Simons said that this was based on the fact that he did not like scme of the features of the other lifts he had looked into, and that in his opinion the Rotary had the best safety features. Mayor Peters moved to waive the bid procedure, for the betterment of the Town, and purchase a lift for the Municipal Garage from Rotary Wheel Service Products in an amount not to exceed $10,500, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. 3. Mr. D'Errico said that in an attempt to get a better price, six pieces of equi~x~ent to be purchased for the Water/Sewer, Golf Course and Public Grounds Departments, had been presented as a package. He then showed tb~ Executive Board brochures detailing the items. He said that these pieces had a list price of $105,390 and that the McGovern Ccmpany had given a price of $85,900, will accept several pieces of equipment in trade, and will include at no charge a ball ~r and a flail attachment. Mayor Peters moved to purchase the equi[x~ent frem M~Govern at a price not to exceed $85,900, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi. In a discussion that followed Deputy Mayor Tiezzi asked if this would put these departments in shape, as far as equi~nent is concerned, for a while? Mr. D'Errico said that by getting the additional ball gro~mer and flail attachment the Town w~uld not have to purchase the~ next year as was planned. He said that these departments would be in good shape for a number of years with the purchases as presented. Deputy Mayor McQ~ade asked when they would be able to deliver and Mr. D'Errico said that most items were in stock. The vote was unanimously approved. A1 Gerdis entered the meeting at 7:15 Audience of citizens (Continued) Mayor Peters asked to return to this section of the meeting as A1 Gerdis was not present when this was taken up and he had some information for him on a question he had asked at the last meeting. The Mayor told Mr. Gerdis that he had been in touch with 5~il Carlson and was going to meet with him to find out if there are items from the Cairn's house still being held in storage. Mayor Peters -2- told Mr. Gerdis that when he finds out more information he will contact him. Old Business Old Peck Librar~ Mayor Peters referred to a letter from the Berlin Historical Society in which a proposal was made to the Executive Board to consider allowing them to use one half of the old Peck Library building. After a brief discussion the Mayor said that he would send a letter to the Society informing them that the Executive Board would take their request under advisement and will contact them to schedule a meeting to discuss the proposal. CCARC Request and Delinquent Taxes These tw~ items remain on the table. New Business Appointment of a Municipal Agent for the Eldmrly Mayor Peters moved to reappoint Antoinette Pajor as the Municipal Agent for the Elderly for the Town of Berlin and Ellen Burbridge as the Assistant Municipal Agent for terms to expire April 1, 1992, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. V.F.W. Waiver Request Mayor Peters moved to waive the building permit fee for the Jerry Smotrycz Post Veterans of Foreign Wars for their proposed new' building, based on the fact that it is a Veterans organization and that the Town will be the recipient of the building should the VFW ever terminate or disband, seconded by DeputyMayorMcQuade, passed unanimously. Bonding Resolution: Hubbard School Addition Mayor Peters asked that this not be taken up until word is received that the Board of Finance has acted on it at their meeting, being held at the same time as the Executive Board. Mayor Peters moved to approve the Tunxis Recycling Operating Cc~t~~e~nt (TNOC) and place it on the agenda for the next Special Town Meeting for adoption, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Yankee Peddlar Day. License Waiver -3- Mayor Peters moved to waive the vending license fee for all vendors registered with the Chamber of C~-~',~rce as participants in Yankee Peddlar Day, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. ISpecial Town Meetinq Mayor Peters moved to schedule a Special Town ~=eting for Thursday, June 21, 1990 at 7:00 p.m. in the Meeting Roc~ of the Town Hall, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Mayor then moved to place the following items on the agenda for that meeting, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade. The Mayor then said he would like to withdraw this motion as they still had not received word on the action of the Board of Finance regarding bonding for Hubbard School and therefore that item could not be placed on the agenda. Deputy Mayor McQuade withdrew her second to the motion. At this time Gary Clinton, Finance Director, and Joseph Fasi, Bonding Attorney for the Town, came to the Executive Board to report that the Board of Finance had approved a resolution for bonding for the Hubbard School addition and field renovation in the amount of $4,800,000. The Finance Director said that this amount was to be broken into two line items as follows: $4,400,000 for school construction and $400,000 for renovations and ~provements to the ball field. Mayor Peters then moved to approve the following resolution and place it on the agenda for the next Special Town Meeting for adoption: Resolution Appropriating $4,800,000 For The Planning, Acquisition And Construction Of Renovations And Improv~me_nts To Hubbard School And Authorizing The Issue Of $4,800,000 Bonds Of The Town To Meet Said Appropriation And Pending The Issue Thereof The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose. The motion was seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Special Town Meeting Mayor Peters moved to place the following items on the agenda for the June 21st Special Town Meeting, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously: 1. Budget Transfers: -$485,000 for Berlin High School windows; -$8,300 to incorporate the Fire Department Dispatch Radio into console; -$25,000 for Sewer System at Municipal Garage Ccmplex. 2. Resolution to authorize the Mayor to accept or reject a Local Capital /mprov~ent Grant from the State in the amount of $117,618. 3. TN0C Agreement 4. Bonding Resolution for Hubbard School Addition and Field renovation in the amount of $4,800,000. 