1989/09/19KAREN M. McQUADE TOWN OF BERLIN TOWN HALL · BERLIN, CONN. 06037 ROBERT J. PETERS ~ 19, 1989 JAMES I. MCNAIR office of the Mayor I. Call to Order II. III. IV. V. VI. A. Approval of M/nutes: Se~ 12, 1989 7:00 p.m. Audience of citizens , Recapitulation of Minutes Person%el/Purchasing Matters Corporation Counsel Old BusiD~sS A. B. C. Lift: Municipal C~rage ?.'; hrary Dedication Charter Draft Revisions: Add Recall Provision Set Meeting w~th C~m,{ssion New Business A. Appointments to Boards and Cc~missi~ B. Athletic Fields ~_,b__hard School C. United Nations Day D. Pension Investment Reo~,~tions E. Berlin Youth Soccer P~quest Finance A. Budget Transfers ~and/or Appropriations 1. Tabled Item for Police Contracts B. Tax Befunds Agenda Se~ 19, 1989 Page 2 IX. Executive Sessio~ A. Proposed T~nd Acquisitions APPROVED EXEO3ITVEBOA~DMEETING September 19, 1989 Mayor Robert Peters called the n~eting to order at 7:00 pm. Present were Deputy Mayor Karen McQuade, Deputy Mayor J~es McNair, James D'Errico, and Dr. John P. McIntosh. Approval'of Minutes Deputy McO3_ade pointed out that on Page five, line three, "pesent" should be corrected to read "present". Deputy Mayor McNair said that on page four, under.Corporation Counsel, paragraph two "it" should be "if". Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes as corrected, secoD~ed by Deputy Mayor McO~ade, passed unanimously. A:_~_ience of citizens Recapitulation of Minutes No action taken. Perscnnei/Purchasing Matters The foll~ing items were taken up under Personnel/Purchasing: 1. Mayor Peters moved to remove the budget request to fund the Police Contract frc~,~ the table, seconded by Deputy Mayor M~l~_~.e, passed James D'Errico, Personnel Director, presented a revised figure to the Executive Board. He said that he did not like the idea of the Social Security being included in the figure. Mayor Peters moved to approve the transfers in the amount of $183,391 with $106,000 of that figure already in the budget, seconded by Deputy Mayor McNair, passed unan/mo%mly. 2. Mayor Peters moved to appoint Joan Sullivan as Assistant Dog Warden, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. 3. Four-Wheel Drive Pick-up Trucks for Golf Course and C~__rage: Mr. D'Errico said that as reported last week the bids came in $6300 over budget, however, as also stated, there was $10,000 budgeted in the Building Depai~,~nt for a new vehicle. He said that he and the Mayor had conferred with the building inspector and chief mechanic and a decision has been made to paint and put into shape two of the Plyn~uth cruisers turned in by the Police Department, and give the~ to the Building Inspector and his assistant, with the Building Inspector's car going to the Zoning Inspector. This will give this Department decent vehicles and free the $10,000 to be used towards the truck purchases. Tb~ surplus funds from this account will be turned back to tb~ Town at the end of the fiscal year. Deputy Mayor McNair moved to approve the budget transfers from this account for the purchase of the two four wheel vehicles for the Golf Course and Highway Depa~'~nt, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~,~e, p~d unanimously. 4. Mayor Peters moved to add an additional expenditure fi-Q,, tb~ T.I.P. Account to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor McNair, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve an expenditure of approximately $2400 from t_he T.I.P. Account for renovations to the Assessor's office, ~seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~aa_~_e, passed unanimously. These renovations will be to cut a door into Dick Feegel's new office and to carpet the office behiD~ the counter. 5. Budget Cha~ge-~ing Maintenance Department: Mayor Peters moved to app~-ove a budget request in the ~m~unt of $8,620 to fund a 20 hour a week custodial position for one year, seconded by Deputy Mayor McO:_ade, passed unanimously. Two thirds of this cost will be reimbursed by:the Golf Pro add CoD~essionaire at tb~ Course, as this custodian works at the clubhouse f;-cm-~ approximately March to Deoanber. 6. Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 7: 46 ~u to discuss a Personnel matter, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Present were r~mbers of the Executive Board and Jim D'Errioo, Personnel Director. Mayor Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 8:04 ~n, ~ed by Deputy Mayor Mc~:_ade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to appoint George Fiske to a Custodial position, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Atty. Sullivan, Corporation Counsel, joined the meeting at 8:05 ~m. 7. Lift-Municipal Garage: Mayor Peters moved to remove this ite~ from the table, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~,~e, passed unanimously. Mr. D'Errico said that, to the best of his knowledge the following sequence of events led to the probl~n with the lift at the municipal garage: The purchase order to pay E~C Construction for ccl~pletion of the garage addition was issued in September 1987. When the Jergens Co. cam~ in to install the lift it was discovered that a three phase electrical service was needed; a request for this service was made on October 6, 1988, o~ year and one ~nth after tb~ discovery. C. L. & P. installed the service in the Spring of 1989. It was then that the problems with the lift operation w~re discovered. The fact that the lift sat in the ground, unused, for over a year, caused it to rust. Deputy Mayor McNair asked what Jim Simons, Chief Mechanic, was doing all this time? Mayor Peters said his job is to see that Town -2- vehicles are kept in good repair. He said that although this is a very ~g job, he should have followed through o~ seeing that the lift bec~e operational. The Mayor said that no clerk of the works was hired for the garage addition in an effort to save money and that Dick Russell was to act in this capacity. In a letter received fr~; Dick, he alludes to his many responsibilities as the reason he did not follow up in a more timely manner on this project. Mayor Peters said this is an instance where an attempt to save money backfired and instead resulted in costing money. The Mayor said that it was an unfortunate situation and suggested that a letter be sent to both Mr. Simons and Mr. Russell stating that this type of situation cannot happen again and that if they feel tb~y need assistance in the future to bring it to the attention of the Executive Board, as soon as possible. Mr. D'Errico left the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Corporatic~ Counsel Library Building: Mayor Peters asked the Corporation Counsel if he had an opinion on what the Town can do with the old Peck n~brary building. Atty. Sullivan said to be safe the use should deal with social obligations. Mayor Peters asked Attorney Sullivan's opinion on the following hypothetical situation: The Town votes to lease the building to the Chamber of Commerce for $1.00 a year with the understanding they will take over full upkeep, insurance, etc., and lease the lower floor to the Historical Society for use as a museum. Can this be dc~e legally? The Corporation Counsel said yes, that this would satisfy any limitations there might be in the gift of the building to the library. Firing Range: Attorney Sullivan said that in his opinion the Town should have a written agreement with any outside organization that uses the firing ranges that would include a hold harmless clause and a statement of liability insurance. Mayor Peters asked Attorney Sullivan to draw up a draft of an agreement. He said that he would, conferring with Chief Charamut before drafting it. Mayor Peters re~_ested that the agreements become effective January 1, 1990. Bristol Besource Recovery Facility Agreements: -Deputy Mayor MoNa{? moved to authorize Mayor Peters to sign an agreement with the Bristol Resource P~covery Facility to assign its grant for Tipping Fees from the State to tb~ BRRFOC as agent, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~a~e, passed unanimously. These monies would tb~n be used to stabilize the tipping fee at the facility. -Mayor Peters moved to approve amm~dm~nt No. 2 to Amsnded and Restated Service a~ree~mt, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mu~,~__de, passed unanimously. This amendment accc~plisb~s trod changes. The first would be to expand the permitted deliveries of waste frc~ 600 tons per day to the maximum amount the plant is capable of burning. The second change -3- would be to delete the Additional Waste Service Fee for waste in excess of 600 tons per day a~] increase the Operating and Maintenance Expenses paid to Ogden Martin from $335,083 to $351,218. Law Suit: Attorney Sullivan informed the Board that the Spector/Peters law suit has been settled. He said that although the Town was not a part of the suit it was named in it and therefore the Town must approve any settlement of such a law suit. Mayor Peters asked what the settlement meant for the Town. Attorney Sullivan said that the Town would agree to accept the road as long as it meets Town rec~{r~nents. Mayor Peters moved to accept the settl~m~ent of this case, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Attorney