1989/08/15APPROVED EXECUTIVE~ARD~ August 15, 1989 Mayor Robert J. Peters called the meeting to order at 7: 03 ~m. Present were Deputy Mayor Karen Mc~ad?, Deputy Mayor James McNair, Dr. John McIntosh, Blanche Delaney, Jim Tiezzi, Jim D'Errico, and Brian Koonz-Herald Reporter. Approval of Minutes Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of August 1, 1989 as written, secomded by Deputy Mayor M~ku~le, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of A&lgust 8, 1989 as written, seconded by Deputy Mayor M~mde, passed unanimously. Audience of Citizens Blanche Delaney wanted to c~.,t~nt on the article in the paper tonight dealing with the old Peck Memorial Library building. She referred to the resolution and ordinance ese~hlishing the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. Jim Tiezzi said that his feeling is that the Town should not sell the building. He said he thought there was a possibility of hooking up that building with the present KGS building, and with imaginative planning and design create a new Ommmity Center facility. Mayor Peters said that he tended to agree with Mr. Tiezzi. He said that he liked the structure and that the Town Planner, Bill Voelker, had requested that the Town give serious coasideration to saving the building for Town use. He said that several suggestions have been made as to possible use of the building, o~e being locating the Nursing Service there. Mrs. Delaney said that she felt the Town has a problem with its public buildings that are vacated, that being they are not maintained properly. She also asked if the building is sold could a restricted deed be drawn up so that the building w~uld be maintained in keeping with the Town's desires. Mayor Peters said that she had brought up tw~ points, one being that consideration w~mld have to be given to what kind of strain w~uld be put on the employees to maintain another building, and secondly, a restricted deed w~uld lc~r the value of the property. He said that there was no pressure to make a decisic~ on the building now and this was why he wanted to begin discussing the matter, as there is time to make a wise decision. Deputy Mayor McO3_a_d~ asked of the possibility of letting the Historical Society use the building to display the many items of tin ware that are in Town. She said that the Meeting House on Worthington Ridge, where they planned to display these it, s, still was not ccmplete. Mayor Peters said that the Society was not a division of Town gove~-~a~nt and many organizations would like to have the use of the building. Jim Tiezzi said that he would tend to be against the Society using the building as it might delay the need to c~lete the Meeting House. Mayor Peters concluded the discussion by saying it was too nice a building to make a quick decision on its future use. At 7:15 Jim D'Errico and Blanche Delaney exited the meeting and Bob Wise joined the meeting. Mayor Peters asked Mr. Wise if he h_~_ sc~thing to bring before the Executive Board. He said that he wanted to infom theu of an incident that had occurred at the Golf Course involving his ten year old son. He said that his wife had brought his son to the course to play golf, as he had been doing for two or three years. The S~_~___~cer on duty refused to allc~ him to play, saying that he was too young. The Starter told Mrs. Wise that kids from surrounding towns had been damaging the course and therefore no children under twelve w~re being allowed to play. Although there are rules listed on the back of the score cards, the Starter admitted there do not see~ to be any es~__~blished rules and regulations governing the course. Mr. Wise questioned whether the rules listed on the back of the cards were ones adopted by the Park and Recreation Cc~ssion or written by the Pro, Mr. Hanson. He said that the Starter suggested that a call be made before ccming to tb~ course to see if children would be allowed to play o~ a particular day. He said that his main cc~plaint was the lack of consistency in the enforcement of rules, and that it seemed to be at the discretion of the Starter on duty at a particular time as to whether children under twelve would be allowed to play. He asked Executive Board to look into developing a set of rules that will be consistently enforced. Lastly, he showed the Board members a handwritten gift certificate f~-~ the pro shop for $30.00. He said that when he brought it to the shop to use towards greens fees and rental of a cart he was told that he had to use it towards the purchase of merchandise in the shop. He felt that this was unfair and that the Town was being taken advantage of as they receive a percentage of th~ revenue from greens fees and cart rental but not frum the sale of merchandise in the pro shop. Mayor Peters had a copy of the certificate made and asked Mr. Wise to follow up this meeting with a written letter to the Board stating what he had told them tonight. The Mayor said that when he did this they would follow up on it. Raymond Kavarsky joined the meeting at 7:20 Becapitulation of Minutes Percival Pool: The Mayor said that there are leaks at the pool but they ware not as bad as originally believed. Therefore, the pool will remain open until the end of the season before an attempt is made to locate and repair them. O Ambulance: Mayor