5. Street Acceptances: Ga~ Acres Sections I and II. -4- Boards and C~,,~ssions Mayor Peters read a letter he received frc~ Jack Dennehy in which he suhnitted his resignation frcm the Finance Board, effective July 1, 1990. He said that the Executive Board did not have to act on his resignation as he is an elected official. How~ver, the Mayor said that he would send a letter to Mr. Dennehy c~,,~nding him for his years of service to the Town as a volunteer and wish him well in his retirement. Budget Transfers and/or Appropriations None Deputy Mayor Mc~ade moved to approve a tax refund to John Pajor in the amount of $282.76, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. Additions to Agenda 1. Mayor Peters moved to add a letter from Ed Haber, Assistant Fire Marshal, to the agenda for discussion, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Mayor said that Mr. Haber, presently Assistant Fire Marshal, will be terminating employment with the Town on June 21st, ending a long career with the Town of Berlin. Mayor Peters said that he would send a letter to Ed thanking him for his many years of service and wishing him well in his retirement. 2. Mayor Peters moved to add a report from the Volunteer C~-,~morative C~,,,{ttee, seconded by Deputy Mayor Teizzi, passed unanimously. Chairman Ed Haber said that the C~,,,{ttee bad finalized their plans for a Volunteer Montm~nt to be built in front of the Town Hall. He had attached drawings of the proposed brick base, sundial and plaque. Mr. Haber said that the estimated cost for the project is $2,825. He said the consensus of the Cc~mittee was that it was only proper that the money for this project be funded by the Finance Board and the Town of Berlin, as it would not be proper to ask volunteers to raise money for their own monument. Mayor Peters moved to accept the rec(mmendations of the C~,,~ttee and sukmit a budget change in the amount of $3000 to the Board of Finance for their consideration, seconded Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, pas. sed unanimously. 3. Mayor Peters moved to add a discussion of the responsibilities of the Conservation C~,,,,{ssion regarding recycling to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor Y~Quade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters said that he had spoken with the Chairman of the C~,~,{ssion, Jean Perry Phillips, and she had asked for something in writing from the Executive Board detailing the responsibilities of the Conservation Cc~mission on recycling. -5- The Mayor said that he felt their responsibilities should be all aspects of recycling required it~as, educating the residents, collecting items, delivery to an IPC. He said that there were many questions to be answered on how to handle the pick up of these items, purchasing trucks, extending the Trash-Away contract or possibly scme other way. Mayor Peters said that if the Deputy Mayors were in agreement with his views on the responsibilities he would make a motion establishing the duties of the Conservation Cc~zission. As there was no objection, the Mayor moved to ask the Conservation C~',,,,{ssion to determine the steps the citizens of Berlin should take in recycling all of the required items frum home to curb to an IPC, including all aspects such as the most cost effective method of getting the items to the IPC, education of residents and businesses, and all public relation matters, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Mayor said that Ms. Phillips has agreed to act as an alternate to Joseph Paskiewicz, as a representative of Berlin to TROC. 4. Mayor Peters moved to add discussion of an interdepartmental billing c~-~,,,{ttee to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. The Mayor said that there had been some interest expressed in establishing a cc~nittee to consider interdepartmental billing and the possibility of waiving fees. He said he thought the oa,,,,{ttee should include representation frcm the Executive Board, Board of Education, Finance Board, Police Department and Park and Recreation Oa,u,{ssion. Deputy Mayor Tiezzi said that he would serve as the representative fr~m the Executive Board. Mayor Peters moved to appoint a cc~m%ittee, cc~posed of the following representatives, to look into interdepartmental billing- - Board of Education (2) - Executive Board (1) - Board of Finance (2) - Police Department (t) - Park and Recreation Cc~mission (1) naming Deputy Mayor Tiezzi to serve as the Chairman until one is chosen by the oa,,,~ittee, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Mayor said he would send a preliminary letter to the groups involved. Correspondence F.Y. I. No action taken. At 8:20 p.m. Mayor Peters asked that the Board take a short break. -6- The Board resumed the meeting at 8:31 ~n. Executive Session Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 8:32 pm to discuss personnel appointments, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mr. D'Errico was asked to remain. Mayor Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 9:05 ~m, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Tne following action was taken as a result of discussions in Executive Session: Mayor Peters moved to appoint Douglas Truitt as Youth Services Director, effective July 1, 1990, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to appoint Robert Siegrist as Maintainer II in the .Public Grounds Depa~U,~nt, and to keep the following ll.cant's names active for six months: Wayne next (~.lcz, and c~_ry Job3,son, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanun0us ly. Mr. D'Errico left the meeting at 9:07 pm. Boards and Cc~missions Continued Deputy Mayor Tiezzi moved to appoint Frederick J. Sorbo III to serve as an Alternate on the Water Control C~-~;-mission, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. This term will run until 1992. Addition to Age. n~ Mayor Peters moved to add a letter from the Superintendent of Schools dealing with the storage of Willard School library books at the Peck Library to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve the request to store books frown the Willard School library in the Peck Library during construction ~f the addition to the school, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi passed unanimously. ' Corporation Counsel Attorney Sullivan, Corporation Counsel, joined the m-=eting at 9:12 pm. Mayor Peters referred to a claim presented by Michael Chase to the Town for payment of damages to his automobile as a result of conditions on one of the Town roads. He said that Morgan Seelye had looked into the matter and agreed that the Town had a responsibility to pay for damages not covered by his insurance. The Mayor said that Attorney Sullivan had drawn up a waiver for Mr. Chase to sign. Mayor Peters moved to approve payment of the claim in the amount of $200, pending -7- the signing of the waiver by Mr. Chase, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tiezzi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 9:15 ~x~ to discuss a potential suit against the Town, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. The Corporation Counsel was asked to remain. Mayor Peters moved to Exit E~ecutive Session at 9:25 F~n. No action taken. Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 ~, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. ~, spectfu.lly ~j ~ed, . / uanlce Serafino, Executes Secretary -8-