Sullivan, Dr. McIntosh and Brian Koonz left tb~ meeting at '8:40 tan. Old Business Lift: Municipal Garage Taken up under Personnel/Purchasing Matters. Library DediCation Mayor Peters moved to remove this item from tb~ table, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters said that the Library Board had r~quested that the Executive Board handle the part of the dedication ceremony that would give tribute to Blanche Delaney. He said. that they had reques~ several things such as a proclamation, a tree planting, and flowers for Mrs. Delaney. Invitations to the dedication would be handled by the Library Board and they requested that invitations to the tribute be handled by the Executive Board. Mayor Peters said that he would utilize his SeCretary amx~ other personnel to get the invitations mailed. Charter Draft Revisions Mayor Peters said that in reading the inst~_ctions of the Corporation Council regarding the procedure to be followed, according to State Statutes, the Executive Board must meet with the Charter Revision C~nnission to present their z~cc~endations. Based on this Mayor Peters moved to schedule a Special Executive Board Meeting for Tuesday, September 26th at 8:00 tan, secomd~ by Deputy Mayor ~uade, p~a m~nim~sly. Appointments to Boards and Mayor Peters mmved to accept with regret the resignation of Vincent Biscoglio from the Park am~l Recreation Cc~',,,~ssion, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~ad~, passed unanimously. -4- Athletic Fields: ~3_bk~__rd School Mayor Peters referred to a letter frcm Steve Kelly, addressed to the Superintendent of Schools, regarding the loss of land f~-~,L the athletic fields at Hubbard School that will result when the proposed addition to the school is built. Mr. Kelly said that in order for these fields to be continued to be used they will have to encroach into w~tlands. Mayor Peters said that this would have to go before the Inland-Wetlands C~,,,,{ssion and would be costly. The Mayor asked that a copy of this material be forwarded to Dr. McIntosh, Chairman of the Finance Board. United Nations Day Mayor Peters asked that the Deputy Mayors take the information hume and review it for discussion at the next meeting. Pension Investment Recc, m~endat{_nn_s Deputy Mayor McNair moved to approve the reoa,.~endat~ons of the Pension Investn~nt Cc~nittee for the investment of pension funds, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Berlin Youth Soccer Association Deputy Mayor McNair moved to approve the request of the Berlin Youth Soccer Association to allow th~, and the Kiwanis Club to sell food at tb~ Soccer Jamboree on Saturday, October 14th, at Sage Park, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Additions to the Agenda Mayor Peters moved to add the following items to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor M~,~d~, passed unanimously: 1. Mayor Peters moved to award Drainage Contract - PW 90-02 to R.A.Berlandy and Sons, low bidder, in the ar~unt of $49,885, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. 2. Mayor Peters moved to award the contract for landscaping work at 418 Alling Street to Country Style ?_~_ndscaping, low bidder, in the an~unt of $1670, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. 3. Mayor Peters moved to schedule a Special Town Meeting for Thursday, October 5th at 7:00 [an in the Meeting Roan of the Town Hall and set the following items for the agenda: - Noise Ordinance - Mattabassett District Appoin~rent: Livio Dottor - Resolution .Authorizing the Mayor to Sign an Agre~nent with the State for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Rt. 5 and 15 and Spruce Brook ~oad. -5- Changes in Executive Board Schedule Due to several conflicts in the following changes were made in the . Executive Board meeting schedule: , Cancelled the meetings of October 3rd and 10th; Scheduled the following meetings: September 26th at 8:00 p.m. October 5th at 5.-30 p.m. October 17th at 7:00 p.m. Finance B~t Transfers and/or Appropriations Ali of these items were taken up Personnel/Purchasing Matters. Tax Befunds Executive Session Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 9:30 pm to discuss possible land aoquisitions, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~_,._~d_e, passed unanimously. Present were members of the Executive Board. Mayor Peters moved to exit E~ecutive Session at 9:40 pm, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~,~e, passed unanimously. No action taken. Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:41 pm, seconded by ~anice Serafi~6, ]~-%l~'ve Sec~e~ -6-