Peters said that the KVFD had met and granted permission for the housing of two ambulances at their fire house through June 30, 1990. Old Business Tabled Water Control O~ssion Budget Items Jack Ross, Manager of the Water Control Department, came before the Executive Board, at their request, to explain why the overtime account was over expended, necessitating the budget transfer requests. Mr. Ross said that he was the person responsible for overseeing the accounts and although he felt a prudent budget had been prepared, using trends and past practices as a guide, e~ergency situations cannot be predict~d_. He said that he was happy with the first eleven months but was not happy with the twelfth and thirteenth closing. Mr. Ross proceeded to explain the account set up, as set forth by the Public Utility Control C~,,.~ssio~. Mayor Peters said that with the number of accounts they r~quire he could understand the potential nightmare in keeping track of balances. Deputy Mayor McNair said that he appreciated all that Mr. Ross had said, but he was sorry he still did not understand where the overtime came from. Mr. Ross said that a problem at tb~ Middletown Boad sewer pumping station was probably what caused most of the overtime. The Mayor said that some type of warning flag should c~me up in the computer system to alert of possible over expendLng, to allow for prior approval of a transfer of funds. He said that the Board now has to approve the funds and it does not like to be put in that situation. Mr. Ross said that he would like to be able to come before th~ and tell them that a particular line it~n budget was very close to being depleted and he felt that the system was ~ stronger and eventually it will allow him to do this. Mayor Peters asked if the overtime was a separate account and when told it was not said that maybe this was the probl~m~. Mayor Peters thanked Mr. Ross for coming into the meeting. Mr. ROss then left the meeting at 7:43 ~. Atty. Sullivan and Donald Ward joined the meeting at this time. sign Donation: Junior League Mayor Peters said that they had to select a location to place the sign that the Board had agreed to accept from the Junior League of New Britain. Deputy Mayor Mc~3_a~e said that she was no longer in favor of the sign and did not feel that the Town warranted it. Mayor Peters ren~nded her that they ha_a_ already agreed to accept the sign and had so D~fied the League. After a discussion on the matter the Mayor said that he would contact Melinda Martin of the League and ask her to put the project on hold. New Business Appointments to Boards and Director of Emergency Management/Fire Inspector: Mayor Peters informed the Board that Matt Odishoo had been s~rn in that morning in these tw~ positions. He said that his immediate assignments w~re to cc~plete the 911 back up unit at the Berlin Fire House, cc~plete the town wide Emergency Plan and arrange for a dry run, and to co,tact the F.A.A. at Bradley Field regarding the landing flight pattern over Berlin. Historian: Mayor Peters said that Suzann Beckett had come in to speak with him regarding the position of Historian for the Town. said that she was eager to give it a try. He Mayor Peters then moved to appoint Suzann Beckett as Historian for the Town of Berlin, seconded by Deputy Mayor M~Quade, passed u~nim~ly. Mr. Kavarsky left the meeting at 7:50 Discussion of Resolution Establishing the Belin-Peck M~orial ~rary Mayor Peters asked the Deputy Mayors and Corporation Counsel Sullivan to take h~e and review the Resolution and Ordinance that est_~lished the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. He also asked Atty. Sullivan to research the State Grant for the library to see if there were any restrictions placed on the old library building. Donald Ward asked if he could speak to the Board about the future use of the building. He said that he felt that it was an historical building and should be k~pt by the Town as a landmark. Mr. Ward said that the Town should co~sider establishing a muse%~ for the display of its tin ware and proc~_cts manufactured in Berlin, just as other cities have to display their towns' wares. He said that State m~ney is available for funding of such a musette. Mr. Ward suggested that the Chamber of C~mm~_rce have their office there, with daily office hours they could mintain and oversee the building. Mayor Peters thanked Mr. Ward for presenting his ideas on the library building to the Executive Board. He said that the Board would take them under consideration. Mr. Ward left the meeting at 8:04 Begistrars of Voters' Disa~t on District 2 Voting Location Mayor Peters referred to letters written by tb~ ~=gistrars of Voters regarding the Democratic Registrar's request to move the location for voting in District 2 back to the American Legion frc~ the M~Gee Middle School. He said that last year both Registrars and the Town Clerk came to him, requesting that the voting place be moved from the Legion to M~C~c due to the poor condition of the Legion parking lot, dinginess and inadequate lighting. He said that they told him that the poor lighting made it difficult for election ~rkers to read voting lists and for voters to read items on the ballots. He said that it had been just over one year since the change was made and that he personally was not in favor of moving back to the Legion at this time. He said that the original request for a change had been ccmplied with, and two of the three requesting the change last year w~re still satisfied with McGee School. Further more he said that the letter dated July 27th, requesting the move was f~-fx~-~ the Democratic Town Cc~mittee and that the Executive Board does not answer to a Town C~,,,J ttee. Mayor Peters moved to deny to go to a Town Meeting with the request and not to consider it further as there had been compliance with the request made just over a year ago, with tw~ of the three requesting that change still in a~t with it, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~3_ad_e. The vote was Mayor Peters and Deputy Mayor McQuade in favor, Deputy Mayor F~Nair opposed. Deputy Mayor McNair said .that the Board was denying the voice of the people and that they would have to petition to put in on the agenda of a Town F~eting. Mayor Peters said that he did not feel that the voice of the people was being denied and that the Executive Board would not be dictated to by the Democratic Town C~t,,,{ttee. The Mayor further stated it appears that the Democratic Registrar of Voters is under pressure from his Town C~,.,,~ttee to get the voting location changed as h~ is the only one of the three that feels the McCcc location is not Deputy Mayor McNair said that the people will have to have their say. Corporation Counsel Corporation Counsel Sullivan passed out copies of a proposed Noise Ordinance to the Executive Board for their review. The Executive Board discussed the case between the Z.B.A. and Zoning Oannfssion regarding the fee of Atty. Byrne, representing the Zoning C~,','~,{ssion. Atty. Sullivan said that there was no written agreement with Atty. Byrne as to his fee, only a verbal uD~erstanding that the cost for that type of case should be about $3500. He said that at the present time Atty. Byrne's fee is more than $4700 and that he has agreed to cap it at $5800. The Executive Board at the time had appropriated $3500 for his fees and Mayor Peters said that if the Zoning Oa~,~,{ssion wants to propose something more then let them, he was not going to move on it. Mayor Peters referred to a letter from Nick Chirloo, Building Inspector, to Mr. A. Gerdis, denying his application for a building permit to construct a storage building on his property on Bishops Curve, as it would not be in compliance with zoning regulations. Atty. Sullivan said that he would like to talk with the Board about the F.O.I. suit filed against Dr. McIntosh in Executive Session. He asked that Dr. McIntosh and Jim Tiezzi remain. Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 8:37 ~m to discuss the F.O.I. suit and the Dukon court case against the Town, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~3_~e, passed unanimously. Present were the Executive Board, Atty. Sullivan, Dr. McIntosh and Jim Tiezzi. Dr. McIntosh and Mr. Tiezzi left themeeting at 9:00 Mayor Peters moved to exitExecutive Session at 9:20 ~m, secoDd_edby Deputy MayorMcQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to add to the agenda the following two items dealing with the proposed mobile hc~e park, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed tmanimously: "A Resolution of the Town of Berlin Authorizing the Executive Board to Create and Maintain a Mobile F~me Trailer Park" and an "Amendment to Ordinance No. 4-89 Concerning Exemption of Municipal Property From the Berlin Zoning Regulation". The first item is a revision of a Resolution passed at a Special Town Meeting on May 30, 1989, and the Amendment is to an Ordinance passed at the same meeting. Mayor Peters moved to accept both of the above mentioned irons and place then on the agenda for the next Special Town Meeting, seconded by Atty. Sullivan left the meeting at 9:22 Mayor Peters moved to schedule a Special Town Meeting for Tuesday, August 29, 1989 at 7:00 ~n in the Meeting Roc~ of the Town Hall and set the agenda, as per attached, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Special Executive Board Meeting Mayor Peters proposed that tb~ Executive Board hold a Special meeting o~ Tuesday, August 22nd to review the Charter Revision draft and a couple of other it~ns. The Deputy Mayors agreed and the meeting was set for 7:00 ~x~. Mayor Peters said that under Public Act 88-270 one person is to be appointed to represent the Town in gathering information on the towing of abandoned motor vehicles in order to receive the 50% reimbursement from the State. He said that he had spoken with Chief Charan~t and asked if Sgt. Valentine could handle this for the Tc~n. The Mayor said that the Chief was in a~t and therefore he was appointing Sgt. Maurice Valentine to be the Town's liaison with the State to apply for State reimbursement for towing abandoned motor vehicles. Mayor Peters moved to add to the agenda the appointment of members to the Jury Cc~mittee, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimm~ly. Mayor Peters moved to name Dorothy Warren, Florence Murphy and Clarissa Dacey to serve another term on the Jury C~,~.~ttee, for a term to expire 10/31/90, pending their agreement, seconded by Deputy Mayor MCNa~r, passed unanimously. Budget Transfers and/or Appropriations 1. Mayor Peters moved to table a request by Gary Clinton for transfers to fund the newly approve Police comtract pending a further clarification of the amounts from the Finance Director, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~3__~__d~, passed unanimously. 2. Mayor Peters moved to approve a request of Personnel Director Jsm~es D'Errico to transfer funds in the amount of $320 to cover a shortage in the Advertising account for 1988-89, secom~ed by Deputy Mayor M~, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to remove fr~n the teble two budget transfer requests from the Water Control C~',-,¥.~ssion, secanded by Deputy Mayor M~9~ade, passed unanimously. 3. Mayor Peters moved to approve the following two requests frcm the Water Control Cc~ssion to cover an over expenditure in the overtime account, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously: -A transfer of $4929 to cover salaries am~ a transfer of $186 to cover social security taxes for these salaries. 1. Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to refund $34.14 to Edward Bernat for over payment of taxes, seconded by Deputy Mayor McNa~r, passed unanimously. 2. Deputy Mayor F~Nair moved to refund $6.16 to Elisa Rivera for over payment of taxes, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. 3. Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to refund $68.38 to Carrier Tree service for over payment of taxes, seconded by Deputy Mayor McNair, passed unanimously. 4. Deputy Mayor Mcbride moved to refund $99.09 to Henry MaChO for over payment of taxes, secomded by Deputy Mayor McNair, passed unanimously. 5. Deputy Mayor M~de moved to refum~ $65.00 to Arlene LaRosa for over payment of taxes, secomzled by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. ~oloyee Term/nation Forms Mayor Peters moved to approve projected termination pay for Elizabeth Shanley, civilian Dispatcher, in the amount of $446.04, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve projected termination pay for Bruno Rc~egialli, Public Grounds Depa~-;.Lent, i~ the m~ount of $422.28, seconded by Deputy Mayor McfaCe, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve projected termination pay for Betsy Gaud/an, Clinical Supervisor Nursing Services, in the amount of $1697.72, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Mr. D'Errico asked permission of the Board to advertise for the Civilian Dispatcher and Maintainer II positions. Mayor Peters moved to grant him this penmission, seconded by Deputy Mayor McNair, passed Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 ~n, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. Janice Serafino, ExecUtive Secretary FA, REiN Mo McQUADE; TOWN OF BERLIN TOWN HALL · BERLIN, CONN. 06037 ROBERT J. PETERS JAMES i_ McNAIR Joanne G. Ward, T~wn Clerk Bobert J. Pea_ers August 16, 1989 AgenUa for ToW. eting The Executive Board has scheduled a Special Town Meeting to be held c~ Tuesday, August 29, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. in the Meeting Bocm of the Town Hall. The agem~ set is as follows: Amendment of a resolution approved at a Special Town Meeting held May 30, 1989, authorizing replacement of %=~3ro~d storage tanks, chan~ing ~Willard School" to "Griswold School". 2. Amendment to Or~;.nanoe No. 4-89 Concerning Exe~on of Municipal Property fi-s;, the Berlin Zoning Regulation. (Approved at Special Town Meeting o~ May 30, 1989.) 3. ~esolution of the Town of Berlin Authorizing the Executive Board to Create and Maintain a Mobile F~me Trailer Park. 4. To transfer a s~n, not toexoeed $4,635.54 fi-~uaccount %101-2129-121-299 (Contingency) to account %101-2232-101-121 (Overtime) to transfertheCrimePreventionGrantmoneyandcloseoutthe account. (1989/90 Budget) 5. To appropriate a sum, not toexceed $29,106.00 fr~naccount #101-1393-930-944 (Fund Balance) to account #101-2104-121-231 (Tax Refunds). Shuttle F~a~ Country Club overpayed taxes by $29,105.28. This ~ount is to be treated as an advance pa~-nt towards the next year's taxes, but in order to balance the books for 1988/89, it must be shown as a rebate in thisyear. (1988/89 Budget) 6. To appropriate a s~, not to exceed $91,800.00 f;I~-u account #101-1393-930-944 (Fund Balanoe) to account #101-3267-121-142 (Sage Park football field lighting grant). T~e state grant will reimburse up to 40% of the total expenditure after completion of the project. Action ~m/st be taken by 9/1/89. (1989/90 Budget) J. Ward August 16, Page 2 1989 7. To transfer a s~n, not to exceed $6000.00 f~-~u account . $101-2129-121-299 (Contingency) to account (101-2543-131-286 (Kenmere Dam Settlement). The Town recently received $6000.00 as part of the Kenn~re Dam settlement. These funds were eazmarked for the dredging of the Golf Course drop ponds and brooks. (1989/90 Budget) 8. To transfer a su~, not toexceed $4,081.00 frcm account #101-2288-121-293 (Telephone) to account #101-2338-121-294 (Electricity), because of an increase in usage of theTownHall ccmplex. (1988/89 Budget) 9. To transfer a sum, not to exceed $115,051.00 frcm acommt #101-1393-930-944 (Fund Balance) to the following~~ for clothing, radios and eq~i~t for ali fire departmen~ to cc~plywith OS~Asafetystar~rds: #101-2231-121-214 (Clothing) - $70,692.00 #101-2231-121-237 (Radios) - $23,760.00 #101-2231-121-248 (~qui~t) - $20,599.00 (1989/90 Budget)